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Popeye 7800


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I downloaded the rom again and tried that one and got the exact same results. I'm able to reproduce them 100% of the time on my console. 


Another interesting thing, is that most of the Pokey demos that come on the DF sdcard, do NOT work on my DF cart through my 7800. All I get are clicks that seem to be in beat with the tune but no actual melody. But then other pokey demos seem to work fine. This is happening with both demos at 450 and 4000 so no idea there. Unless it is a PokeyMAX issue? Maybe I need to disable the double pokey mode or something? 


I have not updating my DF as it came preloaded with 1.04 on it already. I'm also using the rom extracted from the JS7800 site and not the one on the first page. Maybe I should try that one as well to see if there is any difference or at least download it and hex compare it with the one I extracted from the JS7800 website.



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Seems to be something with my specific 7800 then. I just tried the popeye rom I have loaded on my DF cart on a test bed 7800 that is still essentially a stock unit and has RF only. The glitching does NOT occur with this unit. Both are A1 series but there must be some difference obviously between them aside from my daily driver having the UAV installed vs this RF output only unit. I need to install a UAV into this test unit at some point just to have more options with video output from it.


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1 hour ago, -^CrossBow^- said:

...Both are A1 series but there must be some difference obviously between them...

Indeed, there are differences among the A1's.  I have a few A1 serial consoles.  From my Concerto testing, one A1 serial provides similar results to my AT84 serial.  Another A1 serial is similar to one of my A3 serial consoles.  The difference in results are night and day.

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8 hours ago, -^CrossBow^- said:

Well I can live with slight glitching when only choosing a game level that corrects itself. Even the pokey going crazy when doing this, eventually aligns itself and the actual game is fine.


I will check this out when I get my DragonFly.  I got kind of silent on the forum, because I was "in the zone" ALL day. My Sunday was tearing Popeye apart and putting it back together. I spent 6:30a until 8:30p working on Popeye. I will have an update soon with much wider and open play fields. I couldn't go to bed until I had it to a point where I'd consider it "done enough". That meant that all three levels were re-worked, and the characters learned the new boundaries and step placement.


I played it some this morning. It seems to be playing fine, but I need to revisit it later. Unfortunately, it's Monday, and work calls. :(

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I played through this a little earlier. I don't notice anything bad, but I want to be more thorough before I post the ROM.


The 2nd level doesn't look a lot different, but it made a HUGE mess of everything. Whimpy is plotted as character tiles. He and the seesaw were a mess. I had to find the right tile index and reset him. I'd like to make the windows taller, but that would require way too many tiles.


The ship was the most challenging, because I do not a single tile to spare. I had to use a lot of the tiles used for shading effects. I think I may be able to add some shading back, but not as much. The middle ladders do not have a shadow under the bottom rung. I don't have any tiles to spare. Even if I sacrifice the big yellow bloc by Olive, that would only cover one of the shadows. There's nothing else I feel comfortable sacrificing.


I think this should enhance the game play experience in the end.



Edited by darryl1970
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45 minutes ago, darryl1970 said:

I played through this a little earlier. I don't notice anything bad, but I want to be more thorough before I post the ROM.


The 2nd level doesn't look a lot different, but it made a HUGE mess of everything. Whimpy is plotted as character tiles. He and the seesaw were a mess. I had to find the right tile index and reset him. I'd like to make the windows taller, but that would require way too many tiles.


The ship was the most challenging, because I do not a single tile to spare. I had to use a lot of the tiles used for shading effects. I think I may be able to add some shading back, but not as much. The middle ladders do not have a shadow under the bottom rung. I don't have any tiles to spare. Even if I sacrifice the big yellow bloc by Olive, that would only cover one of the shadows. There's nothing else I feel comfortable sacrificing.


I think this should enhance the game play experience in the end.



I applaud your dedication to this game, especially since you initially did not intend for it to become a full fledged game. Thank you. ?

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Really glad you took @Defender_2600 suggestion to heart and ran with it.  It is looking (and can't wait to experience), playing better than ever with the updated layouts.  The small sacrifice on the ship detail is definitely worth it.  You made another great call there.  All three levels have benefited beautifully in more than one way.  You have done and continue to do an absolutely awesome job with this port.  No other port comes close.

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4 hours ago, Trebor said:

Really glad you took @Defender_2600 suggestion to heart and ran with it.  It is looking (and can't wait to experience), playing better than ever with the updated layouts.  The small sacrifice on the ship detail is definitely worth it.  You made another great call there.  All three levels have benefited beautifully in more than one way.  You have done and continue to do an absolutely awesome job with this port.  No other port comes close.

I knew it was lacking, but I really didn't think I would have enough tile space, given the large sprites. Tile reuse is key, and it's harder with 16px tall tiles. The 16px tiles help free Maria up though. It's a trade off. The thought of rebuilding the maps and realigning all the programmable characters were overwhelming. I ended up making a copy of the code, knowing there was no return if I got to level 3 and couldn't make it work. (I had to permanently alter Popeye and Brutus's climb slope, and I knew level 3 was crammed).


It all worked out, and I am glad @Defender_2600 pressed the issue. It got me out of my comfort zone.

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Have to repeat what I posted PM...


This change to the layouts was so much worth it.   Having played a few games under both A7800 and Concerto, the best way I can summarize it is like this:  


The game played beautifully before; however, now it really *feels* like the openness of the Arcade.  All the elements of the Arcade game, plus best possible proportions too.  Previously, it felt slightly cramped, nothing horrible by any stretch of the imagination, and it was expected somewhat, due to the enormity of the sprites and the confined resolution. 


Now though, the change really balanced the graphics and levels perfect.  Fantastic work!  Both aesthetics and (more importantly) game play took another bump up...It's A++ at this point.


What I didn't mention though is now, it just needs a home, and to take my money. :D

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40 minutes ago, Atariboy2600 said:



Is there an animation where Popeye lost a Heart, Note or HELP Letters in the water and then Olive Oil gets angary at Popeye?


I do not have room (space in the banks) for any additional sprites, but I did the best I could, with the resources available to me. :)

BTW, I sent you a couple PMs. Glad to see you're okay.



Edited by darryl1970
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So the graphical glitching I posted is definitely unique to that specific 7800 of mine. I tested the DF cart again on a recently completed 7800 sent in for services and it did NOT experience the graphical glitching on that console either. It was a late made '88 year X series 7800 (Those 7800s are.... very unusual and obviously were built as cheap as possible btw).


So that is 2 out of 3 7800s I've used recently that play the rom without the graphic issues. Not sure why this one I normally use does this but as it is only on the title screen selections and doesn't 'stick' I'm fine with it. So ignore what I said before about the graphical issues I guess.


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4 minutes ago, MrZarniwoop said:

Yes, chalked it up to Concerto firmware work-in-progress. I even had that happen once (albeit green, not yellow) at a Concerto menu! But never recreated.

Yeah I figured. It’s happened every time I’ve tried playing the ROM so thought I’d mention it.
Waiting patiently for a CIB release ?

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3 hours ago, bradd1978 said:

I was able to some what play the new demo on my Concerto. It would periodically glitch and give me a solid yellow screen with hum. Has anyone else experienced this? My Concerto is on 0.95 firmware

Anyways, what I did play, this is truly an amazing port! I cannot wait to purchase this :)

It gave me this glitch on startup once with the latest version, the first time. But subsequent loading of it is fine.



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