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A long time ago, in the future, the world ended.

Entries in this blog

The sequel had arrived!

For the past month and a half I have been furiously writing a sequel to my first story. I finished it several days ago and it is now live on the site! Currently it is just a first draft, its rough around the edges but I feel it gets the story across. Now I'm just gonna focus on shorter stories because juggling over 25 named characters gets really exhausting and I just want to do something simple for a while. I wrote the story with almost no roadmap, I just knew where the story sta



Character design/redesign

If you're confused as to what the heck this is then give my website a look, it'll explain it far better than I ever could.   The one part that always scared me when I was writing my story was and, to an extent, still is the character design. I'm not an artist, I won't even pretend. I have a decent grasp of the fundamentals from a large amount of doodling I did in high-school and my brief, dismal, experience in art college, but I think I'm improving. The old adage 'practice makes perfec



It's done!.. Again!

Alright! The second draft has been completed. I'm very happy with this one, but it has grown in length. Just a smidgen. The first draft was approximately 95,500 words, that's a good length for a sci-fi novel. The second draft is 137,500 words long... It's longer than Return of the King. Part Two alone is longer than all but two of the Chronicles of Narnia books... And to be fair the one book contains roughly two books worth of plot, honestly it's laid out a bit like a T



Second draft update!

Alright! I've finished parts one through three. I am worded out and just want to go to sleep. The epilogue, which is basically just me having fun, will be an absolute cakewalk. I've updated the website so all three parts, bar the epilogue are posted. If you wanna read them them just follow the links. Home Page Part One Part Two Part Three I'm so tired...



Quick book update.

Links at the bottom:   Alright so the second draft is going very well, I've completed the rewrites of parts one and two and am currently starting part three. I’m using the first draft as a basic template from which to work off of and am simply working my way through it adding, removing, and elaborating. I haven’t really touched the dialogue as I’m pretty happy with it. Right now I think it would be fair to call the second draft ‘the extended edition’ because I’m adding over 1000 words



I'm a goof!

I swiftly came to the realization that in my eagerness to get my shit out there I neglected to elaborate on something: The first draft is done, the bare bones of the story have been put in place and that talk about publishers was me totally jumping the gun. Excitement got the better of me. The second draft won't be a total rewrite, but I will be working on fleshing out several other characters, adding life and vibrancy to the environments and elaborating on rushed scenes that may leave



Its Done!

I finally finished it! I hope to self publish it on Amazon soon, after extensive proofreading, and I'll also be looking for a publisher eventually. You can view it for free, in it's entirety, right now, at the dedicated website. alcadon.home.blog  



Alcadon: Chapter 10 & 11

For info on what the heck this is CLICK HERE If you want everything in a more convenient form factor just visit the official website!   Chapter 10: Not Quite Dead   Chapter 11: Meetings  



Alcadon: Chapter 9

For info on what the heck this is CLICK HERE If you want everything in a more convenient form factor just visit the official website!   Chapter 9: In My Brain  



Alcadon: Chapter 7 & Chapter 8

For info on what the heck this is CLICK HERE If you want everything in a more convenient form factor just visit the official website!   Chapter 7: Ellis   Chapter 8: Arrived End Part One



The Land of Alcadon Official Website!

Over the past couple of days I've been working on an official website for my writing project, something a bit more streamlined than AtariAge.   Give it a look! https://alcadon.home.blog/   It currently has the entirety of Part One and Part Two posted with Part Three on the way.  I will still post the story chapter by chapter here on AtariAge for those who want to take their time. Also I'm so sorry but the website doesn't have a Dark Mode.



Alcadon: Chapter 5 & Chapter 6

For info on what the heck this is CLICK HERE If you want everything in a more convenient form factor just visit the official website!   Chapter 5: Discovery   Chapter 6: Calamity Medusa  



Alcadon: Chapter 3 & Chapter 4

For info on what the heck this is CLICK HERE If you want everything in a more convenient form factor just visit the official website! Chapter 3: LE Chapter 4: Meeting Schultz Portraits of the Four Horsemen and LE  



The land of Alcadon Disambiguation Page

Welcome to the world of Alcadon! If you want everything in a more convenient form factor just visit the official website! Chances are if you're on this page you clicked the "What the heck is this?" link at the beginning of the chapter I posted.   How about I clear a few things up for you: Alcadon is a fictitious land set on Earth, far in the future. So far that humanity won't be around to fact check. Everything I post is considered a rough draft and is subject to c



Alcadon: Chapter 1 & Chapter 2

For info on what the heck this is CLICK HERE If you want everything in a more convenient form factor just visit the official website!   Chapter 1: Let Me Tell You a Story Chapter 2: An Important Meeting  



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