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Update: the XB3-files here are same version as the well-known ones, so the "Call Coinc" crashes too...

Maybe this can be fixed ?






.Would be nice to have XB3 on the #FinalGrom99 :) :lust:



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Hi, here - maybe - is another special from the






At Birkenau´s Meeting, Bernhard and I, we could read out the XB3 cartridge with the Wiesbaden Supermodule II v2.1

using this special Widget I brought along. OK, Bernhard did ;)

I think, Rudi gave this widget to me, some years ago.


attachicon.gifTI-ModulAdapter-Used-to-readout--RMS-04.jpg attachicon.gifTI-ModulAdapter-Used-to-readout--RMS-06.jpg



I am not sure if I understood that correct, but up to now it was a problem to read out the XB3 (and carts like this?) because of "the widgets" ?

By the way, so or so, with this widget we could switch that cartridges while reading out, without getting any errors.



(stock photo) >>:0)


And Bernhard also did more some work on that in the past, reading out the Eproms and so. I don´t know. You will know :)

In advance, I have also unpacked his DSK-files with TI99DIR, but I am not sure if this was really needed :0)


So here are the results now, maybe some of you wizards can use that to get it running on the UberGROM, FinalGROM´99, Emus,

or whatever, or can use that in any way, if not given :)


Have fun



FULL FILE: attachicon.gifXB3_Asgard-Winkler-Birkenau-2017.zip


And a manual: attachicon.gifAsgard-XB3-SuperModule--Supplemental-Manual-1993.pdf




Horst Wiese TI-Workshop Wiesbaden Supercart Extended Basic 3 Expanded Basic 3 XB3 Super Module Supermodule Sven Dyroff





Update: the XB3-files here are same version as the well-known ones, so the "Call Coinc" crashes too...

Maybe this can be fixed ?




here a Picture without Eproms


Edited by Flottmann1
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Asgard gave me my first AMS 128K (SAMS) card to create a XB AMS routines built into RXB or at that time called Rich GKXB.


The result was:

CALL AMSINIT ! Initialized AMS for use, not needed today as I do this on start of module.

CALL AMSBANK(lowbank,highbank) ! Loads low 4K bank and high 4K bank for Lower 8K assembly support up to 192K of these banks.

CALL AMSMAP ! Puts AMS into Map mode.

CALL AMSOFF ! Turns off AMS Mapper and Pass mode switching.

CALL AMSON ! Turns on AMS Mapper and Pass mode switching.

CALL AMSPASS ! Puts AMS into PASS mode (behaves like a normal unexpanded 32K card).


I do not know how many RXB or Rich GKXB cartridges Asgard made or sold as I never asked them for any money or records, but did get letters from people asking for a cart.

Edited by RXB
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in message #19 in this thread you gave a link to ( <HERE> ):


which is currently giving me a 404 Pagina non Trovata.





Hello Stephen, please try again, press 'REDO' to start the download :P

Edited by ti99iuc
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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

I as thinking about the legendary “Press” word processing program that Asgard worked on for so long. Was the source code or actual program in this program stash? As I recall, writing a memory mapper was the downfall in the development at the time.

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I as thinking about the legendary “Press” word processing program that Asgard worked on for so long. Was the source code or actual program in this program stash? As I recall, writing a memory mapper was the downfall in the development at the time.

Yea I have the source code for PRESS but I think it is also on the White FTP site also.

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hmm, I never saw the source code, or I didn´t recognize it

Wait maybe I was thinking First Draft instead.


I have the source of that, I don't see Press on my drives so far.

Edited by RXB
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  • 4 years later...
4 hours ago, chris36 said:

I can yes


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