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How has this not been posted yet? Retro VGS


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Maybe an NOAC? :lol: :P


Why not? It's been done before. Take a $17 clone system (actual wholesale price probably around $4/unit), slap it into a $2 novelty crate with some $0.50 thrift store games, throw in some cheap Wonka brand halloween-quality candy (bought in bulk, of course) and charge $110 for it. Don't forget to add $14 for UPS ground shipping, the optimal combo of slow AND expensive!


Feeling particularly testicularly fortitudinous? Do it with an $84 portable system (which also has a lower wholesale price, obviously), add the same filler items, and charge $160 for the service.



I was so excited to give my boyfriend his crate as his Valentines Day gift, I let him open it early. He was super excited -I do not think I have ever seen him so excited- then his face totally changed as he pulled out the games. Even though when he read the first one it wasn't one he had heard of, he was still so excited...then he pulled out the second one and I felt like the stupidest girlfriend ever for getting him this mancrate. Both games were exactly the same! Although it isn't about the gifts for us on little "holidays" like that, I expected at least two different games for as much money I paid. Other than crates filled with purely snacks that hopefully no one could ever mess up, I doubt I will be spending that much money on another one of these. Thanks for the memories mancrates!



I wonder what surprises are in store for RetroVGS Mark II?


After we all got a laugh at my husband opening the crate with a crow bar, he finally digs in and looks at what's inside. He pulls out a Speedy Gonzalez game for Super Nintendo and asks...."Really?!?" He's not a Looney Tunes fan. :(

If there was some sort of indicator, or choice of what kind of game was included, I would definitely buy again.


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The Retro VGS Team seems to be able to turn the impossible into reality in just a couple months. When the Retro VGS goes up, with it's high build Quality, Long Lasting cartridge based Memory, wide developer Support and fun new ways to Play and collect Videogames, all in an affordable manner, I'll just sell all my other gaming gear and invest everything in the VGS. It's the first System ever built to have infinite Support and work for the rest of your like and beyond. If they offer a much better experience than my other gaming gear I won't think twice about being a RVGS only gamer.


And the best of all, If the Retro VGS sells over 100 million copies, the other companies would have to stop all this patches and DLC, and go back to giving us full games. It would be the new birth of the gaming industry.


We Need to Support this guys. This is our Chance.


Indeed it is our chance! Anyone not seeing it seriously needs to take another look.


I'm so stoked and raring to go. I'm cleaning house and getting rid of all my emulators that I've enjoyed for the past 20 years. It's time to move on. Move up. No more mounds of rickety PC hardware cluttering up the drawing room. The wife will be pleased.


No more late-nite backup operations to ensure longevity for the next 50 years, because that will all be taken care of by cartridges. No more incomprehensible & complex custom configuration nightmares, everything will just work right on the console. Out of the box. No patching required. I'm really looking forward to the instant-on capability, no lengthy 8-second boot process required. Power-on and play, you can't beat that!


I'm totally on board with this. Hard at work convincing my buddies this is how it's meant to be played. This is the new (old) way of gaming, the proper way, and it can't get here fast enough!

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Indeed it is our chance! Anyone not seeing it seriously needs to take another look.


I bet you. If the retroVGS sells 100 Million copies we will see a new 2D contra, The return of Megaman, a 2d Castlevania and much more.


I don't understand why People don't want that to happen.


It is not possble to prove it impossible, that Alien life will hear about the Retro VGS, and tha it's games are so good, that they actually come to earth to experience it. Imagine extraterrestrial life comming to earth to Play These all new Retro styled games? That would be awesome.


What Color do you guys Thing the extraterrestrials are going to be? Would you invite them to Play a match of Streef Fighter 6 as a welcome? Or would you be skeptical of them?


The Retro VGS Team might, or might not be in talks with earthy and otherwordly game developers to bring your favorite games to the platform, and even brand new amazing games we don't yet know could possibly exist.


What games do you want to see on the Retro VGS? Do you think you would enjoy games made by E.T.s?

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I don't know, but now I'm tempted to wrap mine in tin foil.

No fear. The Retro VGS is not upgradeable. Aliens can't hack into your System to separate you from your games. Don't underestimate the Retro VGS Team. They got everything under controll. But a tinfoil hat is a good idea. I can lend you one of mine. I make them triple layer. I'm not letting those damned Aliens and iluminati read my brilliant ideas to steal them.


I also patent all my great mental designs. Just in case. You never know when an idea stealing mind Reader might be around.


On the serious side, I'd just love to have some oldschool collections come to the Retro VGS. Like the PS2 got, 20 great oldschool arcade games, but in a cartridge. If they go with the FPGA, those could use perfect Emulation and Play exactly like the originals.


I vote for a toaplan collection, with all Mega Drive Toaplan shooters in one cart.


I also really like the Souls Series. I'd love to have a 16 bit style Dark Souls game. Maybe they could Name it Dark Sprites. Or Spriteborn.

As soon as the final Hardware for the Retro is announced I'll make a Petition to from Sotware asking for the game. People made a Petition to port Dark Souls to PC and it worked. I think we got a Change here.

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True courage is not being fearless, but getting up every time you fall even if you're shitting your pants.


I hope them the best, if they succeed more power to them and if not there will be lessons learned for others that come after.



There's "courage" and there's "reckless" ... I'm not convinced, yet, that we're seeing an example of the 1st one here.


If there had been much sign that Mike and friends were learning their lessons, then great, but ...


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

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What color of console shell do the aliens prefer? Will they collect them all?

The alien console shell uses a special UV dye that renders the console invisible to humans, but the aliens can see it. It will be like the Emperer's new console. You can't see or feel it, but it is there. The picture from the TV screen is likewise invisible.



I don't know, but now I'm tempted to wrap mine in tin foil.
Better use lead foil. Tin isn't quite thick enough to contain the intense radiation from the alien's gamma ray guns. You really don't want brain cancer. Or roasted nuts for that matter... :evil:
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Why not? It's been done before. Take a $17 clone system (actual wholesale price probably around $4/unit), slap it into a $2 novelty crate with some $0.50 thrift store games, throw in some cheap Wonka brand halloween-quality candy (bought in bulk, of course) and charge $110 for it. Don't forget to add $14 for UPS ground shipping, the optimal combo of slow AND expensive!


Feeling particularly testicularly fortitudinous? Do it with an $84 portable system (which also has a lower wholesale price, obviously), add the same filler items, and charge $160 for the service.




I wonder what surprises are in store for RetroVGS Mark II?

Wow! I'd never heard of these. This is totally preying on the ignorance of non-gamers. What a bunch of shitheads.

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Somebody got a link to those crate ripoffs? I just want to see how they're dressing them up to lure casuals to bite.

They're right there in my post about them. It's not very different from hiring FTD to send flowers for you, and the markup is similar.




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There's "courage" and there's "reckless" ... I'm not convinced, yet, that we're seeing an example of the 1st one here.


I'm being nice :) but time will tell. If people really want cartridges they could go and buy a Nintendo 3DS. Also rumours of the upcoming Nintendo NX suggest a convergence of portable and living room systems, so maybe it will use carts too.


The cart themselves aren't upgradeable but the machine receives updates to patch specific games sometimes. I believe it is possible to flash the firmware to go back to a previous state though (as least once "jailbroken") . This also works for discs btw.


Where they might have a niche, but not sure how big it is, is to offer a platform for indie devs that target old systems which e.g. are selling Neo Geo MVS games for 500 bucks right now. But then their hardware has to be competitive vs. buying a consolized MVS.

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Not any more, it now says "Updates: 0"



Quoted from my email for posterity, here is the "zero update." since they still appear to be posting updates and deleting them, they obviously have learned nothing from this ordeal. See, I probably wouldn't have the email archived had I not pledged my $10 measly bucks...




New Campaign Update!

Hello StarDust,

The ‘RETRO VGS’ team just posted:

1 new Announcement:

Hey Everyone! We wanted to come in here and post another update in case some of you have missed that we've wanted to end this campaign early and remove it from their system, but so far, this is something we've not yet been able to do with Indiegogo. So the best thing is for you to go to this link and learn how to initiate a refund right away: https://support.indiegogo.com/hc/en-us/articles/526876-Refunds-Can-I-get-my-money-back-

We are now working with a new lead hardware engineer and have been successful reengineering a good chunk of cost out of our initial design by simplifying our PCB architecture. We will be back by the end of the year with a playable prototype, a lower purchase price and a significantly lower minimum campaign goal. We appreciate your support and hope we can count on it again when we bring RETRO VGS to Kickstarter this winter.

Thanks again,

- Mike & Steve

Reply directly to this email to respond to the campaign owner, Mike Kennedy. Visit the campaign page to view all comments and updates for this project.

Help spread the word about the campaign!

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Quoted from my email for posterity, here is the "zero update." since they still appear to be posting updates and deleting them, they obviously have learned nothing from this ordeal. See, I probably wouldn't have the email archived had I not pledged my $10 measly bucks...



It's not hard to imagine that IndieGogo would have a clause in the campaign terms-and-conditions that prevents people from advertising rival crowdfunding sites in one of their campaigns.


So when Mike did that by posting "We're leaving this dump and going to KickStarter", I rather imagine that he got a polite email from them pointing this out.


Not understanding "brand protection" is kind of a basic sort of a mistake for a marketing guy like Mike to make.


But then not reading those "terms-and-conditions" and posting "We're shutting down this campaign" before realizing that he technically couldn't, shows that as a businessman he really doesn't understand the importance of reading the fine print on contracts.

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It's not hard to imagine that IndieGogo would have a clause in the campaign terms-and-conditions that prevents people from advertising rival crowdfunding sites in one of their campaigns.


So when Mike did that by posting "We're leaving this dump and going to KickStarter", I rather imagine that he got a polite email from them pointing this out.


Not understanding "brand protection" is kind of a basic sort of a mistake for a marketing guy like Mike to make.


But then not reading those "terms-and-conditions" and posting "We're shutting down this campaign" before realizing that he technically couldn't, shows that as a businessman he really doesn't understand the importance of reading the fine print on contracts.

Remember, you're talking about the same guy who apparently didn't even realize that Kickstarter requires a working prototype until he learned about that requirement from a forum post, which is why they ended up switching over to Indiegogo in the first place. That still seems incredible to me: if you're counting on crowdsourcing to fund your entire business, right down to the coffee and toilet paper, wouldn't you at least do your due diligence first and learn everything there is to know about your crowdfunding platform of choice? That's another Business School 101 mistake that a real Seasoned Professional with Decades of Experience (as he repeatedly claimed to be) would never have made.

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