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Previous 7800 HSC Rounds


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Makes me wonder how hard would it be to make Pokey hacks of these games?

If you have a pre-written 7800 Pokey music driver with data and there is room in the cart, it probably wouldn't be too hard to just drop it in. Actually, an A8 music driver would probably only require very minor modifications to work. Anyone want to use RMT to write some tunes? :D

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This is it. You've driven all your life, winning prestigious races at Watkins Glen, Brands Hatch, and even Monaco.

Two new courses have been added to the elite circuit that contains Fuji Speedway. Runs on the test track have even been allowed, just to see who can handle the highest speeds.

This is the final circuit of the world champoinship, and just two races remain. You've won the hardest one already, so all that remains is to hang on to the points lead. You're expected to take the pole again, and you've qualified first so many times that they've renamed that number one spot to Pole Position II!


Game Information:


This week's game: Namco's Pole Position II

Controllers supported: ProLine Joystick, Atari joypad

Difficulty Switches: n/a

Game Mode: One player Fuji/Seaside

Please choose a track and obtain the best score you can. Fuji ans Seaside scores will be placed in the standings, whereas Test Track and Suzuka scores will earn you some bragging rights.


Scores may be posted in this thread until Mar 6th at approximately 10 PM Central Time.

Next week's game will be chosen from the following: Barnyard Blaster, Choplifter!, Tank Command, and Tower Toppler..


Become a member of the 7800 High Score Competition simply by posting a score in this thread.


Current High Scores: Fuji


1. Almost Rice 71,000

2. gdement 62,400

3. Artlover 52,840


Current High Scores: Seaside


1. Almost Rice 64,960

2. Artlover 43,110


Current High Scores: Suzaka


1. Almost Rice 30,650

2. shadow460 19,870

3. Artlover 19,080


Current High Scores: Test Track


1. shadow460 72,500

2. Almost Rice 72,450

3. Artlover 72,050


Shadow's first score of the week:


41,940 Fuji

19,270 Seaside


Member List (post a score to join!)


silver_surfer, keilbaca, Mind Game, birdie3, Cybergoth, jedijeff, video game addict, FireTiger, Mordax, RJ, keitaro, Almost Rice, Pac Man Plus, jwierer, Artlover, hanglyman, bfutrel, vdub_bobby, Goochman, gdement


Flying low:

Each time you hit another car or a road sign, both your car and whatever you hit will explode. Also, driving through a puddle will slow you down.

Try to avoid skidding as much as possible. Remember that your tires have the maximum grip just before a skid begins--don't exceed that grip.

Use the brakes before difficult turns--downshifting can actually cause the car's rear wheels to lock up.

Try not to crash more than once, and above all else, stay on the road at all times.

Remember that a CX-40 can be used, but you will not be able to use the brakes.

Edited by roadrunner
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and above all else, stay on the road at all times.

Remember that a CX-40 can be used, but you will not be able to use the brakes.



I dont agree with the stay on the road at all times. If the 2 cars are blocking you on a curve, I am better off going around them.


Also, who uses stinking brakes? :P

Edited by Almost Rice
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That's true. Sometimes you gotta go around two of them, but during all the time I spent on Suzuka, I always found room to go between cars or just barely go around without hitting the rumble strip.


If you can stay on the road, it'll shave seconds off your time.

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If you can stay on the road, it'll shave seconds off your time.



True, but no crashing saves more time


65530 Seaside I forgot this.

Pole, 2 crash out of time on the home stretch. I guess I went off road too much :D


Edited by Almost Rice
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Yeah, do try not to crash.

I've been posting your updated scores under Seaside anyway, as the terrain in the background doesn't match any of the other courses.


I'm surprised no one else has played Pole Position II. It's actually a decent game, considering it was scheduled for release in 1984.

I had a whole lot of fun playing it in the arcade in 1994 and 1995, well over ten years after its release.


I've played Pole Position I only once or twice that I can remember.

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The year is 2056, and World War III rages. The Allies are near defeat, and have formed a team of negotiators from the USA, Britain, Japan and Australia. Talks are going well, until one day all sixty four ambassadors turn up missing. Negotiations deteriorate, and nuclear weapons are armed, ready to fire. World relations turn tense, and everyone is ready to launch.

You are the best Navy pilot. You flew over 100 stealth missions in the War on Terror, and rescued 50 forward deployed tropps during Operation Renewed Hope in Taiwan.


We have embarked the new stealth huey on board your ship, the USS Kitty Hawk. Your ship should approach the hostages' location within the next three days. At that time, board the huey, and boot up its guidance system. Your orders are contained the huey's onboard computer.

Good luck, pilot. Prepare to launch operation Choplifter!


Game Information:


This week's game: Br0derbund's Choplifter!

Controllers supported: ProLine Joystick, Atari joypad

Difficulty Switches: n/a

Game Mode: One player standard

Please post the far left and far right scores. If two players rescue the same number of hostages, the one who had the least casualties will be placed higher in the standings.


Scores may be posted in this thread until Mar 13th at approximately 10 PM Central Time.

Next week's game will be chosen from the following: Desert Falcon, Food Fight, Motorpsycho, and Tower Toppler.


Become a member of the 7800 High Score Competition simply by posting a score in this thread.


Current Best Scores:


1. cybergoth 43 rescued, 5 lost

2. Artlover 19 rescued, 9 lost

3. vdub_bobby 19 rescued, 24 lost


Shadow's first score of the week:


43 Rescued, 21 Dead


Member List (post a score to join!)


silver_surfer, keilbaca, Mind Game, birdie3, Cybergoth, jedijeff, video game addict, FireTiger, Mordax, RJ, keitaro, Almost Rice, Pac Man Plus, jwierer, Artlover, hanglyman, bfutrel, vdub_bobby, Goochman, gdement


Rescue Procedures:


Maneuver your chopper high to bomb tanks while avoiding their fire. Notice that your bombs land at different locations depending on the alititude they were dropped from. Learn how high you must be to drop bombs to certain locations on the screen.

You can shoot down air to air missiles, but it's safer and quicker to dodge them.

After you've rescued the first group of hostages,. planes will attempt to destory your chopper on the ground. Feint a landing, then allow the plane to pass by before landing again. Being on the ground when an air to ground bomb is launched means certain death, so be ready to take off as soon as planes appear onscreen.

Advance forward in small increments to avoid running into airborne mines and planes. Shoot the airborne mines down, and avoid the planes.

At the very beginning of the game, shoot the hut open that's farthest to the left. When the hostages spill out, go to the right and shoot open the next hut. Leave the two closest to your base closed. This allows you to rescue hostages farther out first, and reduces the distance you must fly later on when you fly the unfriendly skies.

Don't land on or shoot hostages unless it's absolutely necessary. Although these actions kill hostages, it i better to lose one hostage than to lose a nearly full load to airborne threats.

You can't crash by landing too hard like you could in the Apple II version.

Try to land as close as possible to the hut entrances. This minimizes the distances the hostages have to walk, and it drastically reduces the time it takes to load your chopper.

Grab your screenshots quick--it doesn't give you much time until the title screen appears.

Edited by shadow460
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Yeah, it's still in time.  The HSC stays sticky for two weeks, so this one will be near the top for another week.


@Almost Rice:  What track was that last post on?  Looks like Suzuka to me.



I think Suzuka has no middle line.


It's also the only one with a theme park. ;) :P

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Hi there!


43 rescues as well :)


BTW: Why is Food Fight on the list again? :? We just played that!


There's lots of others we could still play before repeating titles, like Desert Falcon, Dig Dug, Crack'ed, Klax, Impossible Mission, Double Dragon, Fatal Run, Jinks, Ninja Golf, Tower Toppler, Xenophobe, Xevious and more!


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