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I'll probably buy D2K, for I like to support the Intellivision home-brew scene, but I hope that this release-before-it's-done, resell-later-the-complete-version-for-more-money does not turn into a trend to milk the dedicated collector's community.


As it stands, I feel a bit cheated. I paid for DK Arcade, and was disappointed in the controls and some of the graphics glitchiness, but thought it was still a good game, overall. But to think I have to pay again to get the game I thought I bought is a bit of a put off.



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I'll probably buy D2K, for I like to support the Intellivision home-brew scene, but I hope that this release-before-it's-done, resell-later-the-complete-version-for-more-money does not turn into a trend to milk the dedicated collector's community.


As it stands, I feel a bit cheated. I paid for DK Arcade, and was disappointed in the controls and some of the graphics glitchiness, but thought it was still a good game, overall. But to think I have to pay again to get the game I thought I bought is a bit of a put off.




I'm sorry, but this makes little sense. You bought DK Arcade, and that's exactly what you got. The first release is a complete port of the arcade – all levels, intermissions, etc. It is regrettable that the game contained a few bugs. If I had had more (and better) game testers, they would not have made it out. I myself tested it quite extensively and was not aware of the bugs until people reported them.


I'm not aware of any graphic glitchiness. There are two fatal bugs – one is very timing sensitive. If an interrupt occurs over a small stretch of code, it can cause the black screen of death. It's extremely rare. Another I eventually discovered (but was never informed of) is that the game can lock if you're climbing when the bonus timer runs out.


There is also the issue of the high score being set to 000000. David Harley did not use the final image that I sent him, for whatever reason. I have it archived and the high score is set to 007600. It's possible that the version he used contained other bugs. I'm not aware, because I was never sent a copy of my own game.

This is not the "complete-game". It is a sequel and offers four new levels, new sounds, new graphics, and some minor improvements to the original. If people aren't interested in new levels for DK, then by all means feel free to pass on this game.


As to the control, it is still much better than any EXEC-driven game and beats the living crap out of Coleco's version. It is the best you can do while still retaining the ability to faithfully recognize all buttons on the Intellivision controller. I don't see why the game should be criticized for that.



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My criticism is valid. There are some bugs in the game that are distracting, and the control decoding has very little angular tolerance, which may be acceptable on a 4-way stick, but for a round disc is unconscionable. To say that it is better that the 40 year old Exec games at 20 Hz is a cheap shot--most anything is.


That you react so defensively to any other critique on this thread is a bit disconcerting. A simple "I'm sorry you feel that way, but I disagree" would have been more tactful than telling your audience how wrong they are.


As I said, DK Arcade overall is good. The criticisms arise precisely because it is so faithful to the original.


I was mostly criticizing the George Lucas style of re-hashing a once popular work with some modifications, over and over, for the purpose of milking more money from a dedicated audience with minimal creative investment.


Releasing the new version so soon after the first one gave this impression, unwarranted as it may be.


I said I hope the Intellivision home-brew scene does not turn into that. More importantly, I admire your work and would hate it degenerate into that. If this is not your case you have no reason to get offended.



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i too look as this as only a sequel with a bonus. so albeit there were bug fixes they were fixed. he could have just left them in and given us d2k plus bugged dk. many companies have done this. take super mario bros for example. they have the game released with negative world and the bug that gets you stuck across walls to make that happen. there was also hidden mushroom blocks like in world 1-1. they release the multi game version and removed all of these things. albeit i think they made it worse by doing this, they saw them as bugs and removed them. so i personally have to take carls side on this. he just did what other programmers would have done silently.

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How can you criticize fixing the bugs and improvements to DK Arcade?


Just because we have added an improved version of DK Arcade to a sequel, you are complaining?


If you want to complain, complain to 'Intelligentvision' that they released an early version of DK Arcade (probably so they could hack it to say "Donkey Kong")


This release is a sequel....D2K Arcade.....you get an improved version of DK Arcade in the same cart....how can you feel cheated?

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My criticism is valid. There are some bugs in the game that are distracting, and the control decoding has very little angular tolerance, which may be acceptable on a 4-way stick, but for a round disc is unconscionable. To say that it is better that the 40 year old Exec games at 20 Hz is a cheap shot--most anything is.


That you react so defensively to any other critique on this thread is a bit disconcerting. A simple "I'm sorry you feel that way, but I disagree" would have been more tactful than telling your audience how wrong they are.


As I said, DK Arcade overall is good. The criticisms arise precisely because it is so faithful to the original.


I was mostly criticizing the George Lucas style of re-hashing a once popular work with some modifications, over and over, for the purpose of milking more money from a dedicated audience with minimal creative investment.


Releasing the new version so soon after the first one gave this impression, unwarranted as it may be.


I said I hope the Intellivision home-brew scene does not turn into that. More importantly, I admire your work and would hate it degenerate into that. If this is not your case you have no reason to get offended.





I have played the original DK arcade extensively, and have no issues whatsoever with the control. I guarantee you that you will not be able to write a better control scheme that can recognize ALL buttons on the Intellivision controller individually and flawlessly. That I would react defensively to someone criticizing that is absolutely natural.


Your comparison to George Lucas is also invalid. I am not re-releasing Star Wars with enhanced special effects. It's more like releasing a sequel with a better transfer of Star Wars tacked on for free.


If anyone feels cheated by this, I would be happy to remove Game 1 from your copy of the game.


Better yet, contact David Harley. He has been sent bug-corrected image of the original. He has already expressed a willingness to reprogram his cartridges with this image. If that's all you want, have your copy updated and do not buy D2K Arcade.


And to imply I put "minimum creative investment" into this project is simply outrageous. You haven't even seen the game. If you think waking up at four in the morning and working for 14 hours for five straight months is not enough effort for you, then your standards are just completely unrealistic.



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I Agree with vprett. I was really happy with the original DK Arcade (estactic in fact as Coleco's was crap and I loved the arcade version as a kid).


That Carl has been able to finish a sequel so quickly is absolutely great. That it has a copy of the original DK Arcade (with a few glitches fixed that I hadn't personally come across) added to the cart is a real bonus.


I think a bit of the tone if this discussion has been set but the claims of DKA being "obsolete" which is not true rather with the bonus inclusion those who missed the first run get a second chance and those of us who got the first run have the sequel to look forward to.



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The Intellivision homebrew is still young compared to Atari 2600 and Colecovision if you think about it.


DK Arcade is the 6th homebrew released. (im not counting League of Light and Robot Rubble) As more games start to come out, it will get better.


I think it is obvious more testers are needed adn had been said, and it looks like Vprette may be taking care of this problem with the New Rangers thing.


Yes, you may feel dis-satified about a 're-release' so soon. But it is really a different game with an improved bonus.


Maybe it should of been advertised and revealed as a COMPLETELY new game with a free bonus game (DK Arcade). And really put the emphasis on that part?


That is how i look at it. lets face it, these retro games really only consisted of 3 to 5 boards or levels IF that. This D2K has 4 new levels and 4 old but improved ones.


Night Stalker has only ONE level!!!!! (but does get harder) LOL




p.s. how far off until we get a gameplay of one of the new levels?

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I'm not sure if I want to "ruin" the surprise for the new levels. I might consider posting the gameplay of one of them, though. That would probably be the refinery… I'll have to think about it.


Yeah, i understand that. i think one would be enough to get a feel for the new levels and to show it off, and that would not really ruin the surprise.



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Maybe it should of been advertised and revealed as a COMPLETELY new game with a free bonus game (DK Arcade). And really put the emphasis on that part?


Yeah, I think "Check out this new game that follows up on DK Arcade -- and as a bonus for those who missed the original, that's included too!" has a much nicer ring than "Remember that thing you just spent $50+ on? Well, it's obsolete!" But I also understand that the situation is complex.

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Actually, my original post said nothing about the original being obsolete. I'm very sorry for any misunderstanding in that regard.


To clarify: this is a SEQUEL with well-designed levels done in the original DK style. As a BONUS, the original DK is also included with some minor tweaks. But HAVE NO FEAR, your original DK is NOT OBSOLETE and is and will always be a COMPLETE port of the original arcade.





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Yeah, i dont think DK Arcade is or will ever be obsolete. Now that you revamped it and added it with the D2K package, DK Arcade is a totally separate and original game.


I don't EVER plan on selling my DK Arcade....actually i just bought a 3rd copy of it this week... :ponder:

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Yeah, i dont think DK Arcade is or will ever be obsolete. Now that you revamped it and added it with the D2K package, DK Arcade is a totally separate and original game.


I don't EVER plan on selling my DK Arcade....actually i just bought a 3rd copy of it this week... :ponder:


How'd you manage that? David canceled the one order I made saying he was sold out. I've been completely shut out of all his recent releases. Heck, even Carl never got a copy of his own game.

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Yeah, i dont think DK Arcade is or will ever be obsolete. Now that you revamped it and added it with the D2K package, DK Arcade is a totally separate and original game.


I don't EVER plan on selling my DK Arcade....actually i just bought a 3rd copy of it this week... :ponder:


How'd you manage that? David canceled the one order I made saying he was sold out. I've been completely shut out of all his recent releases. Heck, even Carl never got a copy of his own game.



Someone was selling a copy on Ebay this past week.

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