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How has this not been posted yet? Retro VGS


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I think I'd feel less bad about those crate things if they games weren't 'random awesome games'.

Well, one of the shown games is Major league baseball so....


These things prey on the wife or girlfriend of a retro gamer, they buy it as a gift thinking their husband will love it and laugh all the way to the bank :)

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Quoted from my email for posterity, here is the "zero update." since they still appear to be posting updates and deleting them, they obviously have learned nothing from this ordeal. See, I probably wouldn't have the email archived had I not pledged my $10 measly bucks...


Thank you for sharing this. I anxiously await the 'playable prototype' that will be available 'by the end of the year.'

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Remember, you're talking about the same guy who apparently didn't even realize that Kickstarter requires a working prototype until he learned about that requirement from a forum post, which is why they ended up switching over to Indiegogo in the first place. That still seems incredible to me: if you're counting on crowdsourcing to fund your entire business, right down to the coffee and toilet paper, wouldn't you at least do your due diligence first and learn everything there is to know about your crowdfunding platform of choice? That's another Business School 101 mistake that a real Seasoned Professional with Decades of Experience (as he repeatedly claimed to be) would never have made.


I just had a very quick look-over of the terms of service for indiegogo and couldn't see any terms that stuck out as prohibiting this sort of thing (as strange as that may be). One thing that I did think of though is that the next campaign could be at risk of or subject to a DMCA takedown if the RVGS team mention that they are using FGPA or core's of hardware made by other companies that own the intellectual property rights, or brand rights. Unlikely to happen, but they would be open to that risk

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I just had a very quick look-over of the terms of service for indiegogo and couldn't see any terms that stuck out as prohibiting this sort of thing (as strange as that may be). One thing that I did think of though is that the next campaign could be at risk of or subject to a DMCA takedown if the RVGS team mention that they are using FGPA or core's of hardware made by other companies that own the intellectual property rights, or brand rights. Unlikely to happen, but they would be open to that risk

I doubt it. Hardware =/= software. Hardware is covered by patents. Software is covered by copyright. Patents expire after roughly 20 years. Copyright, I believe it was 90 years for a corporation, or 70 years after an author's death, however thanks largely to Disney lobbying congress, corporations now have endless renewals on copyright within the United States, provided they file for an extension every 90 years... :roll:


So for example:


NES hardware = public domain, hence why hardware clones, emulators exist and are completely legal.

Super Mario Brothers = copyright will not expire for a very long time...

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I doubt it. Hardware =/= software. Hardware is covered by patents. Software is covered by copyright. Patents expire after roughly 20 years. Copyright, I believe it was 90 years for a corporation, or 70 years after an author's death, however thanks largely to Disney lobbying congress, corporations now have endless renewals on copyright within the United States, provided they file for an extension every 90 years... :roll:


So for example:


NES hardware = public domain, hence why hardware clones, emulators exist and are completely legal.

Super Mario Brothers = copyright will not expire for a very long time...


The logic programming of these processors belongs to Nintendo, Sega, etc. Also referring in campaign to the names "sega, nintendo" etc is using the trademarks of other companies to booster a weaker company by association. I doubt anything would come of it, but just thought that it could be possible if one of the companies raised a DMCA flag during a IGG or KS campaign. Most of those companies don't have a history of going after emulator (or emulator-like) machines, so I don't see it as a likely outcome. My knowledge & experience with trademark/IP law is minimal and limited to Australian jurisdiction, so I don't hold myself out to be an expert by any means.

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I just don't understand. Indiegogo was courting them for so long and offered them such a good deal over kickstarter. Why abandon IGG for KS when Mike told us multiple times IGG is so much better for the RVGS?


He also said they'd only go with Kickstarter before they switched to IndieGoGo.

Maybe the two statements cancel each other out?

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I just don't understand. Indiegogo was courting them for so long and offered them such a good deal over kickstarter. Why abandon IGG for KS when Mike told us multiple times IGG is so much better for the RVGS?




He also said they'd only go with Kickstarter before they switched to IndieGoGo.

Maybe the two statements cancel each other out?


Mike's "diarrhea of the mouth" continues... :ponder:

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You guys always trolling. Indiegogo was the best site for the Project. It was impossible to make a prototype or to reduce the Price without cutting on Quality. But that was over 3 weeks ago. You guys know how Technology works, and changes. Every week things get better, so now they can cut costs without any loss to the Hardware. Also it's gotten much easier to make a prototype.


Of course that doesn't mean that after you buy a Retro VGS that you would be able to buy somthing better a couple years after. The Retro uses newly developed anti-bug and anti-obsolescence Hardware. The anti-obsolenscence parts are being imported straight from Retroland. and assembled in the U.S.A.


And since now they can make the prototype they'll go with Kickstarter. There's also been a Change in the asian economy, that affected crowdfunding micro-economy, favoring Kickstarter.


But of course, I'm talking about the Scene right now. In a week from now obviously Mike could do another 180° after analysing the Situation at that Moment. The Retro VGS is cutting edge future proof Retro gaming Hardware, so the Balance of the perfect sweetspot for the modern Retro nostalgic future Feeling is always changing.


I hope this post brings some clarity to the People still confused about the different decisions being made. With all the trolls and misinformation being spread aobut the Retro VGS it's really hard to Keep everybody up to date. I just wish you guys weren't such obnoxious stupid ignorant trolls trying to ruin Retro gaming. But now that I explained everything I hope to see your donations for the Retro VGS Project comming up in a couple months.

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Their refund policy is all over the place.


"request a refund for eligible contributions" I don't even know what that means. Is there a difference in refund options for fixed vs. flexible funding?


"provided funds haven't been disbursed" this is important because a lot of people don't know that Indiegogo will disburse funds right when they reach their goal, not when the campaign ends. Once they meet their goal, you probably don't have access to a refund.


"customer happiness team" IGG is total amateur hour, no wonder it has a reputation for being a scam artist's haven. People are right to not back a project simply because it is on Indiegogo.



Another important thing to consider is that while the abandoned RVGS campaign continues to lose money, I doubt there's a way to delete the page altogether. Asking backers to request refunds from IGG is good advice since the site took their money immediately. But it might look bad in the future when their new campaign goes up because if a big media site decides to write a story about them, they'll inevitably have to mention the IGG campaign and say that "their first effort ended up raising only $5k" or something. The likelihood of someone obliviously reporting this is even greater now that they've deleted all of their updates. Someone who visits that page and has never heard of them before is going to see a sketchy IGG campaign that gave no updates to their backers and barely raised any money.

Edited by StopDrop&Retro
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.....But it might look bad in the future when their new campaign goes up because if a big media site decides to write a story about them, they'll inevitably have to mention the IGG campaign and say that "their first effort ended up raising only $5k" or something. The likelihood of someone obliviously reporting this is even greater now that they've deleted all of their updates. Someone who visits that page and has never heard of them before is going to see a sketchy IGG campaign that gave no updates to their backers and barely raised any money.

Don't worry that boat has already sailed.

They will have to address the failed campaign no matter what or it will come up anyway via pics/tweets and whatnot that people have captured, let alone a link to this very thread.


Hoping the the IGG will vanish from the memories of the people is just a moot point.

Edited by phoenixdownita
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leods, on 29 Oct 2015 - 1:37 PM, said:snapback.png

I just wish you guys weren't such obnoxious stupid ignorant trolls trying to ruin Retro gaming. But now that I explained everything I hope to see your donations for the Retro VGS Project comming up in a couple months.


Retro gaming is not "ruined." The only thing the RetroVGS team "ruined" was themselves. :lol:

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"So that it will be well within the reach of all of you"


I'm guessing the System will cost 50 bucks with 2 Controllers and a pack in game, and each extra game goes for 10? Because claiming it's within the reach of everyone is a pretty bold Claim.


Or Mike learned nothing with all of this and will just Keep overhyping things and let People dow in the end.


"bring cartridge gaming back to the forefront"


OK. He learned nothing. Did anyone expect him to?


I just want to see now how many of those hundreds of great developers wanting to make games for the Retro VGS are still around, and what will be the 6 - 10 awesome Launch games (remember, more than that would be flooding the non-existen market for the console)


Sorry. I wanted to stop posting here, but "[..] help us bring cartridge gaming to the Forefront." ? Seriously? is he still having those delusions of taking this Thing to Mainstream? Or maybe he doesn't mean what he say? What's going on?

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