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Images generated by RastaConverter


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On 12/13/2022 at 12:24 AM, Beeblebrox said:

It's been a good while since I've been able to convert anything.

For some reason after a Windows system crash with RC whilst running a conversion back the summer my Win10 laptop refused to run RC from that point onwards. (It would just jump out of it everytime I ran it) :?


Other commitments, etc got in the way of me attempting to fix it, but I've just revisited the issue. Still not right and I am still having crashes or RC is just refusing to start an image. (I suspect it is a Windows runtime issue or something related).

I've tried installing RC in a different folder from scratch and it allows me to start some conversions but frustratingly not convert them to XEXs. Thankfully I can use the original install of RC to do this if I copy over the files to it's RC folder - so between the two at least I can do some things


My suspicion here would be based around an anti-virus / malware etc tool blocking off the functionality.

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Another conversion


The Cowboy Bebop anime character Faye Valentine - pop art by an artist called Hannah Alexander which I liked on the internet and decided to convert


2.6 bill evaluations

73 unique colours

No mask used

320*240 - Fixed with Sheddy's tools (where it wasn't able to remove all the HPOS line errors)


(image grab from Altirra with pal high artifacting enabled)




This is the source image BTW:




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Another conversion just for a bit of fun whilst other conversions were cookin:


Henry Cavill as Superman. If I run this again I'll make the background a single black background colour for obvious reasons.


Very pleased with the colours/definition on the main body/suit and cape. :)


1.3 bill evaluations

45 unique colours

Mask applied


(image grab from Altirra with pal high artifacting enabled)




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2 hours ago, amarok said:

Dear all,


May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.

Wishing you lots of love, joy, and happiness.

Merry Christmas!




amarok_snow_globe.xex 22.07 kB · 5 downloads

Wow - I've looked at every Rasta image ever posted (still maintaining an archive of them) and this may be the absolute best one I've yet seen!

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Definitely one of the best yet, though the limited colors helps a lot. 


I've been working on some Christmas conversions myself, but haven't been getting results I like thus far, but I'll post the best I can do pre-Christmas. I'm working for conversions that get the "stunning" or "wow" but I may not have the time to refine my settings to get that quality: generally it takes at least a dozen attempts to approach what I want, but time is running out for me and the best I can do on my old computer is two at a time and at least 24 hours of conversion time before I decide if it continues or I stop, make changes and start over...


I almost had a couple to post today, but a thrown breaker shut my computer down, and when I restarted it and attempted to resume the conversions, for some reason I got some kind of file not found errors (I forget what it said in the window exactly) and I've no idea why...so I had to start them completely over.

Edited by Gunstar
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22 minutes ago, andyhants said:

Can anyone please advise - is there a collated repository, archive or combined collection anywhere of A8 RastaConverter created .XEX images - like on an FTP site for example? Or is it basically just this thread ? Would be great to have them all collated under ftp.pigwa.net for example.

I'm not aware of any online repository besides this thread.  My OCD makes me save every single image, I've posted them all in a single ZIP once or twice.  If someone does want to start a repo for it, I'll gladly upload what I have since it can be done as a single file.

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6 minutes ago, Stephen said:

I'm not aware of any online repository besides this thread.  My OCD makes me save every single image, I've posted them all in a single ZIP once or twice.  If someone does want to start a repo for it, I'll gladly upload what I have since it can be done as a single file.

Ok thanks. as a brief follow-up is there a Slideshow type utility available that could run under SDX by any chance - I've seen there's an app called RastaSlide but I think that's a Windows utility? Basically i'm looking for something that would entirely in an SDX A8 bit environment - so I guess sequentially running through a load  of XEXs one after teh other in a given SDX Directory maybe ?

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I believe in SDX you can create a bat file to run through a directory of images - each time you hit escape to exit an image, it loads the next one.  I am not aware of anything automated for this, nor do I know a way to make the pictures automatically exit after a set time in order to facilitate an automatic slideshow.

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56 minutes ago, Beeblebrox said:

@Sheddy is ya man as creator of rastaslide and tools. I've created many automated slide xex but of course what you are talking about would be reading from the directory as many slides as is in a folder from either a apt formated storage medium of fat formatted one. If anyone knows it will be Sheddy. 😁

ok thanks - can I ask - what did you use to create a many automated slide xex ? Is that done in Windows & then you just run the final XEX on the A8?


@Sheddy - would really appreciate your views on my original question about collating & running a multi XEX slideshow from within an SDX environment - thanks.



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1 hour ago, Stephen said:

I'm not aware of any online repository besides this thread.  My OCD makes me save every single image, I've posted them all in a single ZIP once or twice.  If someone does want to start a repo for it, I'll gladly upload what I have since it can be done as a single file.

I could have a go but haven't done anything like this before. Does anyone know is it easy / possible to post stuff up to ftp.pigwa.net ?


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13 minutes ago, andyhants said:

ok thanks - can I ask - what did you use to create a many automated slide xex ? Is that done in Windows & then you just run the final XEX on the A8?


@Sheddy - would really appreciate your views on my original question about collating & running a multi XEX slideshow from within an SDX environment - thanks.



Yes. Rastaslide batch creates an output xex. Windows based. Fairly easy to use. 




For latest version of slides how maker and tools. 


Also see my last slide show (I think) :





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The bat file creation for SDX is very easy and can be done on the Atari.  Just put all of the files you want to run in a directory.  Do a directory listing and pipe it to a file, then edit said file so it is just the filenames.


Without something that modifies the original rasta files though, you will have to click escape to move from picture to picture.  There's no way around this, and if using an external tool to do this (which would be required), might as well just use the already existing slide show creator.

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Can't miss posting a conversion on Christmas eve.


Happy Christmas everyone and thanks for all the great pics this year! Keep em coming.


Quick one - nothing fancy ;)


Christmas Fireplace


66 Unique colours

Dithering used

No mask

320*200 - Image fixed HPOS and centred using Sheddy's tools (Thanks as ever @Sheddy :D  )


(image grab from Altirra with pal high artifacting enabled)




Edited by Beeblebrox
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On 12/21/2022 at 9:58 PM, amarok said:

Dear all,


May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.

Wishing you lots of love, joy, and happiness.

Merry Christmas!




amarok_snow_globe.xex 22.07 kB · 27 downloads

Had a friend over for some drinks yesterday evening, and since my 600XL is currently standing on my table, used this as a background for a while.. 


Thanks once more.


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1 hour ago, amarok said:

It is really nice and well done conversion. I like it very much. Thanks @Gunstar.

Thanks, there are a couple areas I'm not happy with, but I ran out of time if I want to share anything for Christmas. I have a couple more I'm still running, maybe I'll post later today, but if they aren't ready, I'll save them for next Christmas.

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32 minutes ago, adam242 said:

At first glance, I thought that was the source image, not the Rasta pic!

It's stunning on a CRT!  I have to figure out how to photograph my CRTs.  I am sure the wife's proper digital cam will work better than my cell phone.

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