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CCAG Show Cleveland Ohio


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The show was a good time. Tempest and I were there open 'til 4, and we got a few good deals. I almost had to ride on the top of his car for the ride home to make room for all the shit he bought. Tempest, you can't collect everything. ;)


I personally can't believe that there wasn't anybody in the bar playing the bowling game. That was half the reason I went.


I do agree with some of the other comments about games not being priced was a nusiance. Having to get the seller's attention to get a price on every game/item gets annoying. What I have done in the past at the few shows I've had tables at, was to bag the games I have there, and put a price sticker on the bags. This way the sticker's aren't on the games/labels themselves. Just my opinion, but it seems to work fine.

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ok but next time you see a Vectex for $50 you know what to do.




Offer $40?


I didnt see a Vec for $50 Not that I really need another.

The one over in the middle of the floor (Adam Harveys table) was $60 and had a broken anolog stick. But had a nice bright screen.

But Charlie Browns over in the corner was working fine..did not see it for sale tho.

Still need to find a Sean Kelly MultiCart.

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ok but next time you see a Vectex for $50 you know what to do.




Offer $40?


I didnt see a Vec for $50 Not that I really need another.

The one over in the middle of the floor (Adam Harveys table) was $60 and had a broken anolog stick. But had a nice bright screen.

But Charlie Browns over in the corner was working fine..did not see it for sale tho.

Still need to find a Sean Kelly MultiCart.


<-------- Adam Harvey


I marked it down to $50 and it sold

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I posted in the other thread before I read this one, so I thought I'd add my own four cents worth:


I LIKE it when there are no prices marked. I rarely buy stuff when a seller thinks something is "worth this much", and price stickers usually indicate inflexibility. I usually buy several items at once and expect some give and take, especially towards the end of the day. If everyone used ebay prices as their yardstick, neither me nor many other people I've met would be buying.


I totally missed the coin-op machines! (how the heck did I do that?!?)


Name tags, with a place for putting your AA (or other) handle would be a great idea. Could also provide a mechanism for the people who organize this show to build a mailing list (assuming they could do something useful with it).


Is Amiga stuff getting hard to find? I have an Amiga 1000 and 2000 (both complete, with extra hardware and software) in storage in California that I don't really want. I didn't bring it back with me when I moved most of my stuff to Ohio. Someday I'll go back and do something with it. I was just going to take it to Salvation Army or something...


The food I had (nachos and beer) was tasty at a good price. I'd like to see an organized party in the bar during or after the show... Maybe a Gamegear Sonic competition or Gameboy Tetris-fest or something.

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The food I had (nachos and beer) was tasty at a good price. I'd like to see an organized party in the bar during or after the show... Maybe a Gamegear Sonic competition or Gameboy Tetris-fest




Tetris and beer...sounds good to me!

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The food was pretty good. I had a good burger but I'm not sure what it cost me. Here I am at the show pounding it down surrounded by some of the other fools.




Someone left 3 tickets at our table. I had my wife put them in one of the baskets and sure enough we won the $100 grand prize.



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Someone left 3 tickets at our table. I had my wife put them in one of the baskets and sure enough we won the $100 grand prize.


There is a GOOD chance that it was my daughter that left the tickets. She didn't feel like holding on to them anymore and since we were leaving anyways I told her to leave them on a table instead of taking them with us and that someone would take them. I'll have to let her know that it could have been her tickets won someone else a prize...she'll get a kick out out of it ;)

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I was curious as to whether or not Mike is going to do a CCAG 2009.5 this year. I really wanted to make the May show but had a kegger here in Cincy to attend the same day. I set up at the October show last year and had a blast drinking $2 beers from the VFW and being a loud, drunken asshole much like I was while I was set up selling at MGC :)

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I was curious as to whether or not Mike is going to do a CCAG 2009.5 this year. I really wanted to make the May show but had a kegger here in Cincy to attend the same day. I set up at the October show last year and had a blast drinking $2 beers from the VFW and being a loud, drunken asshole much like I was while I was set up selling at MGC :)


I sure hope he is going to do a 2009.5 I've already paid for my tables !!

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I went, had fun (didn't win the new portable Genesis/Nomad-knockoff although I paid $5 for some extra tickets).


I picked up some cool games for the Colecovision I've been looking for, and a bunch of Intellivision carts I didn't have yet. The vectrex, Jaguar, and Turbografx stuff seems to be getting pricier and other collectors were willing to pay more than I was; that stuff sold, but not to me. Also got three more VCS games I didn't have (Eggomania, Wabbit, Final Approach). Finally got a FC Mobile II (Soooo much better than the first version).


Seemed to be a bigger crowd than May. Food in the bar was a disappointment this time; they limited the menu to a short list of burgers/fries and the prices were higher. In addition, the cook was a "volunteer" and expected to be paid in tips (in addition to the $6 hamburger list price). I guess they got overwhelmed last time.

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