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Cuttle Cart 2 Discussion Thread


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I've tried it with and without the plastic clip. Same result.

Are there any CC2 owners in the Phoenix metro area? I'm in Mesa. Perhaps it would be possible to put my MMC in a known working CC2 and see if I need to reformat?

you may as well do that anyway, nothing to lose really, hope you get it sorted though

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I sent some pictures to Chad Schell, and I'm sad to report that the u7 chip was knocked clean off the board and a trace was damaged. I've got instructions from Chad, and the part is available, but lord help ke I don't have the skills to handle a solder job this tiny. Anyone on this board have a suggestion for who can help?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I sent some pictures to Chad Schell, and I'm sad to report that the u7 chip was knocked clean off the board and a trace was damaged. I've got instructions from Chad, and the part is available, but lord help ke I don't have the skills to handle a solder job this tiny. Anyone on this board have a suggestion for who can help?

Did you ever have any luck with this? It is the same thing that happened to me a few years ago. Could you PM me the instructions that Chad sent you? Thanks!

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  • 1 year later...

Find out what bank switching is needed (usually specified in the game's development thread somewhere). Add an appropriate line to your menu.txt. Run cc2menu.exe (available from Chad Schell's website). Copy the newly generated menu.cc2 to the root of your MMC card and copy the game's *.bin file to the GAMES directory. Game ROMs must use 8.3 file names.

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Yeah, they don't work unless you put them in the menu. The manual explains how to put things into the menu. Typically I right click the game's *.bin file and see what the file size is and then use the appropriate bankswitch for the menu entry. If Pacman Plus did the game most likely the Menu line would look something like this:


Pac-man Collection PACCOL HSC 78BIOS


The first part of the entry is what you will see in the menu screen. The second entry is the file name of the bin. They're limited to 8 characters. If you download a bin with a name that is longer than 8 characters you will be required to rename it to something shorter. The third entry is the bankswitch file. In this case it's HSC because this game uses the High Score Cart like all the rest of PMP's games. For other games one can look at the list of bankswitch files listed in the manual. The fourth entry is for the bios file. The bios file entry will be 78BIOS 99.99999999999% of the time.


Once you get the menu file created do all the stuff GroovyBee said to do.

Here's a link to the CC2 page with the manual.



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Find out what bank switching is needed (usually specified in the game's development thread somewhere). Add an appropriate line to your menu.txt. Run cc2menu.exe (available from Chad Schell's website). Copy the newly generated menu.cc2 to the root of your MMC card and copy the game's *.bin file to the GAMES directory. Game ROMs must use 8.3 file names.

is there a thread with an attached file configured for all 2600 and 7800 games and homebrews?


can you upload one?


my cart come with nice official games, but not homebrews, and no menu.txt,

so to add files i would have to configure it from the cero,


any help?

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is there a thread with an attached file configured for all 2600 and 7800 games and homebrews?


A search of the forums should find it. It'll most likely be quite out of date so you'll need to add the homebrews that you want to play manually.


can you upload one?


I'm a developer so mine won't be of any use to you.


my cart come with nice official games, but not homebrews, and no menu.txt,

so to add files i would have to configure it from the cero,


Search is your friend ;).

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is there a thread with an attached file configured for all 2600 and 7800 games and homebrews?


A search of the forums should find it. It'll most likely be quite out of date so you'll need to add the homebrews that you want to play manually.


can you upload one?


I'm a developer so mine won't be of any use to you.


my cart come with nice official games, but not homebrews, and no menu.txt,

so to add files i would have to configure it from the cero,


Search is your friend ;).



for example

tried to make a new menu called PPLUS with mooncresta on it


the txt is this


Moon cresta mcresta HSC 78BIOS


then converted with the utiliy to PPLUS.cc2


and copied mcresta to the games directoty

copied the cc2 files to root


but the menu does not show PPLUS ?!

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  • 1 month later...

The CC2 use to be only one menu: MENU.CC2 but Chat updated the software to be a multi menu-ing system but you have to structure the menu’s yourself. Ok so on my CC2 I have MENU.CC2 with 5 sub menu’s in it and it looks like this:

Name Order NAME MENU
Company Order COMPANY MENU
Controller Order CONTROL MENU
Pokey Games POKEY MENU


So the word “MENU” for the rom type tells the CC2 to go to the root of the MMC and look for <rom Name>.CC2 file. Like if I selected “Pokey Games” for the menu above, the CC2 would load the “POKEY.CC2” menu. Now if I want to go from the POKEY.CC2 menu back to the main menu MENU.CC2, I would have to have an entry in POKEY.CC2 to get back.

Return to MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MAIN MENU


Adding <<<<<< to the end helps to know that this is the way back.


I'm adding the WIP.TXT file that I have for the work in progress menu with some of the PacMan Plus rom configs.


Edited by Mot
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all. I just picked up a Cuttle Cart 2 and am trying to get it to work. I *thought* I followed the manual directions for setting up the MMC to the letter, but when I turn on my 7800, I see the CC2 splash screen that says "MMC not detected." The CC2 came with a 32MB Sandisk MMC that seems to work just fine in my Windows 7 PC. It uses the FAT filesystem. I'm going to scrounge around to see if I have another MMC somewhere, but in the meantime, has anyone else been successful troubleshooting this problem?

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An update...


I found an old 32MB MMC from a Rio MP3 player. I decided to pop it into the CC2 without reformatting it, and I got the first screen below. Encouraged, I figured that it would work once I formatted it and added the necessary startup files. However, I got the second screen below that says "Fatal error." This is the only screen that I get from the Rio MMC now.


When I put the Sandisk MMC back in, I get the "MMC not detected" screen (third screen below).


So, I'm guessing that the CC2 is okay, but my MMC cards are the wrong kind or are not formatted correctly. However, I tried formatting them on XP and Win7 systems (FAT file system, which I guess is FAT16) with the same results. Any insights?




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  • 2 weeks later...

I would not format the first one. I would just put the files on it just the way it is.


I have 2 mmc cards one works and the other does not. The one that works 64MB was the one I bought in 2005 and I never formatted it. It came ready to go. I just put all the files on it and it works.


The new one is 128MB and I can't get it to work with my cc2. I've formatted it a few times but it always gives "MMC not detected"


I have not messed around with the Allocation unit size yet.

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I'm pretty sure now that the MMC cards are to blame. I've been corresponding with Chad, and he's been gracious enough to help me troubleshoot this. He suggested formatting the MMC in a digital camera, and that kind of woke the Rio card out of its funk. Now it works intermittently, and I've been able to play some games. Weird though -- it will operate normally, and you cycle the power once, and it reports that MENU.CC2 is not found. Before it did that, it outputted a lot of ASCII gibberish. So I have to think that the MMC is failing. I've got a Sandisk RS-MMC and a SimpleTech regular MMC on the way. Fingers crossed.

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