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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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Found a few goodies today,


A pile of 2600 carts at a used game store, that would not give me a price for all, so I paid $1.95 each for these:

Front Line


Piece O' Cake



Later, at a thrift store, I found several Genesis carts priced $2.00 each.


Maximum Carnage

Gadget Twins


Predator 2

Eternal Champions



Might and Magic

Rocket Knight Adventures

Sunset Riders

Mortal Combat 3


I almost forgot, one more item picked up at the used game store:

Analog Mission control stick, for the Saturn $8.95 (NIB)

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That's a really nice Sega sign! I'm a sucker for store displays... I pursued a Dreamcast standup store display (it's like a mini-arcade) for a year from my local CompUSA. I did ultimately get it and I paid the guy $25 (I think) as a convincer. :)


I got some nice gaming stuff this week and last:


2x Atari binders + 16 games (only uncommon ones were Strawberry Shortcake, Decathlon, Fire Fighter, Donkey Kong Jr.) - $8


Sega Pico system - $1.50

Apple IIc (portable) - $1.50

Saturn Nights Xmas - $2

Saturn Black Dawn - $2

Saturn controller, 3D controller, Genesis controller, PSU's, etc. $2.50

Amiga 1950 multisync monitor (real HTF) $2


I passed on the Vader Atari with some controllers and commons for $20. Seemed a bit high, but I'll go back on half price day to see if it's still there.

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I just picked up a TRS-80 Color Computer 2 in great shape butthe box was a bit battered for 10 bucks, not a spectacular deal but it's been about a month since I've added anything to my collection so i grabbe dit anyway. Now I just have to find a floppy disk controller and a joystick so I can play some games.

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They said Atari games go for $200.00 on eBay. I just shook my head and laughed all the way out the door.


I hate it when people try to tell you what the value of a game is. I had soe guy at the flea market last week tellingme that a space invaiders sells for $5.00 easily and me paying him $4.00 would be a deal....these people should be shot by the atari police!

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First off :lust:

Today I went to the Swapmeet and only found one thing, X'EYE console only-$20.00

Then it started to rain and i left. went to a thrift store I regularly go to. I look throuogh the usual spots for games, nothing, As I walk through the toy section as I always do, I see some Vectrex games, about 6. I am all happy, I look down and there are 5 more :love: . No price tag on them so I'm like, "shit I hope they still sell them to me." I quickly go to the electronics section and look for the system, not there :( . I got to pay and the girl asks if there was a console with the games and I said "no". She calls the stock guys and asks about it. He says there was one but that it was broken. I asked him if he could find it I would buy it anyway. So he goes and checks, he comes back empty handed and I'm thinking he didn't find it. He say it's in the back and to go look at it with him. He tested it and it was working but no controller. I said "I'll take it" He said it would cost $9.00 including the games :o So i got to pay and leave happy :) .


When I get home and look at the games and check the rarity on the DP guide, I was amazed. Here what I got:

3d Maze Coaster R8

3d Mine Storm R8

3d Narrow Escape R8

Berzerk R3

Clean sweep R3

Cosmic Chasm R3

Heads up Soccer R6

Hyper Chase R3

Scramble R2

Solar Quest R4

Star Trek R2


Boy was this one of my best score ever.

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Donkeykong1 - That is one sweet haul! I was happy finding a controllerless Vectrex for $5, but this score easily tops it! Order yourself a converted Genesis controller from http://www.classicgamecreations.com/ and start playing!

Thanx. Cool link too. I actually have a Vectrex already with a controller and I played all the games after I posted the earlier post. This Vectrex is actually going to my friend who's also been looking for one. We'll both be looking for a controller though, I'll ask him if he wants to try the ones on the site.

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I wish I could claim this find for myself but it was really my nephew. One weekend him and his friends were driving somewhere in the Toledo area when he spotted what looked like an Atari box in someone's trash by the curb. They turned around and went back to find an Atari 5200 trackball complete in box! It still had the styrofoam inside and everything. Then underneath that they found a 5200! They went through the rest of the trash but couldn't find any cables or controllers or anything. I thought this story was amazing not only because he somehow spotted this box in the trash but also because it was the 5200, not exactly the most common home console. The next step is to see if this thing actually works. If not the trackball is still a pretty cool find.

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I pulled in a strange lot of stuff today. Two VIS wireless controllers, $4.95 each, a Radio Shack TRS-80 Pocket Computer with carrying case and manuals, $15.99, a MixMan Digital Music Mixer USB turntable, $9.99, and a spotless cassette recorder with "Computer Compatible" in that futuristic 80's style on a sticker over the cassette door. It's the old kind, with ports on the side for earphone, microphone, and remote. Only $4.94.

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I've been having quite a few dry runs lately so I was excited to finally find some NES stuff. Yesterday I stopped off at a thrift store where I haven't seen anything for months, not even Mario/Duckhunts or Genesis sports games. I got a Game Genie, Donkey Kong/Donkey Kong Junior, Batman Returns, and Final Fantasy. All were CIB except for the D.K. game which was missing the box. Got it all for $10.

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Did a fun run yesterday and came back with a couple things.


First off, I finally found Serious Sam for the Cube. And it rocks. $20 is a thrift even if it is regular price.

And a must for anyone who loved the one on the Box.


Along with that, some NES: (Prices before 30% off)

Werewolf - $2.99

Gyruss - $1.99

Spelunker - $1.99



The Lawnmower Man - $1.99

Ken Griffey Jr's Winning Run Not for Resale Demo Only (Walmart #1586) - $1.99


Only because it was all that was left cheap.


I was surprised by the Demo game. Even if it IS the most common SNES demo, I actually have a

demo. And that's all that matters. It's no Star Fox Competition, but at least it still has all the

labels and Anti-Theft tag from Walmart.


Lastly, EB at the mall had a 70% Clearance on some old collectible figures and stuff.

I grabbed two Simpsons playsets. KBBL with Bill and Marty and Moes Bar with Duff Man.

(Batteries still work and everything. Keeping these in packaging.) The only two

clearanced left aside from Mrs. Lovejoy alone who was normal priced at $5.99..

Passed on that.


Total for the two Simpsons playsets.. less than $7. Not a bad deal. Was tempted by the

attractive Muppets in Space playsets as well. But passed for this time. Maybe if they're

still there next time, it may open a new branch of collecting for me. ;)

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Another mixed bag of stuff today, tommorrow is market day!, anywayss,,


1 Powerjoy, One of those famicom pads with built in games, on;y 10 variations of duckhunt (pad doubles as a gun), Luckily it has a famicom cart slot so it will be ideal for vacations, battery fed as well


Following NES boxed titles,


Lolo 3, Isnt this meant to be rare??



And a boxed mortal kombat for the SMS,


oh, and an aladdin chip for $10

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