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How has this not been posted yet? Retro VGS


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It's wrong that firmware updates are done as frequently as they are. The worst culprits are the newest os'es. What with daily updates now? It's like they just entered the beta stage. All to often simple things are broken from the start.

How many times is a mechanical HDD's firmware updated? Once, if that. It's a rare occurrence and only on one out say, maybe, 70 or so models? They have to work right from the beginning. SSD's? ..Multiple times from some manufacturers. Why are these any different?


It's great to add new features, but to fix critical bugs? Somebody screwed up at the factory.

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I'm no fan of frequent updates, myself. And yes, both car manufacturers and PC-related makers can deal in shady or lazy practices.


But some things just are unlikely to be found. I love me some Company of Heroes 2, but there's this bug where an ear-ringing gunshot is heard -- and absolutely no one can reproduce it; even if it's recorded on YouTube and even after they offered a reward for its reproduction. On the flip side, those buggers still haven't made graphics/CPU optimizations to make it run better. Jerks. IT'S BEEN THREE YEARS. Oh sorry; I guess the coffee is kicking in.


I don't want to rehash what was written much earlier in the thread, but there was a whole list on TVtropes where there were game-breaking bugs. Some of them were bricked cartridges that only happened when the user did a certain action.

Even the much-vaunted-by-RVGS Shovel Knight found bugs unrelated to the O/S that needed fixing and I believe changed some gameplay mechanics users didn't care for (I could be mistaken).

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From fan site RetroVGSclub, again: Pricing a Death Knell for RETRO VGS?


Kennedy's said that there's no way he could take RVGS to a venture capitalist and get funded. I wonder if he could have taken it to a VC and made an agreement where VC would give <whatever $ figure> dependent upon a certain number of console Kickstarter sales at a reduced price and subsidized by more expensive cartridges?


It's pretty much the same loss leader pricing consoles have used for years, but with a hybrid crowdfunding-VC plan.

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In the article mentioned above there is also a list of games that might come to the system.

Two of them caught my interest namely Gun Lord (Turrican clone) and Kraut Buster (Metal Slug clone) both NeoGeo games from NG:Dev.Team. As the NeoGeo versions of these games sold originally for €399 and €549 respectively, the RetroVGS might even be a cost-effective way to play these two games (as cheap flash based RetroVGS carts must be less expensive to produce than Neo-Geo carts).


As they are not available for modern systems, these two games could be the RetroVGS system seller. However it seems these games are scheduled for funding by a separate KickStarter at a later date (implying conversion will only be considered if there are enough RetroVGS consoles sold, thus the chicken and the egg situation).









If they secure a deal with the Neo geo Dev team to release their Homebrew (well, EXTREMELY professional homebrew) games I have just switched from interested to Fan boy!!


The $350 price point I was unaware of, I honestly thought it would be priced in the neighborhood of a Retron 5. I'm broke because I have kids (oh, and I also make nowhere near $40 an hour, lol) but most of us would be lying if we said we didn't spend $350 on video games EASILY over the coarse of a few months. The price point makes me "think" a little more, but I'm still interested and will likely purchase it unless I see a major problem/etc.. depending on finances though I might not get one immediately or I might wait until a "must have" game is released for it....but overall the price point will not stop me completely.


Now, Neo Geo dev team games on a cartridge based platform (besides the neo geo of course) is HUGE HUGE HUGE!! I would blindly throw my money, all $350 of it at this thing if Kraut buster is released for it. The AES cart release price for this homebrews is over $400-$500++, something that does not interest me. They do release them on the Dreamcast but honestly, I just don't like the dreamcast and there are rumors that Kraut buster will not get a dreamcast release. Neo Geo dev team released games would be my ticket to an instant purchase. I would purchase all of their older releases re issued on this platform as well, yes, I like their games that much and so do many others :)


Honestly the main draw for me though is I've just become a little bored with what video games have to offer me these days. I still play current gen stuff (well, close to it at least) and I like some of it but none of it gives me a boner like retro stuff does. I hate downloads/etc and that seems to be what a lot of good classic style publishers do now a days, add on content/etc gives your purchase the value of a bic lighter at the end of the day and yes it annoys and detours me from a lot of purchases. The problem with phsyical released retro stuff is I have collected near complete collections of nearly every system there is. I kept the stuff I really liked and now there is nothing left to collect, it's a bit frustrating since it's been such a big hobby for me the last decade or longer but I've been there and done that with all of it. Homebrews scratches the itch, but there are a lot of crappy homebrews, lol. A very well done. solid homebrew release that I felt was money worth spent is not that often. Something like this new console could really get the fire going again, something I could watch videos for upcoming games and get excited, something I could actively be a part of and feel the magic and excitement of with everyone else...I don't know, as each year passes I find less and less to get excited about with classic games. I really hope something like this works :)

(yes, I'm aware many do not like it so far but if anything I've said above connects with you then just think about it)

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I can't speak about the quality of the NG:DEV team but their prices on NeoGeo are absurd.

If this RetroVGS picks up they will be selling overpriced just because.


If they can sell the same game at 50US$ on DC and make a profit there's no way you convince me that the NeoGeo version cart adds 400US$ in manufacturing .... they are just going with the fact that NeoGeo owners are used to pay a pretty penny hence they just gauge them ... despicable practice if you ask me ... at 400US$ you can shove a whole lot of stuff in there (10+ RaspPi for example or a 3Y old laptop with touch screen etc...).


This limited edition nonsense gotta stop .... once you make artificial scarcity you're just playing to make money while doing the minimum effort possible ... nice business sir but obviously you're just trying to part me with as much money as you can and that not based on your work/merit ... it's 2015 we can print a kidney but we have limited edition games for retro systems ... wtf!!!

Edited by phoenixdownita
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I can't speak about the quality of the NG:DEV team but their prices on NeoGeo are absurd.

If this RetroVGS picks up they will be selling overpriced just because.


If they can sell the same game at 50US$ on DC and make a profit there's no way you convince me that the NeoGeo version cart adds 400US$ in manufacturing .... they are just going with the fact that NeoGeo owners are used to pay a pretty penny hence they just gauge them ... despicable practice if you ask me ... at 400US$ you can shove a whole lot of stuff in there (10+ RaspPi for example or a 3Y old laptop with touch screen etc...).


This limited edition nonsense gotta stop .... once you make artificial scarcity you're just playing to make money while doing the minimum effort possible ... nice business sir but obviously you're just trying to part me with as much money as you can and that not based on your work/merit ... it's 2015 we can print a kidney but we have limited edition games for retro systems ... wtf!!!

They couldn't sell it on DC at $50 to make a profit, lol

Their bread and butter is the Neo Geo releases (hence the Neo Geo dev team) and that high cost covers their development time (they actually do this is a job, a hobbiest doing things is his spare time would release a game of their quality once a decade at best)

Their Neo prices are high, too high for me to play, but justified in my opinion. I agree limited edition is annoying but it;s what the people want man, you gotta give the people what they want if you want to make any money :)

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Never heard so much nonsense .... "unlimited potential" ... "we can have a version without FPGA and limited game space" ... wtf are they talking about.

Now they are saying maybe a non FPGA for 299 and an FPGA at 399 .... and they take Mist as example and they say no controller, no pack-in and a lot of other FUD about that too.


This is going to be a monumental train wreck ..... I'm preparing the pop-corn and watch from the way side.

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"Unlike OUYA, we have to guarantee backers a minimum amount of users emerging from the campaign, something we can then build on for another 12 months prior to shipping the product. In the end, if you are a backer, you can expect to get the best deal possible on RVGS."


Does it means we have at least another 12 months to wait for anything at all to materialize? ... ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.

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We are still addressing the cart storage issues. Masked ROMS might still be a viable option but might not be an option for the larger of the retro games on the market, so we are continuing to look at our options but we are limited by today's technology which seems to all be going more disposable. This is something we can't control. I can only tell you we will provide the best option for game retention that is available today at an affordable price.


LOL. Back our cart-based system for $350. What was that, what kind of storage will be used on the carts? Uhhh...we're not sure. But what we do know is it will be the BEST kind!


The concept of an FPGA system and one without to save cost is completely ridiculous. That's just going to confuse people as to whether or not they can buy particular games. Though, let's be realistic, how many devs are going to write custom cores? Maybe they can start off without the FPGA in the console, then later release a device that resembles a mushroom and requires its own AC adapter and call it the RVGSX. Yeah, that's the ticket!

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"Unlike OUYA, we have to guarantee backers a minimum amount of users emerging from the campaign, something we can then build on for another 12 months prior to shipping the product. In the end, if you are a backer, you can expect to get the best deal possible on RVGS."


Does it means we have at least another 12 months to wait for anything at all to materialize? ... ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.

Well I'm sure it'll be 12 months filled with 3D renderings and footage of the games running on other cheaper, readily available devices.

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He gave some good reasons, a lot of money for it but still he gave some good reasons as to why. Its on there Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/RETROVGS/posts/872168816185723


Wow, they're really taking the heat for this price point. He keeps editing the main post to add more things.

I don't like it either but this poster brings a valid point with a certain pricing chart:


Judging by historic prices, $300 adjusted for inflation is not a bad deal...

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Desert loving in your eyes all the way
If I listened to your lies would you say

I'm a man without conviction
I'm a man who doesn't know
How to sell a contradiction
You come and go
You come and go


Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon
You come and go
You come and go
Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream
Red, gold and green
Red, gold and green

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I don't like it either but this poster brings a valid point with a certain pricing chart:


Judging by historic prices, $300 adjusted for inflation is not a bad deal...

The difference is the majority of those systems played cutting edge exclusive titles for those prices. The Retro VGS plays stuff you can already download for $10.

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