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Just a bit of my writing... check it out!

Just a small portion of some of my writing....   FireFly's Flight   "So you don't know anythen' about the rose?" The old man searches his companion's face for recognition, just a slight twinge of remembrance. His knotted wrinkles loosen as he smiles. His teeth spotted with black flakes of chew wink at me as he spat to his side. Tobacco juice flies towards a spit bucket that once served as a coffee can for Maxwell House. Good to the last drop it gleefully promised. However in this context, Ri



Atari Lynx High Scores...

Well... I think I'm finally going to start keeping track. I need to submit my scores to Twin Galaxies. My goal is to load a bunch of them to a DVD or two and shoot them all at once to TG to see if I can raid the #1 slots of every game! This should be a fun little project. But... damn it... that means I have to play hours and hours again on Rampage. LOL My goal is to shoot for the high score, in each settings (easy and hard if given the option) and each Easter egg version of the game (lik



My Portable Atari 2600

Hello. Just wanted to throw some pictures of my Atari 2600 portable on here.   The beginning. When I made this, I wanted to make sure it didn't look like crap. I didn't want a Frankenstein looking piece of junk sitting on my shelf. I love the atari lynx, so I figured that I should try to stuff everything in there. I wish I had the original 1st attempt pictures. I had my wires way too long and the two halves would not go together. It was actually quite funny.   Some shots of the



atari project pictures

just a few pics... still in progress.   First attempt... trying to correct a few things   Scrapped the first and restarted on a new 2600 board. (I've got 15 or so 2600 boards I can go through if I need to LOL   Close up of the bottom right-hand side of the board. (connected to pins 2, 5, 7,   This is the left hand side of the board (bottom) Close up again...   This is the top left hand side of the board. (Eventually the place where I tie-in the Select and Reset wires)



Work has started....

OLD POST (Please look below for new pics and progress):         Well... time sure does fly by when you are having fun. I've got a few different projects in the works. I just recently took a week off from work to relax and then decided to start on my Atari project that I had sitting in the shed, all etched out on MDF and Oak boards... just itching to be cut!   So... I began a bit of my work... and changed my plans quite a bit as well.   Take a look at the pics below, and then the desc



Finally grabbing some homebrews.

2007 Holiday Cart: Stella's Stocking = $25.00   A-VCS-tec Challenge Wolfenstein VCS: The Next Mission   Video Game Collector Issue #6     I decided to grab a few homebrews as a treat to myself. I got to looking at the Holiday cart and decided to grab it. Then I remembered that Wolfenstein cart... and then grabbed that A-VCS-tec game because of the reviews. (I'll have to look around in the threads to see what the limited edition one consisted of)   I grabbed that Video Game Collector



Yet another block of HU CARDS...

I have another shipment of HU Cards coming. I think it is to a point where I need to make an Excel Sheet to keep everything in order. Here are the names of the new ones coming in the mail... there are 61 of them. Some are sealed, some complete and some are simply loose cards only. I'm really excited about this lot... there are some cool ones I can't wait to try out! I could use my PCE Flash Cart... but it just isn't the same! LOL   I think this officially puts me at over 200 HU CARDS n



PC Engine HU Cards.....

Well... I got a few big shipments in... all HU Card stuff. I think I'm sitting at around 150 Hu Cards total (counting the US HU Card collection I have).   Not too shabby. Now I need to find more time to play them! And... I wish there was an easy way to figure out which game you have. If you aren't familiar with the Japan games, it is hard to figure out the exact name/title of the game.         Partial list of my new PC Engine Hu Cards   Valkyrie no Densetsu Formation Soccer Huma



PC Engine Dou-R and more

Well... My PC Engine arrived last week. The bad part about it: I didn't have ANY time to really sit down and play any games. I was really busy with work, and then kiddos. I ended up being very tired and for the most part went straight to sleep without any issues at the end of the day.   Today... things will start to slow down again for me. Thank GOD!   I had to get up at 4AM in order to take my boy to the airport. So that kind of sucked. So from there... I decided to come straight



Big Announcement!

Big Announcent!!   Well... I'm happy to announce that I proposed to my girlfriend finally and will be getting married around August of next year!   This weekend, I decided to finally make use of the engagement ring I've been holding onto for a while now. I called up my fiance's father and spoke to him about his daughter. I think it was harder to ask him then it was to ask her.   My Fiance and her entire family have been waiting for this. She hasn't been married before... so this is th



Dreamcast/ITEMS MOST WANTED/more

Well... this is a general blog. Kind of a ramble if anything. Perhaps just notes to keep me in order. LOL   Dreamcast: In many many ways... this system just pisses me off! I like it better than the Jag CD system. I've had this system for a long time as well. But... I only have like 3 or 4 games. I was able to burn a SNES disk for it. Beyond that: NOTHING. I've tried to burn disks to get them working. I'd like to have self-booting disks... but still... I can't get ANYTHING to burn p



PC Engine stuff!

Well... in about two weeks or so... I should be recieving my Region Free modded PC Engine Duo-R.   Thanks to a lot of suggestions to people on the forums, I ended up saving quite a bit of money by going this route instead of buying a US Duo. My PC Engine Duo-R is a bit more expensive then what you find on ebay persay, but that is because of the mods done to it. I can justify buying it, due to the fact that I can still play my US HU Cards without any issues. Also, with the cd based games bei



Atari 2600 Needed Items

This list will be long.... in time.   I finally got around to looking at my Atari collection and checking off which games I have and which I still need. I was kind of at a loss for words when I realized how many games I used to have and have sold off in the past. Even the fairly non-rare games. I've sold quite a few games and that kind of sucks. A lot of the non-rare ones I sold simply out of not knowing what I had in my collection.   GRRRR..   Either way, I'm going to type out a li




(NOT AN ACTUAL PICTURE OF MY SET... I have Combat Pack #30)   Well... I ended up dragging out the Thrust Combat Pack that I bought a while back from someone here to play it some more. When I had bought it, I was getting ready to move so I really did not get to spend a lot of time with it prior to packing it up for its trip to Michigan.   This past weekend... that changed.   After taking off all of the plastic ties and whatnot, I set down for an adventure on the Atari. Occasionally I fe



Been ebaying

Well... I've added more to the collection (even though I am trying to sell off stuff soon). I've put up a few bids for items and for some reason no one placed a bid. I'm kinda surprised. I've gotten a few good things the last month or so for fairly cheap.   I just picked up Neutopia 1 and 2 for a measly $25. Got a Jag Link for the Jaguar. I have no idea why I picked that up... but I did.   And then I got a few Lynx games as well. A few Ridged games/Flat games... etc. Stuff I needed in



Raiden-Atari Lynx

What the Fudge?!?!   I've sat down for a good hour or so with the game. And all I can say... and it's been echoed before: This damn game is HARD!!!!!!!!   I like Raiden. I love playing Raiden on the TG Express. I can get fairly far in that game. I'm not the best gamer in the world, but crap, this one for the Lynx is difficult. I will have to keep trying. The furthest I've got is towards the end of level 2. Or at least what I think is the end of that level.   1st level... I notice



Waiting on the mail....

Today I should be getting my Raiden cart. Or at least I hope! LOL   I've been eager to play this one.   I also picked up a Loopz off of ebay, and I have P.I.T.S. coming to me as well. It isn't a complete PITS... but that's okay by me.   Fun stuff! I wonder how I'll do on Raiden. Everyone says it is a hard game.




Yes! I got a cheap Atari Lynx Raiden.   What makes me happy about this is that I've been eyeballing this game for a while now. I've wanted Raiden for the Lynx probably about as long as i wanted Devil's Crush for the Turbo Grafx. And now... it's mine!!!!   Furthermore... this is the cart I'm getting:       I'd like to think this is the more 'official' released version. I can't back taht up... but it LOOKS like it is rather than say the ones I was after on ebay a while back:  



Jaguar... and TG stuff

Well... I got Neutopia 2 (CIB) off of ebay today. It is on the way to me now, and I got it for about $45. That's close to $15-20 cheaper than normal. So, I'm happy about that one!   Jaguar.   Well... I drug it out today. I'm making my way through the collection. I have a feeling that I'm simply not giving these games enough time, and I have the feeling that I may regret selling this in the long run. I'm not really sure. I know as of right now, I spent about 30 minutes with Alien vs Pr



my Jag collection

Well... Atari Jaguar.   I got one, mainly out of curiosity, and now I'm not sure if I'm going to collect for it. I mean... it is nice... but it isn't as great as I expected. I've taken it out perhaps twice now... even though I have around 35 games... and I really haven't spent much time on any game. I am thinking about selling it all... to fund other things. But I'm not sure yet. I think I'll hook it up and play it for a week or so... spend a little more intamate time with it and then p



My Devil's Crush Came today....

Well... that's about it for this blog! LOL I'm going to start playing Devil's Crush on my Express.   Have a great evening!     ----------------------------------------------   Thus far... I'm very impressed! This game was well worth the wait and I'm happy I never played the ROM or anything until last night. I'm not overly great at it, but I guess I can do okay. I've got a long way to go to try to max the score on this sucker. I'll have a lot of fun doing it as well!   Lots



didn't win a thing

Ebay... Part 2   Well... I placed bids on a lot of different Items I was interested in. I guess I didn't want them enough, otherwise I would had placed higher bids. I guess I was simply putting the bid up there, and hoping that it was good enough. Well... none of the bids were. LOL   I lost out on that Drak Tower I was bidding on... by $1. So that one kind of sucked. The other stuff... not much of a chance. Quite a few of them went much higher than I expected.   Some notable items



Sigh.. lots of great stuff on the Bay.

EBAY Right when I plan on saving money, lot of 'needed' items show up on old Ebay.   Someone is selling their entire collection of Turbo Grafx items. Lots of great items in there. Included in the stuff for sale: Ol' Magical Chase. I plan to throw my hat into the ring on that one, and I've done the same for a few Neutopia 2 games that are listed. Then there is Bonk 3, New Adventure, etc etc etc.   SIGH   All in time I guess. All in time. I threw my hat in the ring for a Dark Tower



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