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NeonPeon's (Mark W's) adventures in retro game streaming!

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Let's Code in Atari BASIC...Old Games on a Weekday

Tonight (Sept. 3, 2024) I'll be doing an Atari BASIC live coding stream! I'm by no means an expert at BASIC - in fact I'm quite rusty - but I thought it would be fun to do a live session of modifying an old BASIC favorite of mine (which was shown on a few of my former streams recently)...Gambler!   Estimated start time: 8:00pm Eastern Daylight Time    


NeonPeon in Old GOAT

The Intellivision 44th Birthday Party Continues!

I had such a blast last week, that I'm gonna do it again! Intellivision games on tonight's Old GOAT stream, including two games created by another retro gaming Youtuber, Brian of Brian's Man Cave! ETA is tonight (Dec. 14, 2023) at 8:30pm Eastern Time, but depending on how things go I may need to start a little late, at about 9:00pm Eastern instead.    


NeonPeon in Old GOAT

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