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Super Circus AtariAge (new WIP)


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I had no idea you were reconsidering the Ballblazer donor cart thing. I had mentioned my interest in a Pokey standard version waaaaay back when this was first brought up.


I would definitely love to do that, as I do happen to have a spare here. . .

Edited by DocEss
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Thanks, guys.


I don't mean to delay - but most people it seems still want the XM version, which is always good for the remaining BallBlazer carts. :) and I can't make any until I test it on the XM unit itself. Same goes with PacMan320 - I have to test that one with and without the XM (because it works both ways).


As soon as I get to test the first one on the XM and it works. I'll get the gears in motion. :)


Thanks again,



@gorfcadet - I wouldn't trust that one unfortunately. If it's a shot trace or something like that it won't work either way.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Hi Guys:


In light of the recent issue, this is what I'm doing in an attempt to bring down the price in eBay. Anyone who wants a *NON-XM* version of Super Circus AtariAge, Please PM me, as I will have 10 of these pre-made for $30.

Anyone who has a spare Ballblazer, and wants to send it in, will get theirs converted for $20.


So far, I have this in the list:


  1. AtariBrian
  2. the.golden.ax
  3. Propane13
  4. boxpressed
  5. acousticguitar
  6. ham
  7. HatNJ
  8. Compumater
  9. Mayhem
  10. swlovinist


  1. Mitch
  2. diggs130
  3. twoquickcapri
  4. atarinut76
  5. toymailman
  6. VicViper
  7. tremoloman2006
  8. stromberg2
  9. _Fandal_
  10. jeffgamer


Again, this is only for the people who do not want the XM version. That one will be $25 pre-made (like my others) once the XM is out. I also have another game planned that is XM mandatory.





*EDIT - Ok guys the lists are full. XM Only from here on in. Thank you!

Edited by PacManPlus
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please put me down for a non-xm cart!




I'm on the pre order list for the XM, as I have been for years, but I've lost all hope in it ever being finished. Maybe someday I'll be surprised...

Dont hold your breath, as i would hate to see something bad happen to you :rolling:
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Thanks guys!


Regarding the XM - It *will* be finished soon. I couldn't imagine the *huge* undertaking that goes into making something like this... and remember - this isn't even their full-time job! This is their own time and money going into this. Just think of the many revisions that had to be made because of issues with hardware, BIOS, etc. All done on their own time.



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