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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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Interesting story from this weekend at the volunteer thrift. While I was there, a huge box of music CD's came in. Of course I immediately grab the box to see what I need for my collection to see what condition they're in and whether they're okay to sell on the floor. Without getting into too many possibly personal details, I noticed most but not all of the CD's were of one particular genre, or rather, one particular radio format. The remaining CD's were definitely not of that format, but I thought they were a pretty darn good selection of discs just the same. Then my roommate happened to notice the name written on the back of several cases. "Hey, that's so-and-so who worked at such-and-such radio station!" Our curiosity struck, we began to dig into the discs more thoroughly. That's when we noticed several discs which fit the station's format had stickers like "PROMO" or "DEMO" on them. There were even a couple of CD-R's sent from music labels with notes that the tracks were not final masters. We then looked at the station's web site, and sure enough, the person still works there. I decided to drop a line, asking the staff to tell the person that if they were the so-and-so who donated a batch of CD's to this thrift, one particular store volunteer and long-time station listener thinks they have great taste in music!


In other news, what the heck is wrong with retro gaming collectors and enthusiasts? What is it that makes us salivate when companies create new systems capable of playing old games but with the finest audio and video modern technology can allow, and then go ape when we find some piece of old hardware still able to deliver that "authentic" experience?


Let me rephrase my first question: What the heck is wrong with me? Specifically, why in the world would I want to keep... this?


post-6115-0-80128200-1498706186.jpg post-6115-0-50941700-1498706192.jpg


Not the Heavy Sixer, of course. There's no question why anyone would want to keep that. No, I'm talking about the TV.


My thrift store, like most thrifts in the area, no longer takes tube TV's. They're bulky, heavy, prone to sit for long periods without selling (that is when they sell at all), and you can't just toss them in the dumpster without the environment police screaming at you (rightly so). Despite that policy, people still try to donate them, including the former owners of this particular TV. After bringing it in and being told the store could not accept it, the jokers decided to leave it on the store sidewalk when no one was looking. That's where I found it, this big, heavy, useless piece of obsolete technology... absolutely beautiful with its fake wooden paneling and vintage control panel. I couldn't just leave it there, not when something so old and yet in such good condition would look just perfect with an Atari or Nintendo connected. So I told the store I would "dispose" of it for them, and then told my roommate it was his mission to talk me out of keeping it, unless of course it didn't work. Well, it works. Not only that, the tube is in great shape for a 28-year-old TV (manufacturing date 1989). The reds and blues bloom just a bit, but not nearly as badly as other TV's I've seen from the same era, and not really noticeable when playing an Atari that tends to smear its colors anyway. The picture controls still do their job, with good contrast and saturation, or lesser contrast and saturation when needed. It isn't a flat screen, but there is very little geometry distortion and only a bit of misalignment among the color guns, noticeable only in the corners. I can even justify keeping it as a prop for the annual Houston Arcade Expo. I think my roommate has a losing battle on his hands.


Sigh... I'm going to need a bigger storage unit...

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I did exactly that about 6 years ago ... old tube TV's that were absolutely perfect for atari ... I kept getting them mostly for free - until my wife could no longer park the car in the garage (a 3 car garage mind you). then they went away just like that ... free at a yard sale. sigh ... it's okay dude, the support group welcomes you

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Hell, even LCD monitors are getting crazy cheap if you know where to look. Picked up a Samsung 23 inch display with HDMI, DVI, and component ports for $10 at a sale a couple months ago.


I know you guys have a peculiar fondness for cathode ray tubes, but after dragging a broken Sanyo to the garbage ten years ago, I vowed I'd never go back. A decade later, my back thanks me.

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That's where I am too. If I see a CRT outside my arcade cabinet it's a heavy fun novelty but I wouldn't be caught dead owning one again. Given where CRTs have gone recently with parts and all that, who knows what will happen in the nearer future. For one thing though, I'm resigned to figuring it out or finding someone to help but whenever the CRT in my cabinet chokes I'm getting a PC LCD and putting a big one of those in there instead since they don't have the display lag processing problems of TV style ones. Personally I prefer the sharper image even if it makes things look more sharper than intended.

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it's okay dude, the support group welcomes you


"Hi, Grig!"


I know you guys have a peculiar fondness for cathode ray tubes, but after dragging a broken Sanyo to the garbage ten years ago, I vowed I'd never go back. A decade later, my back thanks me.


I don't blame you in the least. There's no reason to hang onto an old tube, unless you're a classic gaming fan who still loves how games look on those old sets. Unfortunately for me and potentially my back, I'm one of those. :)

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Not a bad haul for me today:





A couple Troma DVDs, another that is a compilation of b-horror trailers. Ford Racing I got because red tags were half off today so it was only $1.50. Super Mario Advance 4 guide was also red tagged and I've noticed at this location the staff prices these guides as children's books so I get them for $1, or .50 today. Then lastly, Morrowind GOTY for $1.99. I've never played Morrowind, it's not really my type of game I'm more into Fallout, but the game is so critically acclaimed that for a complete in box copy at that price (even better than any Steam sale) I'm willing to give it a shot.

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Four N64 controllers + 2 memory packs + a rumble pack - $10. One of the controllers is red, two are standard grey and one is the grey superpad. They appear to be in good shape but I will test them out asap. Also found a black Gamecube (complete with power supply and A/V cable) plus four controllers for $20. Oh yes - also found a Madasgar Karts Wii game + wheel + Nyko rechargeable station + Wii remotes for $10.


sorry no pics yet but I will post them soon

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Went into a local seco!nd hand game/toy/misc type shop that I've gotten to know the owner of a bit but can't get to very often as the flea market was basically crap, though I did get a replacement 2 yoyo strings, a 1908 blue Ball mason jar with metal snap/glass top intact, and an odd 1970s Japanese calculator in its pouch Omron 8P that works great.


Good thing I did go that guys shop though.


I found 8 transformers manuals (I fouled up only needed 3 of them, need to read my list clearer), a Walkman Robo (1984, Mark Toys, Japan) wannabe transformer mini-cassette, and best of all as I read nothing but great things -- Tomba! PS1 complete in fantastic shape. Paid $80 for everything, the game was $55, gave me $20 off on it. :D


Don't plan on taking images of the stuff really, though I do archive Transformers and knockoffs so I recall how to transform them safely.


I know photobucket is getting sketchy about linking, so well best I think I can do is this: http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee167/tanooki-suit/Tanookis%20Finds/Transformers/transformersKO-g1-mark-walkmanrobo2_zps82admz2s.jpg (Go back one to see it in casette mode)

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I may still use it I don't know, just not a fan how it just immediately dumps every single image into one big memory gobbling lump unless you break every few pictures down into a sub directory. Well that on top of what I said already about it throwing files out of order scatter shot. It's fine besides that. I do have an account but it's empty.

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I know photobucket is getting sketchy about linking...

Getting sketchy? It's probably been over ten years since I used them last...at least if you dug enough, you could find the URL for hotlinking images, but now everything's so buried in Javascript, you're lucky if you can even get the thumbnail to load without having to try a different web browser >_<


I still use TinyPic, though I know it has its own set of issues. For this forum, I just use the attachment option.

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Saw a sign for a garage sale yesterday and was gonna stop by today. Got to the place and they had a few things outside with a sign that said, "More inside." The place was really sketchy... like meth house sketchy... so we just did a slow drive by and decided we didn't want to go inside and left. How many garage sales do you do this with? Like, not even get out of the car and decide it's not worth it?

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Saw a sign for a garage sale yesterday and was gonna stop by today. Got to the place and they had a few things outside with a sign that said, "More inside." The place was really sketchy... like meth house sketchy... so we just did a slow drive by and decided we didn't want to go inside and left. How many garage sales do you do this with? Like, not even get out of the car and decide it's not worth it?


I'd say most times, but not usually because I'm scared of an lab explosion. Most yard sales around here are clothing and a few old pieces of furniture.

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How many garage sales do you do this with? Like, not even get out of the car and decide it's not worth it?


Rarely ever. A yard sale is an invitation to ask if they have video games for sale regardless of whether or not they have them out for sale. You would be amazed the number of people who "forget" they have this stuff buried in the basement or they feel it is just a waste of time and nobody would want it so they don't bother to dig it out.


90% of my buys these days come from stuff that was not for sale in the first place. You have to watch out though and ask when nobody is looking because it is irritating shit when you ask and some one pops up behind you and says "Oh I'd be interested in that too" then stands and waits with you for them to go get stuff.

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Rarely ever. A yard sale is an invitation to ask if they have video games for sale regardless of whether or not they have them out for sale. You would be amazed the number of people who "forget" they have this stuff buried in the basement or they feel it is just a waste of time and nobody would want it so they don't bother to dig it out.


90% of my buys these days come from stuff that was not for sale in the first place. You have to watch out though and ask when nobody is looking because it is irritating shit when you ask and some one pops up behind you and says "Oh I'd be interested in that too" then stands and waits with you for them to go get stuff.


Agreed ... not very often will I drive by a sale. Only if I'm in a large development of sales and it looks like all baby clothes ... then I'll drive by and hit more promising sales first, maybe going back to that one later. Lots of people now looking for video games/systems in my area so need to hit the sales early for anything good!


Anyone else seeing a new influx of people looking for video games at sales?

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I've asked quite a few times at yard sales because I see it in "pick up" videos on youtube and the collector says - you gotta ask, you gotta ask. In my area in all these years of asking at yard or garage sales, not once has someone said they had something in the house and they'd go get it. Either they don't have anything or not anything they want to sell. So weird to me that people in other areas have such good luck asking.

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I've asked quite a few times at yard sales because I see it in "pick up" videos on youtube and the collector says - you gotta ask, you gotta ask. In my area in all these years of asking at yard or garage sales, not once has someone said they had something in the house and they'd go get it. Either they don't have anything or not anything they want to sell. So weird to me that people in other areas have such good luck asking.


Next time someone says no, tell them: "You sure because some of those games are worth a lot of money". You will see how fast people get moving when you tell them they may be sitting on a gold mine lol.


You have to get the tactics down lol. Of course you are going to still run into no's but if you are hitting a neighborhood sale you are likely going to find something.

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Next time someone says no, tell them: "You sure because some of those games are worth a lot of money". You will see how fast people get moving when you tell them they may be sitting on a gold mine lol.


You have to get the tactics down lol. Of course you are going to still run into no's but if you are hitting a neighborhood sale you are likely going to find something.

I can agree with iceman here as well. Often I have even gotten the "Well I don't have them here but lets exchange numbers and see what we can do." I have nabbed Saturn systems and Sega Genesis ones on the cheap mostly because the NES buzz is the one gaining most attention. I also got an Intellivision in the box that looked like it had been used maybe once. Always prompt and chat and then followup if need be.

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I wasn't so much passing it by because I didn't think there were any games... looked like younger people running it so they may have had some more recent gaming stuff... I passed on by because it looked like a crack house and the signs were saying to go inside. I didn't want to be wandering around in there.

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Let me rephrase my first question: What the heck is wrong with me? Specifically, why in the world would I want to keep... this?


There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. You kept something out of a landfill for a little longer by using it, because it was still perfectly good for your purpose (a trait people used to encourage!). And it was free, and the games look great on it, as they should. Everybody wins, except maybe the guy who helped you move it.

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I offered $130 for this and it was automatically accepted.... should have offered lees :) I thought offering almost $50 less than asking price was pretty steep...guess not. I just wonder what his low auto accept was.




I already cleaned tested Rocket Knight Adventures and it works. I will clean the stickers off and keep it as I want it for my collection.


I know many see junk but I see $$ :)

3 sets of sonic 1 2 3 knuckles alone to sell my extra genesis systems with.










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