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Bubsy - Your opinions


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On 1/5/2024 at 11:44 AM, graywest said:

Can I jump in and say I'm honestly happy to know that this thread is still going?  I added my thoughts here in 2006 and almost 20 years have passed since then!

Bubsy will outlive all of us.


6 hours ago, WagTheJag said:

There's an actual Bubsy fan! It must be my lucky day. I think I'm going to play the lotto. 

There's THE actual Bubsy fan, my friend!

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10 hours ago, Biff Burgertime said:

Bubsy will outlive all of us.


There's THE actual Bubsy fan, my friend!

Bubsy is like a spring, the more you swat him down, the higher he springs back up.  What happened.  Tons of anti-fan hate (JonTron and the many that followed), which kept him on the radar.  Then he was thought to be the mystery character in Sonic Forces which lead to two new games in two years.   Hilarious.


Actually heard of another guy on twitter being the biggest Bubsy fan.  That was weird.


12 hours ago, joeatari1 said:

Never read through this thread before.  It's pretty entertaining though, four BANNED members in the first four pages.  Is that a record?  Well, this is the Jaguar forums after all.

Well, when you have a thread as old as this one, and a forum as complicated as the Jaguar forum could be, you get some interesting visitors.


Let's take a look at "the banned"...


On 3/31/2006 at 2:32 PM, The_Laird said:

A pretty poor platformer with rubbish graphics, annoying sound and even worse collision detection. No where near the quality of Zool 2 or Rayman.

I remember Laird.  About all I can say.  He liked Zool 2 and Rayman so obviously alright.

On 4/1/2006 at 11:18 AM, kevincal said:

That first level is a real doosey...LOL

Ahh KevinCal!   He was a regular in the Jaguar High Score club, tried Bubsy, and I in turn tried Cybermorph which was one of his favs.  I just thought Cybermorph was so dull before KevinCal; I can complete Cybermorph in about two and half hours now thanks to him.

On 6/9/2008 at 11:31 AM, Red_Queen said:

If I was player of such games I would have stopped playing all together. This is a kids game and a poor one at that. While it did have some intresting things, the game was worst then Earthworm Jim series.


Earhtworm Jim was lucky since it was creative. The begining seemed like a waste of time but once you get past all the bad jokes and commercial references it becomes a great game.



Bubsy was probably almost worst as the mask and tried slap stick but it failed since the game was just running around with no meaning. I mean even the show is unbeleivable to watch. Back then we kids would watch any toon and most people would just pick up the game.


Bubsy should comeback it will be like Conker.

Red_Queen... reminds me of something I heard in a Yes song once.  Oh wait, that had chess analogies not cards.  Nevermind.


(Really don't remember Red_Queen)


Context: "I think I will have truly arrived when I find the "Bubsy Shirt" that was sold with the earliest copies of Bubsy, and when I find a copy of Super Bubsy for the PC. :D"

On 7/22/2008 at 3:33 PM, Gorf said:

You'll have no competition from me on that one. Promise. :D

Hahah... ah Gorf.   I still enjoy the games Gorf and Surrounded on the Jaguar that he did.  


Well, a shame to whatever lead to them being banned.  But glad they stopped in and commented and hope they are doing well whereever they are.


And back to Bubsy: Atari has Accolade titles, they have the interest in Bubsy, will we see a new Bubsy game, or at least Bubsy added as a patch to the 50th Anniversary Collection?  Stay tuned!




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  • 3 weeks later...

I've never actually played Bubsy on the Jaguar, nor do I have access to it. So I can't check for myself, but I have a question regarding something I saw in the following vid (timestamped to 8:17):

This is from the weekly casual play series that James Rolfe (of Angry Video Game Nerd fame) used to do with his friend Mike. They were infamous for never reading instructions before playing games, they just sit down and try to figure things out. So they often get things wrong or outright miss vital game mechanics.


As you can see, they discover here that B jumps slightly higher than C does, and is the only way they can reach that platform at the start.


Is this an accurate representation of the controls? If so, why? I fired up the original Bubsy on Genesis just now via my RetroPie (+ authentic Genesis pad via USB converter, woohoo!) and C does nothing. B jumps, A glides, there is no "jump slightly higher" button.


Edit: It just occurred to me emulation is a thing, duh. I'll had to give Jag Bubsy a try.

Edited by Biff Burgertime
see Edit at the bottom
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Bubsy on Jaguar is kind of over hated. It's not great tbh, but its problems are mainly the same as the first two games on SNES and Genesis. The same bad controls, one-hit deaths, and fall damage are present in the 16-bit games. But other than that, it does have great music and colorful graphics.


5.7/10 for me

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On 2/3/2024 at 11:04 PM, Biff Burgertime said:

By the way, whenever people give them a bunch of shit in the comments for missing something that was clearly explained in the manual, they reference  Home Improvement for SNES (yes, there was a Home Improvement game...).

When you open its manual up, THIS is all you see:


TIL Home Improvement for the SNES did not include a real manual. Instead,  it included a fake manual with a sticker reading "Real men don't need  instructions". : r/todayilearned

I hate Home Improvement for SNES so much. I remember downloading the ROM 20 or more years ago thinking it would be a funny novelty and the way the game just throws you into the action with no explanations confused me so I searched for a scan of the manual and found that. I was convinced it was some kind of joke but no that's the actual manual. I hate it.




Anyways on the subject of Bubsy. I know this is a thread for the Jaguar game but I never got a chance to play that until much later in life as I never had a Jaguar. I own complete boxed copies of the first two Bubsy games for Genesis. I bought them myself. When I was a kid I legitimately liked those two games even if they were kind of rough around the edges. I've recently tried to replay them now that I am much older and I can't get past the desert levels of the first game and the nonsensical level layouts of the second game stopped my progress through the "Grand Tour" mode to the point I gave up. My parents knew how much I liked Bubsy so when the PlayStation game came out I got it for Christmas that year. Man, that one was rough. I'm glad it wasn't the first game I ever played for the PS1 otherwise I would've seriously doubted the power of the console. I really tried to make the best out of Bubsy 3D but I couldn't swallow that pill no matter how hard I tried. That game was BAD.


I eventually tried out the Jaguar game, which I was surprised to learn was actually the third Bubsy game releasing after the first two on Genesis/SNES. It's almost a good game? But as others before me in the 20 years this thread has been around have said it's very easy to die and this just leads to an overall bad experience with the game. I've never made it beyond the first stage of the Jaguar game.


I do like that Bubsy has become something of an anti-mascot now that the internet has found him and adopted him. Many years ago on my Twitch stream I threatened my viewers with a Bubsy 3D playthrough but when it came time to play the game I did a bait and switch and instead featured the fangame by Arcane Kids "Bubsy Visits The James Turrell Retrospective". I'd never played it before but I was familiar with the developer's other works such as Sonic Dreams Collection and Room of 1,000 Snakes. I absolutely love this parody game. It's hilarious. I won't spoil the ending but I still laugh to this day nearly a decade later. This parody game has become a staple of my stream over the years and it recently appeared as a randomized challenge for my most recent Extra Life charity marathon where upon drawing the game I was presented with the task to "Kill Bubsy" to complete the challenge. I just wound up playing through the entire game again.


Busby: The Woolies Strike Back was featured on my stream as the final game of the 2023 season and I don't know if it was a problem with my video card or what but the game just didn't render correctly. Polygons from the background would obfuscate the rendering of things like the collectibles and enemies in the foreground and it made the game unreasonably hard and not very fun to play. I haven't really messed with the game since then to see if there's something in the game settings I can adjust to fix the graphical glitching.


Just now for the start of this year's run on my livestream I rolled out a thing where viewers can spend some of their accrued viewership points on this animation overlay that causes Bubsy to pop-up in the corner of the video and ask "What could possibly go wrong?" It's been such a hit with viewers that I had to add a 10 minute cooldown on it to prevent it from being spammed constantly. We also have an emoticon of Bubsy for use in the stream chat and it was recently promoted out of the freebie browser extension emote pool into a global Twitch emoticon. And, by popular demand, there is a replica of Bubsy's famous "!" shirt in the online store associated with my stream.


Also I am proudly the fifth member of the Bubsy club here on AtariAge. :P


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/19/2024 at 3:52 PM, Radio F Software said:

I know I'm double posting but too much time has passed and I can't edit my previous post. What I have to share is too important for that to matter though. Behold:



(I don't remember Bubsy's theme song being this good.....)


That is so perfect!!   The cheerful instrumentation with that song.  Wham's "Wake Me Up".   Nice...

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On 2/3/2024 at 10:58 PM, Biff Burgertime said:

Is this an accurate representation of the controls? If so, why? I fired up the original Bubsy on Genesis just now via my RetroPie (+ authentic Genesis pad via USB converter, woohoo!) and C does nothing. B jumps, A glides, there is no "jump slightly higher" button.

Sorry for the wait on the response.   The keys can be remappped, but you figured out two of the controls.  One jumps up a bit and glides, and the other is a straight up jump.  The other you hold down the button and move the D-Pad left or right and you can look at things off screen.

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On 2/8/2024 at 3:15 PM, Radio F Software said:

Also I am proudly the fifth member of the Bubsy club here on AtariAge. :P


Oh good!  Guess we need to get more going on there.

And also check out the Bubsy Bobcat Fan Blog if you don't already.


Got a link for that Twitch channel?

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4 minutes ago, doctorclu said:


Oh good!  Guess we need to get more going on there.

And also check out the Bubsy Bobcat Fan Blog if you don't already.


Got a link for that Twitch channel?

I am already following the blog :) One of the first things I noticed while poking around and getting resituated here on AA.


My Twitch channel is https://twitch.tv/gatorbox . People seem to really like the little pop-up Bubsy and quote, so much that I was getting feedback that he was hard to hear when the game I'm playing is particularly loud. So I had to open up the sound bite in Audacity and increase the volume, resubmit it through Twitch, etc. 😆

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  • 3 months later...
2 hours ago, tripled79 said:

Finally trying to play through this game... It's gonna take a while...

I gave it decent shot but was struck down by the infamous First Level Blues. 

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Posted (edited)

Would you believe I might actually be somewhat over Bubsy.

I know, crazy right?  


Hundreds of times played so there is that aspect.

And I think I've grown tired of other Bubsy fans trashing this game all the while defending Bubsy 3D or their favorite Bubsy game.

I mean Bubsy 3D is there, I liked some things about it, some things I didn't, but I don't go on talking about what I don't like about it.

Turned the other cheek for a few decades, and worked be understanding but I think my f@cks have run out.


I Do still like this game.   Many good memories and wonderful people met because of it.  Faran, Andrew, Micheal, Trevor, Scott, Adrian... just amazing talking to all those.


On 6/2/2024 at 11:20 AM, Editorb said:

I gave it decent shot but was struck down by the infamous First Level Blues. 


Ha... you said "blues" and naturally the First Level Blues song came into my head.

Too funny.


I adore zipping through all the tables in the first three levels, but so many just don't get the Alice levels.  A song should be made.


On 6/3/2024 at 6:01 PM, tripled79 said:

Just getting to the mad hatter on the third level is tedious. Then with whatever lives you have left you'll probably die many cheap deaths...

Hey another good line of the First Level Blues song:


Hey Hatter, what chew steamed about?

Throwing those cups all in the air?

Giving plenty of lumps to spare.

Hansel and Gretel dey the ones that mettle

And you come at me with a kettle?


Oh yeh... those first level blues....

Edited by doctorclu
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1 hour ago, doctorclu said:

Would you believe I might actually be somewhat over Bubsy.

I know, crazy right? 

WHAAAAT? I don't think that's possible.


You just need some developer to release "Bubsy 5: Revenge of the Bubster" or whatever so you can rekindle that old flame.


Then all will be right with the world. 🙂 

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