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AtariAge + Atari Q&A


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I'm cautiously optimistic after reading what Albert and Atari's representatives are saying. That said, I fully agree about the whims of corporate America and the community's concerns around that. We'll just have to hope that doesn't come back to bite us in the end and that this ends up not marking the beginning of the end, but instead is looked back on down the road as a bright new start to a bigger and better AtariAge.


And since Atari SA is participating here, someone there needs to crack the whip and start cranking out some DLC for Atari 50. Let's start with Berzerk for the 2600, Frenzy for the 5200, and Warbirds for the Lynx. I know Digital Eclipse is ready and willing. ;) 

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7 hours ago, MrZarniwoop said:

Curious what specifically you are referring to as whitewashing? It may be worth clarifying, in case it was unintentional and can be addressed.

The whole current operation with AA. I would be more than happy if that could be "addressed".

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15 hours ago, TrogdarRobusto said:

Even if you thought the Atari Token was a good idea, and many, many people did not, the execution was not up to the standards of the new team which is why we shut it down.

Then you should get that off your website ASAP. When I looked at your website and saw Token and blockchain everywhere, I was horrified. General people fear blockchain and crypto because they don't understand it and atari.com doesn't do a very good job of explaining what it is or why it's beneficial to anyone who would be browsing the website.

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47 minutes ago, D-Type said:

Then you should get that off your website ASAP. When I looked at your website and saw Token and blockchain everywhere, I was horrified. General people fear blockchain and crypto because they don't understand it and atari.com doesn't do a very good job of explaining what it is or why it's beneficial to anyone who would be browsing the website.

I know all of this really well as a dev but old school gamers don't,he really should remove it,Or explain to them in detail what it is.I'm going to explain it to you D-Type in private because your vocal about it and you can explain to others.

Edited by Jag_Mag
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27 minutes ago, Jag_Mag said:

I know all of this really well as a dev but old school gamers don't,he really should remove it,Or explain to them in detail what it is.I'm going to explain it to you D-Type in private because your vocal about it and you can explain to others.

Thanks for the offer. I work for a large financial institution that deals in commercial digital assets and utilizes distributed ledger tech.


IMHO classic retro gaming has no need for things such as NFT to represent an asset, the physical hardware is the asset, and I'm not a collector anyway.


Modern retro, well, not really my thing, if you can find use for crypto, go for it 🤷‍♂️

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11 minutes ago, D-Type said:

Thanks for the offer. I work for a large financial institution that deals in commercial digital assets and utilizes distributed ledger tech.


IMHO classic retro gaming has no need for things such as NFT to represent an asset, the physical hardware is the asset, and I'm not a collector anyway.

Yeah I have a problem with that to,what's the need for NFT

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8 hours ago, Albert said:

I wanted them to be more visible at the top of the forum, I have no idea how many people get all the way to the bottom.  I probably should add a message to the top of the forum to point people to my announcement, which then has a link to this thread. 



Yeah. Nobody reads site announcements. Pfft! We generally figure it out as we go.

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4 hours ago, Atariboy said:

I'm cautiously optimistic after reading what Albert and Atari's representatives are saying. That said, I fully agree about the whims of corporate America and the community's concerns around that. We'll just have to hope that doesn't come back to bite us in the end and that this ends up not marking the beginning of the end, but instead is looked back on down the road as a bright new start to a bigger and better AtariAge.


And since Atari SA is participating here, someone there needs to crack the whip and start cranking out some DLC for Atari 50. Let's start with Berzerk for the 2600, Frenzy for the 5200, and Warbirds for the Lynx. I know Digital Eclipse is ready and willing. ;) 

Yeah, same here. I think a lot of us are jaded with some of the shenanigans that we've been critical of before. They've often been accused of effectively misreading the room or doing quick little cash grabs. But recently they seem to be getting things on track and if they continue to do that then most of us will be cheering them on.

I've bought very few games for the Switch and, TBH, its spending most of its time not getting a second look, but one I did buy was Tempest 4000 because I loved Tempest 2000 on the Jag. And it's just as good. I'll sometimes take it to the yard we keep our horse and sit in the car just playing T4K while my daughter goes off for a ride. I sold my boxed Jag a few years ago before the market went nuts but kept my copy of T2K "just in case". It doesn't necessarily mean that they have to stick to their old IP, though. But original games cost more to produce and, in some sense, the market's more unpredictable. At least with a modernised version of classic IP, you should already have a ready and willing user base.

I would like them to re-release every title they ever created, even ET or Pac-Man. A smart move from them is to change the box colours from the original so that people don't get conned into thinking they're buying a NIB 1980 original. And I'm happy that they seem to be going back to the coloured boxes rather than the silver ones. And who knows, it might help to drive down the cost of collecting the originals as well with people realising they can buy the re-releases, therefore reducing the number of people willing to pay some of the silly prices on eBay.

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I always liked the Atari 2600 cartridge refrigerator magnets you used to sell. Especially the fake ones of games that were never sold. Will you be bringing them back? Also, what about finishing and releasing old prototypes that never made it to market, like Garfield and the ROTJ Ewok Adventure, or even making new games from 70s and 80s properties like Battlestar Galactica or the Micronauts?


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12 hours ago, WAVE 1 GAMES said:

This iteration of Atari is not a giant corporation. They are a newer much much smaller version of Atari trying to rebuild a dead brand for the people they are supposed to be appealing to. Atari hasn't gotten enough props for all of their latest efforts IMHO. What I see here with Atari purchasing AtariAge is them again trying to connect with it's community and keep the brand alive, refreshing and new Just as Albert has done over the past 20 years with the AA store, what I'm seeing in the Q&A is a lot of push back from the community on every single thing that they can think of to try and hold over Atari. It's not fair. The long running gag of the VCS being a taco box was a stupid unfunny joke that went on for far too long. It was a contributing factor to the group minded disinterest in the console and the wide spread disinformation that the console was just an Android device (its not) or a Retro pi. I'm seeing the same trend with the 2600+ people trash talking it before it is even in peoples hands. The reason the VCS was dead on arrival is because it was never even given a chance by the very people who it was targeted for. Half of you still have no idea what exactly it is or what it even does. There is also some blame on Ataris part due to lack of marketing, slow distribution and non existent international sales but that's a whole other story. If you have the mind set that this is some sort of evil corporate takeover and that Atari is the devil then you aren't even giving Atari a chance. My girlfriends mom is convinced that the government is watching in on her through her laptop camera and they are evil. I told my girlfriend "Honey the government doesn't want to see your mom naked, nobody wants to see that." Guys Atari doesn't want to see you naked either. Stop looking for a hidden evil when all Atari has done up to this point is tried to rebuild and RECHARGE the brand that you supposedly love! Some of these people at Atari have been going through pure hell just to try and do a good job with such low numbers of staff and resources and here we are a community (A LARGE COMMUNITY) of talented individuals, coders, tinkerers and Atari fans who can now CONTRIBUTE to Ataris mission and help them become the Atari you want them to be. Lets not waste that opportunity, let's support Atari and give them a fighting chance instead of being closed minded and shunning them away as if they were some sort of evil entity. Lets give them new ideas and tell them what it is we are wanting or expecting. Let's put all of our many talents together and help Atari integrate into the community that was made for Atari. Let's not repeat what happened with the VCS. Look at all of the games that have been distributed though the AA store, look at all of the funky controller and console mods you have all shared and in some cases even produced and sold over the years. The pictures of your collections you show off in threads. This is what Atari is here for. Don't be closed minded and slam the door in their face before they even have a chance to say hello. I saw one user who posted that they would be leaving the forums for good because Al sold his soul to the devil. Really the devil? How exactly are these people who go to work everyday to try and rebuild the brand you come here everyday to discuss the devil? It's just silly.


Be nice guys and give this whole thing a shot. The ball is in the communities court of how you want things to go from here, Keep an open mind and help Atari. Don't be a negative or toxic force towards Atari as how many times has your favorite brand been destroyed over the years before? Nobody wants that anymore.


In closing I will just say one more thing. I found the long running taco box jokes about as lame as why did the chicken cross the road, it was never really funny, just lame. And a bit disrespectful to ask an Atari employee trying his best to do his job about tacos as its a direct reference to said negativity.


But with all of that said I hope some of you can consider changing your mindset as embracing Atari with open arms is the only thing that makes any real sense.




As a very small shareholder I do see that this Atari should not be compared to any of the older Atari companies prior.  Unlike the others they were either stuffed into an entertainment company that sucked it dry when profitable only to cut it lose during hardware sale decline.  This does not include turning it into a computer company, a disc dive manufacture, an educational company within a toy manufacturer and on and on.  These guys are staying focused.  As for the VCS not being understood...the same could be said for the NVidia Shield and it has done very well.  I see the VCS for a person that does not have a lot of room and needs a computer, a video game system, a media streaming device, but does not want it portable.  Target person...a college student.  This also fits nicely in a home entertainment system...would have been nice with a dedicated remote taking one into direct streaming.  As far as the taco box...people hate to hate and sometimes bad publicity can be great and sometimes it sticks like glue.  People love to compare and have never worked in manufacturing, distribution, marketing, programming, licensing, development or even within a board of directors to understand a company.   I am not just speaking about doing that in one nation, but on a global scale and at the same time...doing acquisitions and stitching the various parts together.  It's complex and dynamic.  I personally believe is the leadership and I feel they are onto something.  Just look at the last 2 years and you could see all the research and development.  Atari has partnered with more than 10 companies and has acquired much of its past...without doing a major debt offering as in the past.  I bet within two years most will be turning heads on their direction.

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1 hour ago, Tickled_Pink said:

it might help to drive down the cost of collecting the originals as well with people realising they can buy the re-releases, therefore reducing the number of people willing to pay some of the silly prices on eBay.

I doubt that...


We already have a million ways to "play" these old atari games very cheaply. Not many,  if any, people are tracking down an original Quadrun for $300+ because they want to play it... Its because they collect vintage atari games. 


I'm not saying people won't collect these re releases of old games officially made by atari. They could be quite popular if the right games are made. I am saying there is no way they will change the price of an original. Reproductions has shown us that. 


The only way it might have an impact is if they made them identical to originals, but I imagine a lot of people would have a problem with that...


Anyways, was kind of off topic but I just figured the new overlords could benefit from hearing it. 

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16 hours ago, DirtyHairy said:

As a member of the Stella team, I am less than thrilled by this news. Atari is using Stella to power the 2600+, and they certainly ain't paying for it, and they aren't exactly upfront about what emulator is powering their product either. Now, I am not saying this because I want to complain, I licensed my code as GPL when I contributed it to Stella, they have every right to do so, but the point is that this is a company. They have a business plan, their goal is earning money, they won't give away anything for free if it can be monetarized and if they need resources they will try to get them as cheaply as possible. That's how companies have to work as part of our economic system, and I am fine with it. However, I absolutely don't like it when people try to whitewash this as idealism.


Up to now I have been thinking about a community driven place that was about preservation, enthusiasm and passion. If I invest time I do it for myself and for the community. Now AtariAge is owned by Atari, and while I am happy for Al for this opportunity, the mere fact changes the game. Now, if I invest time I am at least partially giving it a company without getting anything back in compensation.


While I wish this place all the best, I am almost sure that, sooner or later, the need for return-of-invest will seep through and change it.

Wouldn't concealing that it is Stella running on it be a violation of the GPL?

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33 minutes ago, Xyla said:

Wouldn't concealing that it is Stella running on it be a violation of the GPL?

If they make changes to the Stella source to power their product, then they need to share those changes under the same license. I don't think they are literally hiding the fact that they are using Stella, just not explicitly advertising it. 


Now, Atari contributing to the Stella project if their products rely upon Stella would be a nice gesture of goodwill, mind you. 

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