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On 10/25/2022 at 6:41 AM, Gunstar said:

So enough thread de-railing for my part.


Gallifrey. 30 colors.




GS_Gallifrey.xex 22.03 kB · 7 downloads

Just wow. Amazin' colors, magical. Pity that I can not see it on an CRT. Kudos.

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On 10/26/2022 at 3:07 PM, GravityWorm said:

British English?

My English degree covers all English; British, Canadian, Australian, South African, American, etc. and even Old English (Beowulf) and Middle English (Chaucer). Proper English is proper English, only spelling and local Colloquialism differences exist. 

Edited by Gunstar
added "etc." to the sentence.
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On 9/19/2022 at 1:39 PM, Gunstar said:

A Farewell to Kings. 77 colors.






From the cover of the Rush album 'A Farewell to Kings.'

GS_FarewelltoKings.xex 22.07 kB · 13 downloads


I'm only posting this next image here because the two images are a pair, covers from two consecutive Rush albums that are a pair in themselves as a two-part song is spread across the end of one and the beginning of the next album. I keep getting the sprite clashing error in it though, and just fixing it isn't enough as there are areas not resolving correctly because of it (mainly the man's legs). I'm posting this one anyway, but I am redoing it again to to hopefully better results and no error.


Hemispheres. 53 colors.





From the Rush album Hemispheres.

GS_Hemispheres.xex 22.07 kB · 11 downloads


As I stated in the post above, I was not 100% satisfied with these two conversions and was going to attempt better conversions. I decided to zoom and crop both for better detail on the main subject matter, but Rastaconverter continued to have issues properly converting Hemispheres and the one I already posted was the best I could get out of it. It doesn't seem like it should be an image that Rastaconverter should have too much trouble converting, but for what ever reason it did.


But, I did manage a decent conversion of Farewell to Kings, zoomed and cropped for more detail. Not better than the first except that the main subject matter is larger and more detailed than the first. So here is the alternate to it below.


Farewell to Kings 2.  73 colors.





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4 hours ago, snicklin said:

Then there could be some additional time to change colours for the next scanline.

To be fair, the restraint is lack of time to change things WITHIN a scanline that's already started displaying, more than to make changes BEFORE.  So there may be less to be gained than you think...

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On 10/28/2022 at 11:31 PM, Gunstar said:

My English degree covers all English; British, Canadian, Australian, South African, American, etc. and even Old English (Beowulf) and Middle English (Chaucer). Proper English is proper English, only spelling and local Colloquialism differences exist. 

Oh. I was not born in the Netherlands but I did go to elementary school in Amsterdam. I did not graduate from this school but my class mate's dad is a professor. I seen his page on Wikipedia...
U have PHD? R U a doctor?
U must be so educated... An expert?


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8 hours ago, drpeter said:

To be fair, the restraint is lack of time to change things WITHIN a scanline that's already started displaying, more than to make changes BEFORE.  So there may be less to be gained than you think...

Fair point there, it would only be a marginal improvement. And probably only for the left hand side of the image mainly.


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6 hours ago, GravityWorm said:

Oh. I was not born in the Netherlands but I did go to elementary school in Amsterdam. I did not graduate from this school but my class mate's dad is a professor. I seen his page on Wikipedia...
U have PHD? R U a doctor?
U must be so educated... An expert?


You asked: "British English?" I did not just bloviate on my own without you initiating it. I'm not too proud or egotistical to avoid self-degradation as you can see by my last sentence. Hell, I was even stupid enough to spend over $100,000 between two bachelor and one associate degrees and then go and start a business in lawn and home maintenance that doesn't use any of it! I am probably the most over-educated sub-contractor of all time! I really put that education to good use the other day when I spent the day raking up rotten pear's and bagging them up for one of my customers!:rolling:


Anyone with an elementary school English language education can see that what I put in quotes from you makes no sense. It doesn't take a PHD. I don't claim to be an expert, but educated, yes. I'm sure there are plenty of people on Atari Age far more educated than I, but I'm educated enough to know what I am talking about in this instance. The words are all English, but don't make sense together. I can guess at the meaning, but it still also has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of if cats chase prey (not pray) or not. Your class mate's father also has nothing to do with it. Good for him. So he is a professor of cats? Your class mate must be so proud.:roll: 


I also still don't care enough about this "conversation" to bother with some video link you post either...

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14 hours ago, GravityWorm said:

This is mine for the anniversary of Atari.
Palette is similar to C64's,  a weird "creative" choice...
25 colours




GravityWorm_Atari01.xex 22.07 kB · 2 downloads

Pretty cool. It reminded me right away of this...




...And turned out to be as impossible for Atari as it would be for the scrawny guy in the photo! I think that stock-doubling was from about 3 cents to 6 cents per share.:P:rolling:

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On 11/6/2022 at 12:37 AM, Gunstar said:

Pretty cool. It reminded me right away of this...




...And turned out to be as impossible for Atari as it would be for the scrawny guy in the photo! I think that stock-doubling was from about 3 cents to 6 cents per share.:P:rolling:

Opposite, That photo in my meme symbolizes friendship.  Computer nerds say, that A500 is an successor of Atari 8 bit.

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5 hours ago, GravityWorm said:

Opposite, That photo in my meme symbolizes friendship.  Computer nerds say, that A500 is an successor of Atari 8 bit.

Yes, I understand. Photos can be deceiving to the eye. On the magazine cover it is meant to show two people arm-wrestling, which can be a friendly competition or in rivalry or show of strength.


When I first saw your image, besides reminding me of the magazine cover, I took the meaning to be a little brother challenging a big brother to friendly competition, with little brother wanting to prove to big brother he is not so little and wants to prove to big brother he is also stronger than big brother thinks. Little brother being 8-bit power vs. big brother's 16-bit power, but similar qualities. In a way, Rastaconverter for the Atari 8-bit is proving that the 8-bit Atari can also display superior graphic images like Amiga 16-bit can, compared to each other and to other 8 or 16-bit micros.


But I too, have also seen where people do that as sort of a hand-shake symbolizing their close friendship or comradery. One can easily be mistaken for another when the photo does not actually see a table or other surface required for arm-wrestling that may or may not be there. It is also a common "grasp" as someone helps another up from the ground.


I am also aware that the Amiga and Atari 400/800 were both designed by engineering teams lead by Jay Miner and I also consider the Amiga the successor to the Atari 400/800, as many do, regardless of the company who manufactures the computers. Of course I do not consider myself a "nerd," but that name depends on a person's subjective idea of what a "nerd" is. In early days of computing, computers programmer's and even user's were considered "nerds," the term often referring to very intelligent and introverted people who choose intellectual pursuits over social pursuits. But these days everyone uses computers and electronic technicians or programmers are not necessarily just "nerds." I am more the former than the latter, but both, but also have many interests not considered "nerdy" like sports and art and enjoying the great outdoors and being socially adept as well. A traditional "nerd" was not socially adept and cared not for sports and nature, but only intellectual pursuits.


I personally consider myself a "Renaissance Man." In other words, an individual that is highly intelligent, well rounded, independent and has the attitude toward life that he can do anything he sets his mind too, and prefers to do things himself instead of having others do things for him. 

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On 11/6/2022 at 2:26 PM, Ricky Spanish said:

was wondering if somebody could convert this view of Earth from Saturn:



This is one that will have to be cropped to properly fit the 4:3 screen ratio, so if I attempt this and crop it, are you concerned with actually getting the earth in the image, since it will be about one pixel, or would you rather leave that out and I crop it to get more of Saturn in the picture? Of course the other option is that I will do one of my vertically-oriented conversions, something that due to the subject matter won't really require tilting one's head or the monitor to see properly since it's a planet and there is no real up and down in space...I may still crop a bit around the edges just for a bit more detail, but that will depend on how I think it looks uncropped converting the image side-ways.

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19 minutes ago, Gunstar said:

Of course the other option is that I will do one of my vertically-oriented conversions, something that due to the subject matter won't really require tilting one's head or the monitor to see properly since it's a planet and there is no real up and down in space.

IMHO, this. It's of vital importance that at least one pixel is used for earth. It's like the pale blue dot, but less pale and more blue ;)

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3 hours ago, ivop said:

IMHO, this. It's of vital importance that at least one pixel is used for earth. It's like the pale blue dot, but less pale and more blue ;)

I will do a conversion in this manner then, but as to the importance you give it, I'm not so sure; one would have to know they are looking an image back toward Earth to even know it's not just some star or moon. Sure, it's cool to think about while looking at the image if you know, but vital? Even given the original image to look at, I'd have had no idea it was suppose to be Earth if it wasn't mentioned. So I'll name it with Earth in the name so people even know what they are suppose to be looking at...because it's you and @Ricky Spanish. I say that with all the sincerity of a street vendor giving a "discount" to a tourist. :ahoy:

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13 hours ago, Ricky Spanish said:

It's a reminder of there's isn't anything mankind cannot achieve, and it all started from that blue, single pixel.

Thanks for doing it !

You are right. I guess it just depends on one's perspective (mentally) as I've gotten use to images like these over the years. It's always great to see the much higher definition pictures than from decades past. It's just that for me, being one year old when man landed on the moon, and growing up in this age, that I had always expected by this time that it would be a photo taken by man himself by now, and not just a robot in space. Year by year, and as I get older, I have actually become more disappointed that all we have achieved is sending machines out into the great beyond instead of man and man himself has not yet made it beyond the moon, or has even been back yet. I've hoped and thought all my life that by now, even normal people like us would be out there colonizing. So I become more and more disappointed that we just keep sending machines without man into the depths of space and my personal chances of even seeing the Earth with my own eyes from orbit is less and less likely with each passing year, and the time I have left shorter and shorter. Obviously this is true with people like Elon Musk who have thrown all their wealth into accomplishing such things when the government and Nasa have let us down. If I had managed to become as wealthy as he, I would be doing exactly what he is doing.


Watching Hollywood films all my life from 2001 a space Odyssey, Blade Runner and many others didn't help either, as the time passes and many of those movies set a year date and we are already past them now with little change in the world around me compared to what was predicted. Stuff like computers and smart phones show this tech beyond what those Hollywood dreamers even created is amazing to think about, but at the same time it's all still Earth bound and I'm still stuck on this one little blue ball. I see the images of a shrinking Earth from machines in deep space as my personal dreams shrinking just as much. 


Mankind has had the technology for decades now to be out there ourselves (even if it takes a decade to get there) but not the will, at least from our leaders that hold the high places that could have made it happen. Instead they choose to invest in machines of war and killing each other and creating a greater divide between men instead of the great nations getting together and creating machines of exploration and bringing mankind closer together in those pursuits. And then you see all that money spent on machines of war abandoned in distant nations which only means even more money will be spent on replacing those machines for more war and killing instead of exploring the great beyond and achieving all the things that man is capable of...


"And the men who hold high places, must be the ones who start, to mold a new reality, closer to the heart"-Neil Peart of Rush. R.I.P. From 'Closer to the Heart' song, album: 'A Farewell to Kings'

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