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How has this not been posted yet? Retro VGS


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That's the shell of a PGM, and the shell of a PGM cart.

So basically a NeoGeo wannabe. Why have I never heard of this before? If they did a v2 and v3, it must have been at least marginally successful.



Edited by stardust4ever
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So basically a NeoGeo wannabe. Why have I never heard of this before? If they did a v2 and v3, it must have been at least marginally successful.




It was not popular in North America. In fact, I'm not sure that it was ever released here. But it had some cool games. I had one for a little while but ended up trading it away.


It's only a "Neo-Geo wannabe" in that it has interchangeable carts. So by that logic you could call the ST-V a Neo-Geo wannabe, as well.

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They said part of their scheme to get interest brewing was to be transparent, by design. And be being transparent you get to see some ugly stuff and some good stuff.


Ahhh, so by being "transparent", I guess it's OK to write about and announce things before they have really been thought through. Gotcha. That sounds like a real solid way to get interest.

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They said part of their scheme to get interest brewing was to be transparent, by design. And be being transparent you get to see some ugly stuff and some good stuff.



Ahhh, so by being "transparent", I guess it's OK to write about and announce things before they have really been thought through? Gotcha. That sounds like a real solid way to get interest.


More like be transparent by showing us photos of real hardware instead of endless 3-D mockups and PCBs made of cardboard. Show us the FPGA, ARM on a testing station with a rats nest of wires all over the place, hooked up to oscilloscopes and logic analysers. A guy working on PCB layouts at a workstation. Hell, even playing video game prototypes in the break room. But please, don't insult our intelligence anymore. Also it would be a good idea to think before you post something or make a statement you'll have to retract later, like I dunno, it's only gonna cost $150 now $300-400 bucks... :ponder:

Edited by stardust4ever
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There seems to be a lot of skeptisim here. I personally think this thing will launch. The question for me is how they will position it. The Ouya attracted mostly Android devs who wanted to cash in. If the Retro VGS people target amature homebrewers using RAD tools and BASIC-like languages then I'd be in. If you're going to pick a niche go for one that fosters an eager community - not yet another Google Play store.


Now this is a project I could get behind. When's your Kickstarter?


I thought the RVGS was going to be a console of its own, not just some emulation machine.

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Well, if people did not care about the RVGS, this thread would not be 39 pages long.


It's a handful of folks keeping it going though. For me, the project's goals are just too confusing to really get into it. They really need to lock it down once and for all. Even worse, it seems their targeted consumer keeps changing as well. What is this thing? First it was for the homebrew collector only, now it sounds like it's morphed into a Retron? The adapters would scare be in backing, because that's another R&D effort and expense.

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Now this is a project I could get behind. When's your Kickstarter?


I thought the RVGS was going to be a console of its own, not just some emulation machine.


All my projects are video games too niche or weird for most. I wouldn't dare a kickstarter at this point. I guess my point is that someone needs to make a console for "game makers" rather than straight up game devs. I don't think Shovel Knight on yet one more platform is going to do it.

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Hello Everyone! I wanted to address our decision to remove some posts from our Facebook page. As you all know, for better or worse, we have been very transparent on our progress and this is something we will continue to do as we move forward. Things have been changing very fast as we add/remove and finalize our design. We have learned from everything we've posted and read all your comments. Moving forward we will be launching our campaign soon that will address and fill in all the final information (and reveal a few more nice surprises) and there is no sense confusing new folks that discover this page with all the information that has lead up to our final working design. In the end, we will be offering a very compelling product for a very competitive price. And we hope to give you all enough information so you can make a wise decision to back our campaign or not. Thanks again to all of you who have been following along with our progress and know we won't let you down!


Anyone want to guess what the "few more nice surprises" are? I'm guessing more limited edition color shells.

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