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The Atari 2600+ is live for preorders!


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14 hours ago, jgkspsx said:

Stella on the PC isn't in my living room and doesn't feel like playing an Atari 2600. It also doesn't play 7800 games. It also doesn't play my cartridges. It does work with original controllers if you spend $20 on an adapter. This is the best solution, but not wholly satisfying. (The 2600+ is not yet wholly satisfying either, which is why I don't have one, but am considering getting one after the firmware update.)


Retron 77 runs an ancient version of Stella and has terrible cart compatibility. Also no 7800. Also controller issues.


GameStation Pro is fun but the controllers are very bad, the legal game selection is very limited, and the paddles only work on a few included games. Also not my carts.


Flashbacks have spotty compatibility and bad controller support.


Atari 50 is amazing but it is a terrible overview of the Atari 2600's library because it has no third party games. It also has a very limited selection of games.


I do not have to buy any games. I have them. Hundreds of them.

I don't play at all in the living room so I guess that's where we differ. I do almost everything by my computer setup. I have a huge LCD in my living room and sit so far away from the TV that unless controls are wireless it doesn't make sense. This is not 1982, where a lot of us sat much closer to the TV because they were smaller.  As for Stella, yes it does not play 7800, but other options do..


Retron can be easily updated to later versions of Stella and in fact Stella themselves have made builds just for Retron. As for the bad joysticks, that's hit and miss with anything. You can use your classic Atari joysticks with them so I don't see the issue.


Gamestation Pro is at this moment has a very dedicated fans digging into what you can and cant do with it. They are already working on config files and ways to maybe make paddles work for paddle games not included. I will admit there are some odd games included. I have not tested the controller so I have no comment on that. Again I hear good and bad.


Ive never liked how Flashbacks play. They seem under-powered. I will say the Atari 2600+ played much better.


There is a Christmas update for the Atari 50th coming out soon. With all of the recent acquisitions I foresee possibly M Network and other games included. That would be great.


I am glad you have so many games. But again, I still don't know who this is marketed towards but I guess it is doing good so that's all that matters.


If this is marketed towards the casual gamer then they have to chase down 40 year old games on Ebay and have no nostalgia for plugging in games (and definitely not dip switches)

If this is marketed towards the users who already own games then you would think hardcore Atari gamers would demand more of an FPGA solution over a rom dumper but what do I know?


Anyone ever see the 1994 film Star Trek Generations?

There was this macguffin in the film which was the Nexus. The Nexus is not unlike heaven where you can live the rest of your life how you want it. It is not real, but it FEELS real.


That is the Atari 2600+ and FEELS real enough for most of you. And I really wish that did it for me, but it doesn't. Makes me a bit sad actually lol.

Edited by donjn
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5 hours ago, SparkleFork said:

I had the same issue with missing bullets on Battlezone (which i thought was a PAL cart but it displays in it's proper colours which suggests it isn't!) but that got rectified by turning off Motion Plus on my Samsung TV. Not sure if that helps.

@Ben from PlaionThere were missing sprites in the firing of missiles on NTSC space invaders and I noticed when firing in Defender the ship often disappears.

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3 hours ago, Electric-Dreams said:

It's quite challenging to comment on color accuracy when dealing with a photo of a television screen viewed on a smartphone or computer. I lack information about the applied image settings on the original TV, so nothing is certain... but it seems that the colors are somewhat accurate. Whether on my CRT TV with my PAL Atari 2600 or on my LCD monitor with the Retron 77(with updated stella), the colors for the tracks and the tank are a little more contrasting. Still, making a direct comparison is truly difficult because my screens and monitors are set to my liking.

Yes, it is almost impossible to get decisive information this way. Even the browser manipulate the image.

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All the "missing shots" stuff strikes me as something odd about how this is being upscaled somewhere to result in missing frames.


With a real 2600, stock or AV-modded, it's more-or-less a non-standard 240p/60hz (for NTSC 262-scanline games, or 288p/50hz for standard PAL 312-scanline games) video. If you have an upscaler, it tends to make it 2x 480p, 3x 720p, 4.5x (cutting off top/bottom or scaling/interpolating) 1080p, 5x 1200p or 6x 1440p. There's no frame skipping anywhere with a real console output nor with any of the upscalers.


Is Stella on the 2600+ sending something different that makes it susceptible to a TV skipping frames? Is the HDMI signal setting game mode automatically? Most other modern consoles (and upscalers) do set game mode, although not all TVs with automatically turn on their game mode based on the signal.

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22 hours ago, Lord Thag said:

Has anyone tested if one of the Seagull SEGA -> 7800 adapters for sale on Atariage (here)  works on this thing? My 7800 controllers work fine on the 2600+ so I would assume one of these will adapt sega stuff as well?

Yes, I successfully used my Sega 3 button controller using Ed Ladden's Seagull 78 adapter. It works great for both 2600 & 7800 games. The B & C buttons are the active buttons for 7800 games.

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5 hours ago, donjn said:

If this is marketed towards the casual gamer then they have to chase down 40 year old games on Ebay and have no nostalgia for plugging in games (and definitely not dip switches)

I just did this over the last 2 weeks and it was no big deal. now there's a few expensive games that I really want that I don't want to pay big dollars for but I will eventually obtain those too. Reading here has actually exposed me to a few games I wish I'd known about when the 2600 was actually available


LOVE THIS THING. excited it's getting better.

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10 hours ago, Electric-Dreams said:

It's quite challenging to comment on color accuracy when dealing with a photo of a television screen viewed on a smartphone or computer. I lack information about the applied image settings on the original TV, so nothing is certain... but it seems that the colors are somewhat accurate. Whether on my CRT TV with my PAL Atari 2600 or on my LCD monitor with the Retron 77(with updated stella), the colors for the tracks and the tank are a little more contrasting. Still, making a direct comparison is truly difficult because my screens and monitors are set to my liking. Overall, the color rendering for PAL appears to be better, less dark. But that's just my opinion. Can we get screenshots of PAL games like Space Invaders or Pole Position with the new firmware?

I've just ordered a load more PAL 2600 carts to test, including Pole Position 

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