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ZeroPage Homebrew Twitch Stream

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ZeroPage Homebrew has the Exclusive World Premiere of Vladimir Zuñiga's newest game Robo Tito on tomorrow's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch! Hope you can join us!





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 ZeroPage Homebrew will be playing an Exclusive Update of Microvaders plus a LIVE Video Interview with Carl Forhan @Songbird tomorrow's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch! Hope you can join us!




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2 hours ago, ZeroPage Homebrew said:

 ZeroPage Homebrew will be playing an Exclusive Update of Microvaders plus a LIVE Video Interview with Carl Forhan @Songbird tomorrow's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch! Hope you can join us!




Woohoo! Looking forward to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday our baby cat Sprite passed away in a tragic accident while we were on vacation.

He was the gentlest, sweetest cat to ever enter into our lives. He loved to play and cuddle with his brother Atari, chase elusive lasers and watch the chirping birds from our patio with his paws draped over the arm of the chair. His tail hugs were always welcomed and freely given to us all day long. He had the softest fluffiest black fur that grew fluffier by the year and had an incredible fascination with the water in his water dish. Always curious, he would follow you up and down the stairs and from room to room and would roll around on the bed when you were in the bedroom, asking you to pet him.

Both Tanya and my hearts are completely empty and Atari roams the house crying to find his missing brother. We love you so much Sprite, you were our everything. We lost you way too soon, you were supposed to be here for so much longer.

Feb 23, 2022 – May 13, 2024


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Sprite was an integral part of the ZPH show. He will be deeply missed, by his brother Atari,  and by all who watched countless hours of his antics and games on the show. Sprite was lucky to have you both as owners. Though Sprite may have left this world, his spirit will forever linger in all our memories, along with Pixel before him.

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They are so much a part of our lives and families. Sprite was so very obviously loved and had a wonderful life with you and Tanya. Thank you for being such good kitty parents! ❤️❤️❤️ 

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I am so sorry to hear about Sprite, that's absolutely devastating and makes me incredibly sad.  Not everyone realizes how pets become part of your family, how attached you become to them, and how terribly heartbreaking it is to lose one, and especially when they are so young.  Sprite was obviously loved very much and had a great family, and he will be missed.



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Posted (edited)

This is just devastating news, he will be missed... as CC said above, he will live on in all our memories and in many videos displaying his

domination in the "Treats Games".  😜

You were both fantastic kitty parents and were lucky to have each other.  You will be in my thoughts. ❤️

Edited by MissCommand
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Posted (edited)

Oh no! :sad:


I am very sorry for your loss, happening so short after Pixel passed away. I hope it went at least fast for the poor little cat. He was way too young.


Just like Pixel, for us Sprite will live on in your ZPH videos.

Edited by Thomas Jentzsch
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Thank you all for your incredible and supportive messages about losing our beautiful Sprite. I have cancelled this Friday's show as we need more time to heal before attempting to return back online without immediately falling apart.


I will also return your PMs as soon as my mental energy returns. It's been very difficult.


- James

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5 hours ago, ZeroPage Homebrew said:

Thank you all for your incredible and supportive messages about losing our beautiful Sprite. I have cancelled this Friday's show as we need more time to heal before attempting to return back online without immediately falling apart.


I will also return your PMs as soon as my mental energy returns. It's been very difficult.

Please don't enforce anything and take all the time you both (or all three) need.

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12 hours ago, ZeroPage Homebrew said:

Thank you all for your incredible and supportive messages about losing our beautiful Sprite. I have cancelled this Friday's show as we need more time to heal before attempting to return back online without immediately falling apart.


I will also return your PMs as soon as my mental energy returns. It's been very difficult.


- James

Sorry for your loss James, Tanya & Atari. Please Keep first things first and take care of yourselves.

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I am so sorry for your loss James & Tanya.  Our pets are our family and losing them is heartbreaking and takes time to recover.  Thank you for sharing Sprite with us and hold the wonderful memories you have of him close to your heart.  You are all in my thoughts and prayers.  🙏

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So sorry to hear about Sprite - you have my most heartfelt condolences. Thank you for sharing him with us - he was a part of the entire AtariAge family, and will be sorely missed. Please take whatever time away from the show that you need, we'll be there when you get back! Take care!

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I am so sorry, James, Tanya, and Atari. My heart goes out to you all for the loss of Sprite. Thank you for sharing Sprite with your viewers; I know everyone enjoyed his antics, amazingly floofy tail, and having so much to say.


Take whatever time you need to rest and mourn. We're all here for you.

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