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HSC8 Round 10: Up the Creek!

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What happened to Chicken and Night Mission Pinball? I voted for paddle games because these two were on the list and I owned both of them. I don't have any of the ones that actually were included. Maybe they'll make it into a second up the creek round?

:ponder: I droppped NMP as it wasn't paddles (unlike most other pinballs where you can use the two butons) and to give variety I chose Kaboom over Chicken (by Synapse), as it was a bigger name and I thought a lot of people might have it. I'll try and post you a disk, hopefully will cross the pond in time! (send me a list of any new games you have since last time ASAP and I'll fill it out with some others) :)


p.s. You can sub in Chicken and NMP either way!


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Gave Super Breakout a play on "Breakout" or default last night as well as some more Kaboom!. This is going to get confusing, so I'll just keep moving scores forward as I go.



Large paddles: 34,516

Small paddles: 3,950


Super Breakout-

Breakout: 447


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What is that Super Breakout (x2)


What is that (x2)


Is that The "DOUBLE" setting in Super Breakout?


I did not understand that yet...


I'm definately going to play. I today booted the disks on my ABBUC Sio2USB interface. Cool cool cool. Especially BASIC games. So RETRO. So cool!


Thanks TRBB for organising this




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What is that Super Breakout (x2)


What is that (x2)


Is that The "DOUBLE" setting in Super Breakout?


I did not understand that yet...


I'm definately going to play. I today booted the disks on my ABBUC Sio2USB interface. Cool cool cool. Especially BASIC games. So RETRO. So cool!


Thanks TRBB for organising this




Glad you're going to play M. :thumbsup:

The x2 was to high-light the two competitions for Super Breakout:

#1 - scores for breakout, double and cavity added together

#2 - score for progressive

(all the details for all the games on Post 2 folks) ;)


I'm going to have a bash on some of the games tonight :)


Please can any other XE users with another atari for comparison post re their paddle stability in this thread here) maybe we can get a h/w fix from one of the atariharwaregenii :ponder:

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OK. There are 4 variations of the Breakout game. Variation 1 (breakout), 3 (double), and 4 (cavity) are the scores counted together -> result 1 and variation 2 (progressive) is the other score. Right?




That Spy Demise game s*cks with paddle. When you are hit, you have to reset your paddle controler or to the left completely or to the right. And it is extermely hard to find the 'breakpoint' ... no this game was definately not meant for paddle controlers. -1

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I really should have just said 'To hell!!' with this round - Several attempts at tweaking the mouse / paddle emulation have rendered my copy of Altirra unable / unwilling to keep score - most perplexing! (Is there supposed to be a U in perplexing?)


Kaboom: Game launches, I wiggle frantically (like an epileptic in a twister!) from side to side, loosing lives like that's what they're for! and 30 seconds (and 2 or 3 levels!) later I shuffle of my [virtual] mortal coil only to discover that I've not scored a thing. Now I know what you're all thinking - and I'm the first to admit: I suck at this game!, but in order to progress through levels (even if it's only the 1st 2 or 3!) you have to catch some bombs. And what do bombs make? Prizes. Prizes in the form of bit fat juicy points!! Seems I'm not so much on a points diet as a hunger strike!! Anyone understood any of my rantings? Anyone able to help me back onto the elusive path to points-based nirvana? Anyone not laughing the socks off thinking "Muppet!!"?


In light of Altirra's inability to record my [deluge] of points, can I post the scores I honestly believe I would have been awarded were I not the victim of this glitch? If so, my last mouse-killing foray into the wonderful world of Clowns n pancakes was easily good for 7 million - and a backdoor pass to the playboy mansion! So, come on Bob - pay up! Being out on the town celebrating your Birthday is no reason to shirk your score tallying duties!!

Edited by justin case
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@justin case


Hehe at first... what a fabulous style of writing you have ;) Your message made me laugh :D


Why don't you get yourself ANOTHER emulator? Or better: a real atari...


I think it is a cool round!


I "hate" that spy demise game, but a few minutes again I tried again, and I got luckier then...


So keep playing!


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Wavy Navy - 870 (Boatswain)

Downhill - 38.43 (Beginner)

55.63 (Inter)

Tilter - 52.2 (You need practice)

Breakout - 283

Progressive - 356

Clowns & Balloons - 19940 (Beginner)


Played a lot tonight because it's TRBB's birthday tomorrow :)

Edited by bluecat
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rum based rant [edited for sanity] :D

he he I bet you've got the altirra running on your super powerful cray IX might check the Warp Speed is not on, no really it is called Warp Speed check the 'System Menu' or press (F1)... if this isn't it you could uncheck the other Input Mappings and leave only 'Mouse Paddle A' ticked and see if this works AND check autofire is not on somewhere so it skips the enter score & high score table bit after your go :?:


Being out on the town celebrating your Birthday is no reason to shirk your score tallying duties!!

Ok first table tomorrow |:)


My scores:

Super Breakout Progressive 821

Tilter 24.2 seconds (I got lucky on game 2 when I had the paddle turned full to the right from round 1 and fluked it!)

Downhill 51.55 (int) 37:43 (exp) = Total 1:28:98 seconds

Wavy Navy 900 (adv)

Clowns and Ballons found that paddle 2 was sweet 60,360 (advanced), remember you can play on beginner up to 20K.


p.s. Yes M. Progressive is one contest and the other three breakouts' combined are another contest ;)




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Happy Birthday Jason

feeble attempt to get bonus points :D


Livewire 9,510 Nice game, shields deflect some bullets back at you and box things turn to sparks that travel after you but you can still complete the level if you are quick :thumbsup:



p.s. thanks for the card justin case it arrived justin time (your cousin?) :thumbsup:

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Cleaned out all the reg settings and pulled down the latest Altirra. It wasn't that I couldn't enter my name on the scoreboard - the game wasn't keeping score: no matter how many bombs I caught / bricks I popped, clowns I dropped my score remained at 0!


Now that I've cured that little problem I can post a few scores for breakout


















I think that's all the variations!

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Glad you're back up and paddling :D


1st scoreboard posted Post #3 so NO EDITING POSTS SO FAR [AS IN BEFORE THIS ONE] FOLKS! for some reason (any ties will be decided by River Rat) bluecat is winning, see what happens when you don't post early folks :P


:music: here comes the razors edge :music:

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