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SDrive-MAX ATX support


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If I am off topic, or if this is covered elsewhere, I apologies, and boot me in that direction!


I'm just now getting to mess with the new SDrive-Max, and everything is working well as connected: 800XL w/ 256k RAM, 1050 w/ US Doubler, ATR8000, Wimodem232. I can boot an ATR of Bobterm, get online, etc.


After some playing around, I figured out what I needed for older versions of SpartaDOS to see this thing, and I've been able to create a new ATR and copy files into it from disk via the 800XL. That works alright for a brief time, then the ATR seems to become corrupted. It is only the ones I'm creating, as everything else on there seems fine. I'm attempting to copy some older files into the new ATR files, so I can create custom boot disks to always load the RS232 handler and set up the ramdisk. For the Bobterm ATR, for example, I have to boot, drop out, load the handler and the ram disk, then run it again.


Regardless, I've been searching around, and I'm not seeing what I'm needing, so I thought I would finally ask what I'm doing wrong to corrupt the files after a few uses.



Edited by talanthalus
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Hello everybody,

I wish you all a happy new year.
Here's my solution for the SIO bus problem when more than one bus subscriber is connected.
The reason: TX on the UN board is connected to the USB chip via a 1K resistor and is therefore constantly supplied with + 5V.

If you have the Atmega in the DIP version, you just need to bend pin 2 out of the socket and connect it to the lead of 1-TX. For a software update, it must be reconnected.


All other versions require a small board with a 74LS07 or 74HC07 or 74HCT07 and two 4.7K resistors. The diode is no longer needed. Pictures say more than words.


If the SDrive-Max is used alone on the SIO bus, no change is necessary.





I posted this in the other SDrive post but it probably belongs as a response to your post.


I'm jumping on any excuse to get more practice in KiCad!

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@BigBen - do you have access to an unmodified 810 drive that you could use to confirm timings like you did for the 1050?


Klaus made some code changes a couple versions ago (before you performed the 1050 timings) that may have altered the 810 delays I set originally. The ATX files I tested with still seem to work fine, but I don't have access to an 810 drive anymore to do detailed timing comparisons.

In the software is a bug. It does not matter whether the 1050 switch is on or off, it is always only 1050 active. I have changed both values, only the 1050 is reacting.

#define MS_TRACK_STEP_810 5.5 // 5.3 -> has no impact

#define MS_TRACK_STEP_1050 15 // 12.41 -> is everytime activ


I use the same floppy disk of the 1050 for the time recording.

It also has a direct comparison between the two floppy stations.

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I just got mine flashed and it looks like it's working. Of course, it's easy once you get all of the right tools and since I don't speak German, I had to rely on the translation of that site as well as what I've gather from this forum. Still, not easy to understand if you haven't done this before so unless someone has written this up, here is my suggestion. This is for you Windows folks.

  1. Download a program called Xloader.and drop it to some location.
  2. Plug your uno with touchscreen into your USB port
  3. Launch the Xloader application
  4. Navigate the the location where you unzipped you sdrive-max files. I've doing this with 1.0. Select the eeprom_writer.hex file
  5. Select the device (Aka: Duemilanove/Nano(ATmega328)
  6. Select the port
  7. Leave the baud rate to the default.
  8. Select Upload button. The upload should be completed within a few second. Wait for it to say done on the Nano's touchscreen
  9. Do the same for the SDrive.hex.
  10. After about 7 seconds you should see the default screen being displayed on the Nano.

Easy peasy. Next up, hook up the SIO cable.

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I posted this in the other SDrive post but it probably belongs as a response to your post.






I'm jumping on any excuse to get more practice in KiCad!

I've never ordered boards. What is the minimum run size that you can order and what does that generally cost?
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It depends on the company you go to to get the boards made.

Here's OSHPark



Other companies will probably be cheaper if you order larger quantities but OSHPark are great if you only need one or two, the three board minimum is just about right (lets you screw one up first!)


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It depends on the company you go to to get the boards made.

Here's OSHPark

attachicon.gifScreenshot 2019-01-18 at 09.37.34.jpg


Other companies will probably be cheaper if you order larger quantities but OSHPark are great if you only need one or two, the three board minimum is just about right (lets you screw one up first!)



Have you built one up yet with this board? :)

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That sure is a mighty fine looking board. I know it won't be seen but it's hard to pass up something so nice.


It depends on the company you go to to get the boards made.

Here's OSHPark

attachicon.gifScreenshot 2019-01-18 at 09.37.34.jpg


Other companies will probably be cheaper if you order larger quantities but OSHPark are great if you only need one or two, the three board minimum is just about right (lets you screw one up first!)


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Wonder how long their free shipping, non-rush orders take? I can't argue with 3 for 4.50, lol. Now to get the other parts needed on the way and test this thing out..


It depends on the company you go to to get the boards made.

Here's OSHPark

attachicon.gifScreenshot 2019-01-18 at 09.37.34.jpg


Other companies will probably be cheaper if you order larger quantities but OSHPark are great if you only need one or two, the three board minimum is just about right (lets you screw one up first!)


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My last 4 orders have averaged 10 days from order to ship (1 day to send to fab, 9 days to receive back, ships same day it returns). The speedy one took 8 days. Totally not worth the extra cost. I'm hoping my boards will return today.


EDIT: According to PCBShopper, I should have used EasyEDA

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OSHPark delivered.


Apologies for the shoddy soldering, It was cold in the basement (3'F outside today!) I had trouble getting solder to flow. I didn't clean the board in my rush to take photos.




It works ok, and it makes the wiring simpler.




There are definitely a couple of changes I should make.




The cable tie hole is too small, needs to be ⅛"


The IC is too close to the mounting pins, there is a crystal on the UNO board that the IC sits on top of, making the board quite close to the back of the screen board. The photo doesn't show it but the screen _does_ still sit flush


I'm using a 2x4 header on the elgoo UNO for my wiring, that doesn't exist on a genuine UNO or I'd consider moving the pins on my board to line up for a single wire soldering build. The pins as they are could be positioned better so none of the wires cross, also If I move the SIO pins to the end of the board there would be room to use a header rather solder wire directly to the board.


I'd call that a success, no show stoppers and just a couple of usability improvements. I'll update the layout and post new gerbers!



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So after a few iterations and test fitting printouts I came up with this, it should allow me to solder a 4 pin header to the UNO which connects to the v2 board, and a single wire from the board to the A5 pin. The SIO cable can attach with a pin header connector.


V2 now ordered from OSHPark, the cost went up to $5.20 because the board is slightly bigger to allow room for the crystal on the UNO board. See you all in 10 days!



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Doh! I should have. Ah well I can claim to be keeping it American, it's only a few days extra I suppose. When I have one that works well I'll just share the board on OSHPark for anyone who wants to make some, they allow the download of the gerbers as well if people want to take them elsewhere.

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Doh! I should have. Ah well I can claim to be keeping it American, it's only a few days extra I suppose. When I have one that works well I'll just share the board on OSHPark for anyone who wants to make some, they allow the download of the gerbers as well if people want to take them elsewhere.


Nice work! I'm anxiously awaiting your perfected revisions, so I can get one. :)

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@Farb: Switching over the 1050 button works in the SDrive-Max configuration. There are problems with the two variables I use.
#define MS_TRACK_STEP_810 5.55
#define MS_TRACK_STEP_1050 12.41
Changes in small steps do not change the access time anymore. After a high number, there is a time jump in the access. Can you check your time calculation?
Attached you will find the measured times when accessing from sector 1 to the first sector of the other tracks. As a floppy I use the ATX file of the 1050 as a reference.


My workplace today at the local retro meeting.

850 measurements.pdf



Edited by BigBen
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