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CCAG Show Cleveland Ohio


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Here some of the stuff I like to trade or sell and I'll bring it with me if you let me know in advance...Im looking for Jaguar/Vectrex/Amiga/Any system Flashcarts and Rarities. I like to sell of trade the lots, I'm really am not interested in breaking the up too much. But I will for stuff I really want. Its coming up quick now...Cant wait to see you guys/gals there!


Atari XE LOT! "All but 1 are SEALED GAMES including Tower Toppler/Last Starfighter"...have some other loose xe/800 carts not shown.


Loose 2600 game LOT! Some really nice games in here lots of rarity 3&4's


Sega Master System LOT! All great games.


Sega CD Lot...


Atari 7800 LOT! Have a few sealed games in here like Ikari Warriors, Ninja Golf, Impossible Mission


Vectrex...Some loose...Some Boxed....Some new!


Random stuff!funeat2br7.th.jpgfuneatvw6.th.jpg

And the rest...collpt1uk9.th.jpg

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There was some 8 bit atari there, couldn't tell you what though. I spent a little cash then I was out. Glad I went, had a good time. I picked up some 2600 games I didn't have. Miner 2049er $4 Front Line $2 River Raid II $3 Fantastic Voyage $2 and Picnic $4. I also picked up a few Nintendo and Sega games and a few manuals and boxes. Many good deals....you just had to look. I'll be there again in spring!



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Many commons, not much 8-bit,if it was there you most likely have it...Almost NO JAGUAR STUFF. And Yes WAY too mush NES & Genesis stuff followed by many garbage bin games & systems in bad condition or missing parts. Classic gaming to me is not Xbox, PS2,Gameboy,Gamecube, DVD's and stuff. I was very disappointed. I wish people weren't trying to rip ppl of so much too...Here is one that got me alittle upset....I saw a White man can't jump (1 of the whole 5-6 Jag games there) in decent condition with NO teamtap just the game. Since I needed a box i asked how much? He flips the box over, shows me a sticker and says $40! OMG NO! Not even sealed I would not even do it! I eventually got it for $15 with some looks like I just robbed him but DAMN! Too many ppl wanting top price for stuff, not to say ALL was bad but 85% of it was! Then some guy offered a trade for my cheetamen 2 for a boxed 5200 I was eying but he wanted the game plus $50, so I just walked away before I did a George Carlin on him. I really felt like it was alot of sellers junk more than anything. Some nice ppl there too dont get me wrong, like the Digital Dinos guy and a few really nice tables! But it also went to the extreme opposite, GOD some of you sellers get some educate training maybe and some personality too. Great job on anybody that found anything they really wanted or of some rarity...and got it at a decent price. My best thing I got was a boxed copy of my Fav Genny game Target Earth...which I have 2 loose already...but it was $3 so I grabbed it for myself.


Overall I had an OK time. If I had something better to do I would of missed it and it wouldnt of bugged me..


I should of went to the Sean Kelly Party! lol

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Any report on the game contests?



I joined the Sonic CD contest with my kids....then backed out... because I was getting hungry and wanted to leave.

Are you the one with the (maybe) 6-year old daughter who participated in the Sonic contest? My wife was behind you in line and told me this story:


After you and your son walked out, your daughter stayed and played her turn anyway, and my wife cheered her on. Then while my wife was playing, your son came back in to get your daughter, but she didn't want to leave because she felt obligated to cheer on my wife (who told her "Thanks, but I'll be OK. You better get going").


I played the Kaboom contest, but the display was all fuzzy (the TV switch was set for channel 3 and apparently there is a station that uses channel 3 in Cleveland. The contest MC didn't want to change anything in the middle of the contest.) I wouldn't have won anyway, as the guy who did was so good he set a new record, according to Twin Galaxies (something like 15,000).


By the way, the guy who won the Kaboom contest also won the two best door prizes: 1) the vectrex multi-cart, and 2) a limited edition X-box system. He REALLY had a good time!


I had a lot of fun talking with some of the collectors there, and also got some pretty good stuff, including Atari remote control joysticks ($8), N64 "to-go" carrying case ($5), and a bunch of games I didn't have. Some of the vendors were asking way too much money for their stuff, but then most of it was still sitting on the tables at the end of the day. Those tended to be the people who also owned used game stores. The regular collector types were more reasonable, and tended to sell most of their stuff, and as a bonus, were much more interesting to stand around and chat with.


I had a great time. Even my wife, who couldn't remember whether she had a Game Gear or a Game Boy at home, had a good time playing an old maze game on an Apple II while waiting for me to finish my shopping. By the way, she was excited to win the Coleco Head-to-head plug-n-play door prize, even though she didn't know what it was.

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I had a good time at CCAG. Ended up not making as much money as I wanted to, but that's ok. It was definitely a buyer's market yesterday, as many sellers had similar selections of items. The problem for sellers seemed to be that most of the attendees were hardcore collectors who weren't interested in most items for sale, regardless of prices. If there had been more people to come in off of the street, more of the common stuff would've gone out the door. Oh well, we mostly sat and drank cheap beer all day, and that made it all worth it. I also got to add 11 2600 games to me collection and added a few orphan 7800 boxes to my collection. More than enough reason to go to the next show.

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Any report on the game contests?



I joined the Sonic CD contest with my kids....then backed out... because I was getting hungry and wanted to leave.

Are you the one with the (maybe) 6-year old daughter who participated in the Sonic contest? My wife was behind you in line and told me this story:


After you and your son walked out, your daughter stayed and played her turn anyway, and my wife cheered her on. Then while my wife was playing, your son came back in to get your daughter, but she didn't want to leave because she felt obligated to cheer on my wife (who told her "Thanks, but I'll be OK. You better get going").



Yes, that was me.


Your wife was very kind to my daughter. Thank her for me.


Didn't mean to be a spoiled sport.

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Many commons, not much 8-bit,if it was there you most likely have it...Almost NO JAGUAR STUFF. And Yes WAY too mush NES & Genesis stuff followed by many garbage bin games & systems in bad condition or missing parts. Classic gaming to me is not Xbox, PS2,Gameboy,Gamecube, DVD's and stuff. I was very disappointed.



This sums it up.


Maybe two shows is too much.


Plus the Chinese auction was dismal compared to shows past.

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I went, and I wish I could say it was worth the drive. The show only being 8 hrs AND being on a Sunday probably contributed to lower attendance.


I know that we could not stay until the end, as we needed to get back home. Staying a Sunday night in a hotel just would not work for us. Maybe its more of a local thing, and its my fault for not finding that out beforehand.


I agree that vendors had mostly common/beatup things to sell. One vendor packed up at like 3:30!!??!!


The "chinese" auction thing was cool, but we had to leave before any of the things I would have wanted were "auctioned"


oh, and hot having t-shirts for attendees to buy is probably a bad idea also. I have shirts from most events (like the Cinciclassic and the Midwest Gaming Classic) but none to be found at CCAG.


The show will have to get a little better for me to consider going again.



Nice effort on the organizers part, but ut needs some tweaks for us to consider another club outing from Indy.....

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I had a good time as this was my first CCAG show i've been to. I loved the free arcade setup and the videogame contests (even though i sucked it up hardcore on the Nintendo tournament). I also managed to get a stack of atari carts i didn't have so all in all a good time. The table I was manning made enough money for gasoline (I live out in Columbus, Ohio) and a meal so I can't really complain.

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I went to the show. It was good. Not as good as a year ago, but it was still good. I found a lot of 5200 carts for reasonable prices, and some other stuff too. The show wasn't as busy this time, and as others said going to 8pm on a Sunday meant I had to leave before the show ended. But, I do plan to go again next year.



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Hello, 1 week later and I am finally getting around to posting NG. This was Matt and My 1st time running the show and it went pretty well for the most part. We will definately have another Arcade and Tournament Area. I unfortunately didnt get much of a chance to get things setup before I got trapped behind the registration desk for the Majority of the day. Next Year I am Hiring someone to handle the entrance : ) There was alot more I had planned, but we were running behind from the get go. I planned on having Video Game Music run over the speakers and wanted to start the Game Play/Tournament area up sooner. Luckally for Matt and I Ryan completely took over the tournament for us and did a great job. A couple Twin Galaxies High Scores were set Including Atari 2600 Kaboom and Guitar Hero III Metallica's One. Lots of shirts, Billy Mitchell's Hot Sauce and other Great prizes were given away for the Tournaments and we had some Very Cool items in the Chinese Auction. The next show we will have even More Great Tournament & Chinese Auction prizes. CCAG shirts are Now available on the website www.CCAGShow.com and I put up a few pics. Unfortunately I didnt get to take any pics until the show was pretty much over. If anyone has any show pics and would like them on my site just use the contact us on the CCAG site and you will get my e-mail. Next show is Saturday May 23, 2009 12Noon-8PM. I hope all who attended enjoyed the show and I am now more prepared for how it will be run in May. Thanks, Mike : )

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I thought the show went well. Maybe there were not as many door prizes available, but there were some high dollar items in there that were well worth the cost of some tickets! An XBox and Sega Game gear with tons of games were decent prizes.

The tournament was a big hit with people of all walks. It had a lot of interest and an audience too. I never knew there was a method to Kaboom!

The people on Guitar Hero were impressive. Not something you can just pick up and hope to win. Practice, practice, practice!

The show was fun. Having the convenience of the restaurant/bar was nice too.

I spent a few bucks and always find decent deals at this show. The first set of tables to the left of the door had some really clean looking old console systems. I will be back next show.

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Intresting comments, I hear the concerns. As far as the vendors go I know Mike and I made a solid effort to make sure as many quality collectors and vendors were made aware of the show. Im sure that anyone that has attended these types of local shows knows that they often are filled with local collectors selling off their dupes. Some of them know how to set a table and some dont. But in my opinion its the ones that dont know how to set a table where you often find the best deals.

I can only speak for myself but I always have a struggle deciding on what to bring to sell at the show. I only have so much room and I have so much stuff. I try to pick the stuff that I think I am most likely to sell. But there is always something that I wish that I had brought in the end. Some of you noticed a lot of nintendo, well there might be a reason for that... IT SELLS and it should come as no suprise that others would think that nintendo stuff would be a high on the list of things to bring to sell.

I can whole heartedly say that I think the chinese auction prizes were the best prizes ever at this show. I have been attending this show for many years now and I have never seen so many great prizes!

All in all I fell that it went quite well for Mike and I's first time at the wheel and its only going to get better. Hopefully, the majority of attendees had a good time. It can only get better from here.

For those of you that were expecting to find some games to add to their collection and networking with other collectors, finding some good deals and possibly win a prize or 2, Im willing to bet you had a good time and we will see you may 23rd.

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  • 3 months later...

Whoever it was that nearly backed over my son and me as we were walking to the door in October (and then gave US a dirty look after I yelled to prevent our flattening), please stay home this time.


Other than that incident, I had a good time too and left with some pretty good deals on stuff.

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