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I hate to say it, but I haven't played fallout3 in a solid week. (got a bit sidetracked on phantasy star 4)

I really want to get into it again, but I'm thinking I'm just going to start over without finishing the mission.


As with probably 90% of other fallout players, I'm starting over with an evil chick character. I'm not sure how fun that's going to be though. I'll at least get far enough to blow up megaton. That place started looking like a worthless scrapheap in my current game.


It's amazing how the more I played, the more those comically-evil characters in the beginning of the game seem to be right.

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I'll at least get far enough to blow up megaton.


That really is the most counterproductive and dumbest thing to do in the game that hurts your character a lot more then it helps of the course of the game. "You" loose more then you gain.

Even if you want to be evil, it's still in your best interest to leave Megaton there.


It's amazing how the more I played, the more those comically-evil characters in the beginning of the game seem to be right.

Only if you want to finish the game with a ranking of being a worthless turd. :P


Playing evil gives you a lot of short-term gains early on, but it doesn't help you as much later. If you play your cards right, you can these short-term gains early paying as a good guy too. So in the end, I don't think there is much difference to be had one way or the other, beyond your status in the wasteland. So it's really about how you want to finish; As a hero or a turd. :lolblue:

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I still want to figure out the pass-code.

What passcode, for the purifier?


Damn I thought for sure it would be my mothers favorite bible scripture...It wasn’t though. :(

It is!


I will say this, it's hard to enter on that keypad tho. It's very easy to not enter what you think you are. Would be so much easier if it would give you an actual indication of which buttons you're pressing/pushed.


You absolutely MUST be in 1st person view to have any chance in hell at getting it, and even then expect it to take several tries.


Something I've noticed from other parts of the game where you do get indicators of what you are looking at/touching. Cross-hair mechanics suck at close range, and the cross-hair's don't always reflect that focal point. I've seen this trying to access elevators, open boxes, trigger switches - where I had to look to the left of it where my cross hair's weren't even touching the item before the item text even showed up. No so much in 1st person view, but quite often in 3rd person.


Fallout 3 = 1000/1000 GP WOOT!

I had to go back and read the achievement list because I never paid attention.

They give you points for other more trivial things, but not for succeeding in starting the purifer - the fundemential quest of the entire game. Simply letting the quest play through no matter how how or who finishes it completes it.

Kinda misses the point of the achievement system I think. :ponder:

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What passcode, for the purifier?



The first time I ran out of time before I realized what it might be and everything exploded. I reloaded my game and put in I think 316 (or whatever it is) and then hit Enter and yes it's a pain in the ass to type in anything. I saw a brief flash of someone (My father ?) and died anyways!? So I guess you cant get out alive regardless?



How sad.

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How sad.

Yeah. :(

Sucks to be the hero, don't it? Of course you can send the BoS chick to do it and die, but that's considered bad form. lol It would have been nice to been able to send the freaking giant mutant standing next to me who isn't harmed by radiation do to it! But plotwise I can understand that not being an option. Still a bit silly though.


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I saw a brief flash of someone (My father ?) and died anyways!? So I guess you cant get out alive regardless?

You talking about the statue inside the purifier chamber.

It's Thomas Jefferson. :dunce: :P


And yes, who ever goes in there (there is only two that can/will) dies.


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How sad.

Yeah. :(

Sucks to be the hero, don't it? Of course you can send the BoS chick to do it and die, but that's considered bad form. lol It would have been nice to been able to send the freaking giant mutant standing next to me who isn't harmed by radiation do to it! But plotwise I can understand that not being an option. Still a bit silly though.



Here's the thing.

The first time I came upon the purifier, and was talking to the lady my Super Mutant Friend walked into the chamber and it shut on him!! LOL I thought that's exactly what was happening, I figured he was going to walk in and save the day since radiation doesn't hurt him. Needless to say, it was a glitch and he didn't do jack, I started to run away and he mysteriously popped out of the chamber.


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But plotwise I can understand that not being an option.


I do and don't. I can see why one can send Lyon's in from the BoS. They were partly behind the project. But everyone has an interest in starting it since it benefits everyone. Why shouldn't Fawkes, the only one would could do it without dying beable to do it - then everyone wins. It's purely a plot device for the sake of a specificly themed ending. That kinda sucks. :|


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I started to run away and he mysteriously popped out of the chamber.

That actually happens alot with different enemies too in lots of places.

I was in some office buildings and there was a partition wall next to a door with a mutant in the doorway. So I ran back and around the partition. So the mutant tries to run straight at me, and is running in place against the partition wall. I see his hands poking through. Then, after a few moments -pop-, there he is on my side. :| You can also shoot through things if your weapon is long enough to stick out the other side.



It's got it's glitches.

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Is there any value in using the T51B Power Armor or the Experimental Medical Armor? It seems like for what they actually offer compared to the standard Combat Power Armor the BoS gives you, it's not really worth the bother.


Same question for the Experimental MIRV. I was thinking of dragging it along, except it uses a lot of it's respective and limited ammo per shot, and that sucks. Other then dedicating this weapons and ammo for exclusivly one single particular enemy type, I'd rather use it's smaller ammo conserving brother and get more over all use out of it. So as it stands, the MIRV is sitting in my locker at Megaton, along with the T51B and Medical armor.


I also must say, the depth is amazing. I've got several hundread hours over like 4 different games, and still haven't come close to seeing or doing everything. I also enjoy how intriciate the relationships between everyone across the wastes really is. The game just hides so much of itself if you don't actively go looking for it, which is kind of a shame.



Also, I want to complain again about a couple of things.


Fasttravel: I fast traveled to Smith Casey's Garage because I needed to use it as a stepping stone to get to a close by but undiscovered area. When I arrive, I'm dropped off in the middle of: 2 Yao Gaui's, 1 Giant Radscorpion, 1 Sentry Bot, and 1 Protectron that were all currently ingaged in fighting one another. Seriously, WHAT THE F--K!!!!!!!!!! Unless it's like a Star Trek transporter beam, there is no reason to dump me into the middle of something like that.



Achievements: Again, I don't care about achievements persey. Just something to do to give people a reason to brag. Fine whatever. To that end, shouldn't an achievement be for something worth bragging about? Once again, this game shows off the stupidty of the system.


You get 3 achievements for doing nothing - Vault 101 Citizenship Award, The G.O.A.T. Whisperer, Escape!.


Yet doesn't give you anything for making a major accomplishment - finding T-51b Power Armor or Experimental MIRV weapon. :?


Do you know how hard it is to get either of those things. Harder then most of the primary & secondary quests. Don't make any sense. Personally, I think if you manage to get either of those two things, it should unlock the "You're a goddamned genius - Part x of 2" achievement for 50 points each or something. ;)

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Awesome game, my friend got me hooked, it's like Crack, like Oblivion, only FPSie. One thing I don't like is the very inaccurat V.A.T.S thingy, I swear, it's going to miss half the time, even if you put the barrel in someones mouth practically (and I keep up all my weapons, so it's not that) It's actually fare more accurate to just shoot, and ignore the vats, but I think vats was really just tacked on to fix a jittery difficult FPS setup. To bad, if they took any typical FPS games controll schemes, it would have been able to pull in FPS fans in addition to ARPG fans. As it stands, with Vats, you waist a good chunk of your ammo (and the better stuff is hard to come by) and without the vats, your escentually freehanding the sniper riffle like in Halo, but a shot with a red indicater almost always hits, you just gotta be twitchy as hell.


Other than that, I love it, great game, and I'm going to have to restart so I can be the spawn of satan next time around :lol: I'm only to the point where I need to go to vault 86 (or so) to pick up a G.E.C.K. thingy for the purifier, and haven't even really explored more than a quarter of the map or so.


As a Bethesda game, I can pretty much guarantee that you'll see a expansion pack come out for this in a year or so, and maybe we can play over in the west coast then (lots of references to things in the west coast, like where Steel and Enclave are bothe apparently centered there somewhere.


Oh yeah, I've been trying to get to GNC, but I can't find out how to get to it, it's just surrounded by destroyed buildings and you can'g jump over a lot of it. And I'm lost as hell in the tunnels, is there a way to highlight GNC and have the computer point you in the right directionn? I mean, the X-box.


Anyhow, my friend got me hooked, so now I gotta get a copy so he can have his back :lol:


Some fucked up stuff, like when your dad is in 112 and you got to either A) kill everybody, or B) kill everybody, and depending on how you do it, you get a good or bad rateing. Hiding the computer in the abandoned house was cool though, with the key of junk scattered in the room.


Anhyhow, awesome game, and I'd say get it to anyone, if you like RPG or Oblivion, it's awesome. For FPS...not so much, though it's better than some games like it I played (mass effect)

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As it stands, with Vats, you waist a good chunk of your ammo (and the better stuff is hard to come by) and without the vats, your escentually freehanding the sniper riffle like in Halo, but a shot with a red indicater almost always hits, you just gotta be twitchy as hell.

Odd, my experience was the exact opposite. I could constantly piss away huge amounts of ammo in realtime FPS combat or just kill with a few shots in VATS consistently. And VATS directly shows you the math behind the combat so you know what your odds are. Anyhow, VATS was a cornerstone of making this a Fallout game. ;)

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One thing I don't like is the very inaccurat V.A.T.S thingy, I swear, it's going to miss half the time, even if you put the barrel in someones mouth practically (and I keep up all my weapons, so it's not that) It's actually fare more accurate to just shoot, and ignore the vats ... As it stands, with Vats, you waist a good chunk of your ammo (and the better stuff is hard to come by) and without the vats, your escentually freehanding the sniper riffle like in Halo, but a shot with a red indicater almost always hits
Odd, my experience was the exact opposite. I could constantly piss away huge amounts of ammo in realtime FPS combat or just kill with a few shots in VATS consistently. And VATS directly shows you the math behind the combat so you know what your odds are.

It's pretty much hit or miss. Sometimes I find VATS worked great, other times it doesn't work for shit. And honestly, the percentages don't "seem" relevant in the end. Hitting doesn't mean impacting as much damage as the weapon you are using can issue. I can be point blank with The Terrible Shotgun, VATS says something like 95% headshot. Shot 'em in the head, and it only does a tiny fraction of damage. Yet freehanded would blow their head right off their body. But also the reverse. I can be shooting someone pointblank freehand and not doing shit to hurt them, but jump to VATS and get a one hit kill.


Sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't.


....I only have 10 bobbleheads........still need to find the other 10

Ptttthhh! :P




It's not glitches.........it's magic......... :cool:

Yeah, well, I have some more magic for you. These are somethings I've encountered a couple of times (but only in my 2nd game using a different profile).


1: There is a broken freeway with an Enclave outpost set up on the end. When walking up the freeway to get to it, if you looked at a certain angle in a certain direction, all the wasteland textures would freakout and go bye-bye. Leaving only the outpost barriers plastered ontop of a big brown spotch. Move, and the spotches were move around. Yet change your angle of view even slightly, and everything returned to normal, till you looked back again in that particular direction. This happened once.


2: Flying 4 tentacled Octopi. Ok, let me describe this better. I kill someone like a Talon merc. Only they don't fall down to the ground. Instead, their arms and legs become like 50 feet long, but not straight, rather all bent up at various angles, fluttering around in the sky. You see the body in the middle of the mass, then after a while of drifting around out of reach, it eventually just disappears. I've see that 3 seperate times. These masses aren't confined by walls either. They just float off through anything in their way.


3: Animals, Bodies, Weapons, just floating a foot or two off the ground. I've seen this twice.


4: You can't travel beyond the limit of the map borders, But apparently your followers (and weapons) can get pushed past these boundries and get stuck there. I had this happen with Fawkes. I was on the edge of the map, he was on my ass, I was trying to get around him, and pushed him over the boundry. He stopped trying to do anything. Didn't even TRY to run after me when I walked away. Fired him, he didn't move. It's like the game lost track of him because his position was out of bounds. I ended up throwing a grenade at him, which blew him back onto the map, and then he started following me again. This happened only once so far, and I've been carefull not to let it happen again.



Speaking of Fawkes. He's starting to piss me off. He's always on my ass, except when I need him to be, then he's way off somewhere else out of range of my perception shooting at Bloatflys and shit. Meanwhile, I've got a Merc or Mutant shooting my ass off. The more I let him tag along, the less he seems to do. It used to be he would see something and start shooting before I even saw it. Now he doesn't start shooting till whatever it was has already started attacking.


He's always getting stuck somewhere, and not because of his size, as he can fit through the places. He just goes stupid, and runs in place like a nutty cartoon character. I can't figure out the logic. I know it wants to be near you, but how it wants to do it seems random. Sometimes he just gets stuck trying to run in place against an obsticle he can't get over, despite there being a big gaping hole in the fence on flat ground just a few feet on either side that he doesn't want to use. Othertimes, I'll jump/climb somewhere he can't, and I see him run off in the opposite direction and disapear, only to see him coming around a corner on my level somewhere else a few minutes later after he found some other path. Sometimes, he doesn't even try and just stand where he last was and waits for you to come back to him. There are a few crazy ass hidden places that cause him to do this. Somehow, I think these issues plague ALL the NPC's that follow you.


All in all, they did a pretty good job at polishing the game and kept the "magic" to a minimum, but it's still there. Even as a perfectionist I can overlook most of it pretty easy. But there are a couple of annoyances that they really should have addressed a hair better. But despite all that. It's still one of the best games I've ever seen.

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Anyone been to Isabella Proud's camp? Jesus f'in tap dancing Christ. How obscure do they need to make places. This is another one of those things one should get an achievement for finding. AFAIK, there isn't even a reference to it anywhere in the game by anyone. It's there to be found non the less.

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Weird. 2 nights ago I go venturing off with Dogmeat, and suddenly everyone hated me. I ran into Talon mercs, the 2 robots guarding a truck, and even saw about 5-6 raiders attacking some well-armed good guy. Dogmeat sadly died at the hands of the droids. So I go out & venture like a crazy man. Ran as far as Independence Point(whatever that is) to find that splinter group. Since I'm a drug addict, I don't bother saving. With everyone I've killed, I level up quickly.


I go the same route again WITHOUT dogmeat, and no droids, no huge bands of raiders, etc. It's like the game ups the difficutly level when you travel with a pal. I instead run into a friendly trader & do some more looting, with only a few critters & raiders to deal with.

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Well....Two things about that.


One is that there is no consistancy. You can play the game several times, and it will be different each time. For example, you won't always find the BoS outside of GNR to help you get in. Not sure if it has to do with Karma, or what order you do stuff or what. But the game seems to be very fluid about how it handles everything.


With that however. Dogmeat IS, from what I understand,

an enemy magnet that will attract anything in the area to your position like a homing beacon.

. :P

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He's always getting stuck somewhere,


Reminds me of the time I entered a room in that kids town.

I walked in turn around and that dumb f$#^er is blocking my way out!? The room was so small I could get far enough away from him to get him to move, and I couldn't push him out of the room because he wouldn't budge. I tried hitting him with gun shots, firing him etc..... He effectively ended my game and I had to reload.

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and I couldn't push him out of the room because he wouldn't budge.

Actually, you can push him. So long as he can move in the direction you are pushing.


At doorways, you can't always push straight because he won't be in front of the opening, but partialy infront of a wall or something. So you need to get on the side of him, and push him over, then get behind him and push forward again. Or get on the other side and push him over more and walk out yourself. He's pretty easy to move around.


I typicaly end up pushing him around alot anyways, just to make him the point person, so I'm not the one everyone attacks. Every time I open a door, I'm pushing his ass through it first. :P

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Yeah I had to push my helpers out of the way a fair amount. Never found Dogmeat, guess he's for the next game. I still find it amusing how Fawkes takes up entire doorways. :) Some of that crazy 'I got left behind' NPC Benny Hill running speed after you was amusing as well.


As far as VATS, the only time I didn't use it was to score those last few points of a kill after running out of AP.

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Actually, you can push him. So long as he can move in the direction you are pushing.


Yeah, I've pushed him. I don’t think you can get through the game if you couldn't push him. Think of how many times during the game you need to turn back around a narrow corridor and his ass is right there. When I typed “wouldn’t budge” I didn’t mean “sure wish you could push your buddy out of the way” I meant he wouldn't move out of the doorway regardless how or what way I pushed him. Basically I was stuck. I tried saving and reloading, I tried talking to him to get him to turn and then pushing, I tried telling him to keep a distance. I eventually pissed him off and he killed me.

I had to reload.

Luckily it autosaves so I only had to back up a few minutes.


Wasn't as bad as the time I got stuck on a shelf. Seriously in Rivetown I jumped on a shelf and couldn't get back down. I tried and tried to get down off the damn SHELF!! I eventually got down....via reload again.


Magic. Thats what it is.

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