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Atari Pro System High Score Comeptition


It's a starry night out. What a meteor shower! The meteors swirl in beautiful formations, getting closer, closer, and then they stop.

Uh, oh. It's time to hop in the spaceship and find out what's going on. Once you're in orbit, the aliens swarm you, shooting missiles all the way. Then one pops out a tractor beam and draws you in. Thus begins your journey with the aliens from Galaga.


This week's game:


Namco's Galaga

Difficulty: Advanced (with the vegetable) Difficulty switches should be set to the left (b) position.


Recommended Controls: CX-40 Atari Joystick



800,000 points abd 100% shooting accuracy. Easy, right?


Congratulations to jwierer and Dauber for meeting the challenge in Pac-Man.


Next Friday we will have something special on the HSC. Have your emulators and multicarts ready. (Hint: If you buy CPUWIZ's Cuttle Cart 2 from the marketplace, it should arrive in time for Week 6...) The following week we will be back to our regularly scheduled gaming.

I know we've got a small library, but some titles are clearly better than others. I need game suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Last week's deepest diggers:


1. godzillajoe: 345,040

2. Dauber: 254,780

3. Atarifever: 75,670

3. PressureCooker2600: 60,180

5. bfutrel 23,000: (estimated score)


Do try to watch a couple inches above your ship at all times. Always have an escape route planned and stay out of the corners when possible. You need to know where your ship is going to move at least a couple of seconds before it gets there.

On the first wave, let the formation enter almost intact. Wait until the second boss alien attacks--he will usually use the tractor beam. Let him capture your ship. Later you can shoot the boss alien to reclaim your ship--just don't shoot your captured ship in the process.

For some cheap shots, shoot and slide while your newly freed ship is still spinning around in midair. You can clear half the stage this way!

Finally, be aware that there is a space between dual shots from the linked ships. It's possible for aliens to slide inbetween the missiles you launch.

Edited by shadow460
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Wait, what is it?


Not the "continue" thing?


How does that help you?


Your score gets reset and now you're starting on a harder level.


it dont help.....your score may go up a bit faster cause all of the baddies on screen but thats all....its kinda a useless cheat.... and DAMN godzillajoe....jumped up about 100k in 45 min.....thats pure adrenaline dig duggin skill

Edited by PressureCooker2600
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You'll just have to take my word -- this is YET ANOTHER Atari 7800 game in which your score disappears immediately after it's over, never to be seen again! And what's bad -- the pause feature won't work at the end of the game in Galaga. :mad: :mad: :mad:


That's my final entry in this week's HSC -- I'll be away from my 7800 for the rest of the week.

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