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Entry #5,000!



So here it is. The 5,000th entry of my blog. I started this blog in 2006 when I was 18 years younger. Time sure really flies by.


What's new? The high temperature has been hotter than 100° for the fourth day in a row now. We're "supposed" to have one more day of this before it "cools down" into the 90s.

I went for a walk and I had to because I don't want to walk when it's dark outside and the middle of the night. It was 95 at about 8:30 p.m. when I went. But I got home.


I got really bored so I worked on my Quiz Wiz cartridge for the first time in a while and hit a milestone: Question #501. I am 50% done with it. Will it ever get finished? Probably not. I want to think of about 10 questions a day, which, if my math is correct (500 / 10) should only take 50 days. So we'll see about that. I often get started on things and am really passionate about them, and then I get disinterested and/or forget about them and quit working on them. But if it will only take 50 days to complete, then why not? I don't know. I need to work on making the answer sheet for the rest of the questions so I know where to put the correct answers. I'm cheating. I'm copying the general trivia book #1, only instead putting in different questions. There's basically nothing different between books #1 and #61 (mine). Nevertheless, I plan on releasing booklets with #1 cartridges relabeled as #61.


I haven't really been working on much game wise. I don't know if it's because it's hot or what, but I have found different things to work on besides games.

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