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Irgendwer congratulations ;)

TEST.G2F and TEST2.G2F There is exceptions for which (who) impossible optimization


Well, I was asked by Tebe to extend last statement. :)



"OPTIMIZE" (line optimization) will work ONLY if there are more than one reference to the same PMG object (currently

only PMG-data are being recognized, so keep in mind you can't improve bitmap-color this way). OPTIMIZE option doesn't change the look of the graphics ; it doesn't interfere with picture's appearance.


Optimalization is based on "unfolding" changes that refer to the PMG object. So these changes are moved into line that are "before" (firstly HPOSP, next SIZEP are to be set up). If changes for the PMG object are being set too 'tight', there wouldn't be free preceding lines to use for and thus optimalization won't work.


If preceding line is that one = 0 then optimalization won't work, either.


If one line contains references to several PMG objects, but in single way, i.e. HPOS0, HPSO1, HPOS2, HPOS3, then optimalization also won't work. That's because there are nothing to 'unfold' in preceding lines.




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You do not pass from limitations simply case.


At first they let's familiarize with capabilities ANTIC.


It will not help program of you from reflection.


Tezz does not pass from limitations of equipment absolutely case, perhaps Irgendwer also. Reading of instruction of program GED (Atari XE/XL) can help.

Those above Tebe's sentences was meant to be a response like this (more correctly written, I hope):

"You just don't understand the limitations. You should familarize with ANTIC's possibilities.

G2F doesn't relieve you at thinking. TEZZ is a prime example of not understanding those limitations, perhaps

IRGENDWER is another, as well.


Maybe reading !manual! for GED (older Atari XL/XE gfx-editor) should help you all."



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Dracon TEZZ is a prime example of not understanding those limitations, perhaps

IRGENDWER is another, as well.

Well, I can only guess it must be the language barrier that what I am saying in this forum is not understood? I DO UNDERSTAND ANTIC AND IT'S LIMITATIONS. I have owned my Atari(s) since 1985 and I did use GED years ago as I have mentioned before a long time ago in this forum. All I was suggesting to include in G2F was an extended facility to actually type commands into a gui and therfore extend the error checking/correction facility. To make it clear, I am not asking tebe to include some miracle feature that can overcome a lamer who has made 900 changes on one line, only to suggest more control at code level to make changes and ease the spread of raster changes across the lines. I really can't see why nobody is grasping the point of what I am suggesting. Perhaps I should draw a diagram?
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g2f (18.03.2006)


add playfield colors optymization (CHECK -> OPTIMIZE BMP): only COLOR0, COLOR1, COLOR2, COLOR3



And the'Left-Edge'-Bug seems also to be fixed. Good Job!


But I have another problem now:

I cannot assign a color/saturation to register 709 'inside a type 2 line' of

a 'generally type 1' picture.


I hope the attached example illustrates my problem: Try to change the color

of the text from mid-gray to any other color but gray-tones -> will not work.

Only lightness will assigned to color 1.


A quick fix (like the one you did before) would be great!


BTW: For other users it could be also problematic, that when you use the bitmap

drawing operations of G2F, the type 2 lines are also accessed as type 1 lines

(with the color-register-alising problem) - or is this a feature? (Test: Just use

the G2F drawing operations inside the blue bar.)


Thank you for your attention



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I have owned my Atari(s) since 1985...

nicely explained :)

(But in my case substitute the 1985 and insert 1984...)



Perhaps I should draw a diagram?


I hoped my GUI-mockup was clear enough. Anyhow, not knowing the

internal organization of G2F, this can mean a lot of implementation

work for tebe. (I thought this was the reason not to establish this

feature, but I'm not so sure anymore...)


I see this feature not only as tool for easing the error correction, but

also a convenient way to 'organize' your images in a central dialogue.


Maybe we can shorten the discussion drastically, when tebe states if he

is generally interested in such implementation or not... (maybe a we can

bribe him with a donation?)




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Tezz I really can't see why nobody is grasping the point of what I am suggesting. Perhaps I should draw a diagram?
Pehaps I should have said "I really can't see why nobody is grasping the point of what WE (Tezz/Irgendwer) are suggesting"
Irgendwer I hoped my GUI-mockup was clear enough
Yes, I thought so too but it seems that the G2F guys have not understood what we mean.
I see this feature not only as tool for easing the error correction, but also a convenient way to 'organize' your images in a central dialogue.
Yes, yes! that is it exactly, I'm glad that someone is singing from the seem hymn sheet as me.
Maybe we can shorten the discussion drastically, when tebe states if he is generally interested in such implementation or not
Yes, perhaps. or, maybe we can both learn some Polish ;)


I appreciate the time and effort that Tebe spends develloping this tool, G2F is a great utility, and it gets better all the time.. hopefully all our suggestions help to bring new features to make this tool even better.

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Irgendwer -> g2f (19.03.2006) http://g2f.atari8.info


Your response time is incredible.

The executable is much bigger than usual - do you released the

debug build?


And just to make you not 'unemployed': It would be very nice if I could

copy a rectangular area out of one image and insert this to another image

(second instance of G2F or sequence of copy, load new image & insert - utilitzation of

the clipboard for G2F blocks...)


Thank you very much


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1. Load gfx

2. SHIFT + M (Move XY)

3. Copy a rectangular area

4. Load another gfx

5. SHIFT + M (Move XY)

6. Paste a rectangular area


Thanks, works ok for me.


Beside this, I feel a little bit stupid, because I miss the operation 'Edit Screen' (former Alt-E) in the

actual release, where I can set some characters inverse, to access the 5th color.


Where can I access this function now?


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Beside this, I feel a little bit stupid, because I miss the operation 'Edit Screen' (former Alt-E) in the

actual release, where I can set some characters inverse, to access the 5th color.


Where can I access this function now?




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Ok, found it!

Is it correct that you only can invert a single character on the screen by pressing

space (which I only found out by trial & error)? Or is there something like

a mouse move & draw mode like clearing the chars when 'drawing' with the right

mouse button?

E.g. when drawing with the left-mouse-button & Ctrl sets the high-bit of the chars -

drawing with left-mouse button and Alt clears the high-bit (or something like that).

That would be a much more convenient way than navigating with the numpad-cursor-

keys and getting a lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) while pressing the space bar... ;)


Thank you for your help


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Ok, found it!

Is it correct that you only can invert a single character on the screen by pressing

space (which I only found out by trial & error)? Or is there something like

a mouse move & draw mode like clearing the chars when 'drawing' with the right

mouse button?

E.g. when drawing with the left-mouse-button & Ctrl sets the high-bit of the chars -

drawing with left-mouse button and Alt clears the high-bit (or something like that).

That would be a much more convenient way than navigating with the numpad-cursor-

keys and getting a lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) while pressing the space bar... ;)


Thank you for your help



(i could be wrong but...) use CTRL + arrows to select a rectangular area, and then you can invert them all at once...

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g2f (21.03.2006) http://g2f.atari8.info


NUMPAD cursors - move rectangular area

normal cursors - modify width and height rectangular area (max 8x8 chars)


By pressing arrow keys from numeric keypad or by clicking onto picture you can move selection area; you can change the size of this area by pressing cursor keys (outside the NumPad) (the area is up to 8x8 chars).


Besides, you can activate other operations in the main window with graphics using these keys:


SPACE - makes selected area as inverted

ENTER - copies selected area into buffer

RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON - inserts buffer's contents on screen (single char or area)


You can use those keys while being in CHARSET window:


ENTER - copies selected char into buffer

Q, W - change pen's color



all g2f files from Forever 7 (without Victory gfx) -> release 22.03.2006 http://g2f.atari8.info/graph2font_v3.8.4.3_full.rar

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Work on my picture stopped again:

In a 'mainly' 1x1 mode picture it is not possible

to change the PRIOR-register even on the 2x1 mode...

(It seems that mixing modes is quite unpopular?!?)


Additionally I'm not sure if it is correct that in a 32 byte wide

image the limit in 2x1 mode is '6' and in 1x1 mode is '4' -

I thought the limit for 32 bytes screen width is allways 6?

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Work on my picture stopped again:

In a 'mainly' 1x1 mode picture it is not possible

to change the PRIOR-register even on the 2x1 mode...

(It seems that mixing modes is quite unpopular?!?)



When doing the changes in the raster code, G2F doesn't show the prior settings correctly. I made similar unreleased pictures (hey mux .-) ) checking them inside A8win+ .


Additionally I'm not sure if it is correct that in a 32 byte wide

image the limit in 2x1 mode is '6' and in 1x1 mode is '4' -

I thought the limit for 32 bytes screen width is allways 6?


You should be more patient. I would be happy if other tools for the A8 were at this high level of achievement.

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[quote name='emkay' date='Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:18 PM' post='1040153'

When doing the changes in the raster code, G2F doesn't show the prior settings correctly. I made similar unreleased pictures (hey mux .-) ) checking them inside A8win+ .


I cannot ENTER prior. I'm not talking about displaying or exposing images.


[quote name='emkay' date='Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:18 PM' post='1040153'

You should be more patient. I would be happy if other tools for the A8 were at this high level of achievement.


Ok, as long as you are patient expecting new images... ;)

Don't get me wrong, I highly appreciate the work of tebe (I mention that many times

before). I just report errors while working with the program.


How do you act:

Don't working with the program or not reporting errors if you encounter them? :?

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