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Midwest Gaming Classic 2010

Retro Rogue

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I hope all the AtariAge members that attended got a chance to see Opcode's booth.


DKA and the memory module where impressive.


Indeed, DK on the coco in the Museum was even more impressive. Good times in the Benheck booth. Fixed some consoles, modded some Ataris, bought some old pinball parts.

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Had a blast! Good to see some familier faces and meet some new people as well! Found a few deals (including a Genesis CIB Gunstar Hereos for $2.50!!) Had a great time chatting with Golden Ax, Tempest, 8bit classics, Marty, Ben Heck, Longhorn engineer, Tom Lynx, Tradengames, Goat Dan, Ianoid, Yurkie, Jeff31, all the Digital Press crew, got to see jboypacman fpr about ten seconds (sorry about that, was helping load stuff for the multiplayer room otherwise I would have stopped to chat) Picked up a Pac Man collection from Opcode and got to play the new Donkey Kong (COOL!), saw a lot of people from my pinball groups back here in Minneapolis that made it to the show. Thanks everyone for making the show so much fun, also anyone I forgot or was unable to meet with thanks as well. I can't wait until next year, it was a lot of fun, especially that after party what a nice surprise! (I think the jagermeister HANGOVER has finally worn off - lol) GAME ON!!!!

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Check out my pix on my Twitter feed from the show. And follow me on Twitter.


I had a great time. I love that show. I am exhausted. I can't wait to catch up on sleep and get back to my gaming habit. I spent all of my free time last week packing and pricing for the show.


Thanks to all who bought my stuff and thanks to all who sold me stuff.

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Kind of double posting, but I figure out that here is a more appropriated place to post this...

I must say that I really had fun. The show was great, very well put together. And the best part was to finally be able to meet some people that I have known for years only thru this forum: Yurkie, Jeff31, slapdash, tempest, RickO2, wgungfu, Crazy Climber, Golden Ax (totally understand the nickname now), Ianoid, Sean Kelly (one of the Digital Press guys), more people I am sure I am forgetting, my memory isn't what it used to be so I apologize for any omission...

Yurkie was very kind to even offer me a free TV set (one of my sets was kind of bad), and he took care of the booth for a while too. I also had fun with Jeff31, we spend a lot of time discussing all things ColecoVision during the 2 days, really great guy.

Here is a picture of Yurkie (right) and Jeff31(left, in the background). The guy with the camera (I don't remember his name) was an arcade wiz and he shown me a lot of tricks I didn't know. He was very impressed that all tricks worked with both Pac-Man Collection and Donkey Kong Arcade and I was surprised [they did] because I had never tried many of them or even was aware about them...

The other couple of picture shows the Opcode booth and the Super Game Module...




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Sounds like you guys had a blast. Did Ben Heck have his Bill Paxton pinball there at the show?


Hopefully I'll be able to make it next year... I wouldn't mind saving all year for it and have fun blowing it all away next year.


There was a picture of it there. I had to laugh at that. Bill Paxton Pinball! :rolling:

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Sounds like you guys had a blast. Did Ben Heck have his Bill Paxton pinball there at the show?


Hopefully I'll be able to make it next year... I wouldn't mind saving all year for it and have fun blowing it all away next year.


Yes it was. Played it way to much. Pretty sure all the quotes are etched into my brain.

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I had this sweepstake going on during MGC to give away a free ColecoVision game from Opcode. Well, my wife just drew a card from the pile and the lucky winner is... Marty. Not kidding, his name was selected fair and square so he deserves the prize.

Now I don't know if I call it fate or what, but just yesterday we were talking and Marty confessed me that he had a 5200 as a kid but he secretly wished he had a ColecoVision instead. So Marty, it took almost 30 years man, but your childhood dream is finally becoming reality. Congratulations, you lucky guy! :D

I will contact you soon to arrange the shipment.

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I had a blast meeting up with everyone again. Longhorn Engineer modded my 7800 for S-Video and the results are AMAZING! Ax fixed my DC so it works again, and I even picked up a Jaguar and a 3DO (why, dear god why?). I was talking to Marty a bit in the museum and I think next year I might be talked into bringing my ADAM setup so everyone can play the expanded versions of the games that they may have never seen before. We'll see...



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I had a blast meeting up with everyone again. Longhorn Engineer modded my 7800 for S-Video and the results are AMAZING! Ax fixed my DC so it works again, and I even picked up a Jaguar and a 3DO (why, dear god why?). I was talking to Marty a bit in the museum and I think next year I might be talked into bringing my ADAM setup so everyone can play the expanded versions of the games that they may have never seen before. We'll see...




Yeah, thanks for not making me bring that 3do home :)


In all honesty, give it a chance there's some good games on there. Just not any of the ones I gave you lol.

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I really disliked the Sheraton as a hosting facility. Everything was so spread out, some stuff was buried away that I totally missed it. A lot of areas were cramped and made me feel like I was in the way of other people which probably has a lot to do with the lack of vids.


I think that part of the issue was that some of the stickers went by the concession stand, and it didn't seem like there would be another hallway beyond that would have more rooms attached. Seemed like a dead-end

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I really disliked the Sheraton as a hosting facility. Everything was so spread out, some stuff was buried away that I totally missed it. A lot of areas were cramped and made me feel like I was in the way of other people which probably has a lot to do with the lack of vids.


I think that part of the issue was that some of the stickers went by the concession stand, and it didn't seem like there would be another hallway beyond that would have more rooms attached. Seemed like a dead-end


Well I just didn't think much of the Sheraton as a convention facility. I think the MGC is bigger than it can handle. It's trial and error. Looking at an empty space isn't the same as having packed full of stuff and people.

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My best year for MGC even if i got sick at the end of the day. :(


Running around with Tempest and Golden Ax was a blast and meeting Yurkie and his wife was great and even only seeing Crazy Climber for about 10secs was cool too lol.


I did take some videos from the show and i plan on posting them to my YouTube channel in a few days after i get back from having my follow up surgery done.


Just a great time. :thumbsup:

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This was my second time at MGC and it was in my opinion much better then last year. This is probably because the BHE (BenHeck Experience) pretty much got our own little room. The vendors looked a bit cramped but I was impressed by there selection in goods over last year. This go around I hung out with more AA members. Tempest and GoldenAx hung around while I modded some 7800's. Marty, Crazy Climber nice to talk to yall again. I wish I could have hung out in the Museum more then I did but I did atleast get to check out that DK on the coco. Besides a slightly crackly sound (barely noticeable, could have been the A/V jacks or something) it was SPOT on. Opcode's DKA on the coleco was equally impressive.


Channelmaniac! finally got to meet yah! I think we where scaring people with out technical mumbo jumbo. I will defiantly start sending people your way when I get asked about colecovision mods.


Every time I come I learn a little more about the community. It is great to meet and talk to people that share the same kind of passion towards older consoles and video games.


Got to meet jboypacman briefly, sorry to hear you ended up not feeling well. Thanatos was the other I did a 7800 mod for at the show. His 7800 got me and Tempest concerned when it didn't boot up right away. Turned out to be a dirty cartridge slot.


Already looking forward to next years MGC. Maybe I will have some of those Project Unities done by then ;)


oh before I forget I should add Ben's pinball machine inspired me to make one. I picked up some old pinball parts while I was there so I can start experimenting.

Edited by Longhorn Engineer
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It looked like fun and I stopped a few times to just take a look. I figured it was some folks from AA at the booth but you were pretty busy talking with some other people. I think each time I walked by there was a dad and his son playing that big stand up game with the gun.


That was Area 51, an Atari Games coin-op with Atari Jaguar hardware inside.

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Well I just didn't think much of the Sheraton as a convention facility. I think the MGC is bigger than it can handle. It's trial and error. Looking at an empty space isn't the same as having packed full of stuff and people.



Actually, we still have plenty of room to grow there at 30,000 square feet this year. The Olympia was getting way to cramped for us, and the only next step up is the Midwest Airlines Center - which is way to expensive at this point. The same amount of space there would have cost three times as much - and that's without tables, electricity, etc. The Sheraton was a wonderful, wonderful location for us to work with and they went completely out of their way to help make sure the show was the success it was. Even letting us take over the lobby, hallways, and entire hotel - which is something a lot of these places usually don't do.

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Here's my photosets. As it states, I didn't manage to get photos of every single area at the show - but this still covers a major portion of it.





Thanks for posting that. Some of "us" have never been to such an event, and the pictures are therefore of significant interest.

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