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Home Vision (updated list on first post!)

Rom Hunter

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Here is my (still misty) theory:


A screenshot from Dragon Defender is on the Home Vision Repro Cart, suggesting that this is a Home Vision game.


The 'looks' of Challenge resembles Dragon Defender a lot, so it's possible that Challenge is also a Home Vision game.


Very vague theory, but clear enough to hang on to.


I don't understand your second question.


Here's a riddle for you, Fox:

Which company originally released Kampf um die Schatzinsel from Quelle?

(by hearing the 'music' it's originally from Taiwan).



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Rom is there an official gamelist or ad that ever said that Col N was an official Home Vision release? If there was then it is doubtful that Go Go Home monster is Col N. If there isn't though then it is very possible that Col N is Go Go for the quelle cart that possesses the title ET Go Home is a little too coincidental to be true. Challenge is obvisouly a cheap Taiwanese production for it bears all the classic signs with crude graphics and cheap sound and seeing that a German company released it as My Way/Mein Weig it seems to me that the game possibly bore another title altogether for to name it My Way from Go Go doesn't seem to make much sense. If Col N was first released in Taiwan and pirated by Home Vision in Europe then changing the name to something more understandble would make perfect sense for the Taiwanese had a habit of putting wierd titles on new games that they developed. I think the answer is staring us stright in the face here. What do you think?

Edited by Foxsolo2000
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Rom is there an official gamelist or ad that ever said that Col N was an official Home Vision release?


If there isn't though then it is very possible that Col N is Go Go for the quelle cart that possesses the title ET Go Home is a little too coincidental to be true.


Challenge is obvisouly a cheap Taiwanese production for it bears all the classic signs with crude graphics and cheap sound and seeing that a German company released it as My Way/Mein Weig it seems to me that the game possibly bore another title altogether for to name it My Way from Go Go doesn't seem to make much sense.

Also true.

If Col N was first released in Taiwan and pirated by Home Vision in Europe then changing the name to something more understandble would make perfect sense for the Taiwanese had a habit of putting wierd titles on new games that they developed.  I think the answer is staring us stright in the face here.  What do you think?

I think you're right.


I'm going to change the Go Go Home Monster AKA into Alien's Return from ITT Family Games (AKA Col 'N' from Taiwan), but I will keep a question mark behind it.



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I thought that you might agree. I am now throwing all my weight behind Col N being Go Go Home Monster. I am also with you in the belief that Challenge is as yet an unconfirmed Home Vision title. I would love to know if Challenge is its true name or if it might be My Way? Et Go Home is obvisously a pirate of Go Go Home monster but do we know for sure who made that one? ;)

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I am also with you in the belief that Challenge is as yet an unconfirmed Home Vision title.  I would love to know if Challenge is its true name or if it might be My Way?

It could very well be another name than Challenge.

Just as Dragon Defender does not have to be the real Home Vision title of that game.


Et Go Home is obvisously a pirate of Go Go Home monster but do we know for sure who made that one?

Go Go Home Monster is most definately a Home Vision title.

You can see it in the Home Vision ad.



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No I meant who originally pirated Et Go Home from Go Go Home Monster? Also we know that Zellers and HES pirated Challenge. The question I would like to know is when did Zellers first pirate the game for perhaps then we might be able to work out the games true idenity.

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But you admit then that no Bitcorp Challenge has ever been found? The question still remains who did HES get the license off for as Rom stated if Bitcorp pirated it of Home Vision they couldn't have granted HES the license for something they didn't own!

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I still reckon that BitCorp had enough nouse to do their own stuff. They did after all make their own computers (the Bit 60, Bit 90 etc. from memory) so they knew what they were doing and had the equipment to do it. I reckon, anyway....


I still believe that Mr. Postman and the like are games by Bit Corp which were then pirated. Though on the other hand I believe many of the Home Vision games were written by them, yet Home Vision have Bit Corp games..? Very confusing.


However, it seems quite possible that Home Vision and Bit Corp both made their own games, but then realised that they could license each others games as well as make their own - this would account for Bit Corp games appearing near the end of the Home Vision numbering.


Either way, these are not your average pirate groups - for one thing we know who they are (pirates tend to like to stay anonymous), for a second thing there was a wealth of material out there to be pirated (like Atari games) which they didn't - they stuck to the little known games that were easy to license.


Plus how many pirate games come in nice flashy plastic boxes like the Homevision ones....

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Some other possibility that occured to me:


Nowadays games are made by huge teams of programmers, graphic artists, story writers, musicians etc. etc. but back in the days games were usually written by 1 person in a few months. Could it be that the programmer behind some of those games was a free-lancer that offered his/her work to multiple companies?

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Good points I agree but it still makes us no closer to the true identity of Go Go Home Monster. If we could just work out which company it was who HES gained the license for Challenge from we might be able to identify if (a) Challenge was a seperate game or (b) if it was truly Go Go Home monster. By the way Rom, Digital Press are also putting Col N down as a Home Vision title. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny thing occured to me yesterday while I was ... er... 'researching'...


Maybe the games with R.J.P.G. at the bottom were actually written by a really big Beatles fan (particularly for Ringo!) :)


Hey, it's the best theory I've come up with so far for those initials! :)


What other crackpot theories can we come up with for those initials....?

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  • 2 months later...

Rom when did you find a pic of Col N with the Home Vision logo on it? I noted that you put on Atarimania that you believe that Go Go is the same as Col N but I guess you still haven't found any concrete proof. Do you really think though that Home Vision woudl have released the same game under 2 different companies? ;)

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As I said on Atarimania, I assume that Col "N" from Taiwan is the same game as Go Go Home Monster from Home Vision and that the name Col "N" is not a genuine Home Vision game-title.


But again: although the few traces that I've found lead to this direction, I'm not 100% certain about it.


Somebody has to come up with the real Go Go Home Monster to end this speculation.


BTW: as you can see, I have left out Traffic and World Trap (for now), because I think that Traffic is just another name for Racing Car (which is the genuine Home Vision cart) and World Trap is probably a misspelling for World End.



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