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8-Bit Software: A Preservation Effort


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44 minutes ago, SoulBuster said:

Maybe it calls for a revisit?

Back then Farb downloaded a lot of the files (perhaps all - dunno). To make sure that we have everything, I started to (re-)download everything (again).

The forum's list of attachments to this thread currently shows 181 pages (each one contains 10 items) of which processed 61 during the last 90 minutes. More will follow tomorrow...

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3 hours ago, DjayBee said:

Back then Farb downloaded a lot of the files (perhaps all - dunno). To make sure that we have everything, I started to (re-)download everything (again).

The forum's list of attachments to this thread currently shows 181 pages (each one contains 10 items) of which processed 61 during the last 90 minutes. More will follow tomorrow...

Sorry about that.  I built the menu in post one so a person could use it as a source.  Keep it open on your screen, download and process each one at a time, gather what you needed from it, process it on your end, update preservation site, move to next.


I have been a business programmer (mostly C# ) for the last 40 years, it just seemed logical.

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Issue #26

  1. POPCORN.BAS creates a file or a cassette version of the game. The CAS and an ATR from that CAS are included.  The Assembly listing  is written in MAC/65 and compiles to a complete and working game.
  2. PMCREATE.LST is enter into PMCREATE.BAS from issue #23. This fix allows XL owners to use the program.

Analog Computing #26 (1985-01)(Analog Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC].zip




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Issue #27

  1. BOPCHG1.LST and BOPCHG2.LST are enhancements to BOPOTRON.
  2. MINICOM4.LST is enter into MINICOM2.LST from issue #23.  It adds the ability to save an OBJ file after compilation.  I have included MINICOM1.LST, the updated version of MINICOM2.LST, ANDROTON.BAS and ANDROTON.OBJ, which is finally a working and playable game.
  3. MATHFIX.LST is a 2 player enhancement for Math Attack from issue #22.
  4. ENGLISH.BAS creates an AUTORUN.SYS file on a disk with DOS.  A boot disk is included.  The Assembly Listing created ENGLISH.OBJ; copy to a DOS disk and rename AUTORUN.SYS.
  5. VBDECODE.ASM, VBSEARCH.ASM, VBBLINK.ASM and VBERASE.ASM do not compile even when typed correct.  They are not meant to either.  They just represent the machine language used by the basic program VANDENBG.BAS.
  6. MicroCheck is a Checkbook program.  To set this up:
    1. Create an Atari DOS disk with DOS.SYS, DUP.SYS and RAMDISK.COM (if you like).
    2. Run MCMAKER.BAS to create an AUTORUN.SYS file on your new disk. 
    3. Copy MCSTART.BAS to START, MCMENU.BAS to MENU, MCUTILTY.BAS to UTILITY and MCCHKBK.BAS to CHECKBOO on your newly made disk. They are named this way on the ANALOG disk to remove confusion of what each program belongs to and the fact that the Analog MENU would otherwise be overwritten, like in the source disks.
    4. An ATR is included with it all setup.

Analog Computing #27 (1985-02)(Analog Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC].zip




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23 hours ago, pmgraphics said:

Popcorn crashes in Altirra after the game ends (when you get fired). I've tried both 400/800 and XL/XE profiles.

Keep in mind that these disk are to match the listings in the magazine, so if it crashes, it crashes.  If the magazine does not give a fix, I don't change it.


What I may do later, is go back through and make a disk set with all the updates and enhancements implemented and have versions of the program i.e.; Original, Update 1, Update 2 of the same program on a set of separate disks.

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Issue #28

  1. PALETTE.LST is entered into the program form Issue #26 of the same name for grapgics 30 or 31
  2. PMCREATE.LST is entered into the program of the same name from issue #23,  Allows XLs to use the program.
  3. MICRODOS.BAS creates an AUTORUN.SYS file on disk.  MICRODOS.M65 compiles and creates and OBJ file.  It is loadable form DOS or copy it to a DOS disk and rename to AUTORUN.SYS.  AN ATR is included with it setup.
  4. I could not get Demon Birds to work right.  I followed the steps and it locks up the computer.
  5. Micro Check has added two more menu items. MCSEARCH.BAS is copied to the MicroCheck disk as CHECKPRT and MCBALNCE.BAS is copied as CHECKBAL.  This completes Micro Check. An updated ATR is included.
  6. POPCORN.LST is entered into POPCORN.BAS from issue #26.  This fixes the problem with starting a new game after you have finished one.  I have included an updated  POPCORN.BAS, OBJ file, ATR and CAS.
  7. TWOGUN.BAS creates a file or a cassette. The CAS and an ATR from that CAS are included. The Assembly listing compiles using Atari Macro Assembler into a complete and working game.  This game only runs under OS-B.
  8. CASCADE1.ASM, CASCADE2.ASM, CASCADE3.ASM and CASCADE4.ASM do compile, but are only reflect ML routines in the basic program. They do not load.

Analog Computing #28 (1985-03)(Analog Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC].zip




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Issue #29

  1. SCTADAMS.BAS is a fix to load Scott Adams Adventures from cassette on XLs.
  2. ROBFIX.LST is entered into the ROBTRAID.BAS from issue #26. When you run out of data for level the programs errors, this fix replays the last level.
  3. RAMDISK.BAS creates RAMCHECK.  I renamed it to a .com.  RAMCASS.BAS does not create a cassette version of the program.  It immediately pokes the Machine Language into memory and begins testing. The MAC/65 listing compiles into RAMCHECK.OBJ and is a complete and working program.
  4. RAMOS.BAS creates a loadable OBJ as does the Assembly listing.
  5. MAXICOPY.BAS create MAXICOPY.OBJ as does the Assembly listing.
  6. DRAGON.OBJ is not a compiled version of the game, rather it is the ML used to clean memory.
  7. REVIVE.BAS creates REVIVE which I have renamed to REVIVE.OBJ.  The BASIC and the Assembly listings produce a program that must loaded from and Atari DOS 2.0 menu using the L command. An ATR with DOS 2.0 and the REVIVE program are included.  It does not work as an AUTORUN.SYS.
  8. BLINE.BAS creates an AUTORUN.SYS file on your DOS 2.0 disk (works under 2.5). The Assembly listing compile into BLINE.OBJ.  Copy BLINE.OBJ to AUTORUN.SYS on your disk disk. It helps with line numbering in BASIC.


Analog Computing #29 (1985-04)(Analog Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC].zip




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Thank you so much SoulBuster, your contribution is highly appreciated! :-)))


If you have anything from below, please let us know. Thank you very much in advance.


•) From The Atari Accountant Series just:

•) Atari The Dow Jones Investment Evaluator
Atari Dow Jones Investment Evaluator CX8124
Atari Dow Jones Investment Evaluator CX8125
Atari Dow Jones Investment Evaluator CX8127

•) Atari Home Finance or Personal Finance


Dorsett tapes:

- General Shop Practices:

Oa1 Tool Identification Lesson, Part 1
Oa7 Discussion of a Two-Cycle Engine
Oa8 Use of Micrometers and Calipers

- Health Services Career:

Hc5 Medical History
Hc6 Extended Care

- Physics:

Ph16 Theory of Relativity

•) OSS Newsletters
We already have:
OSS Newsletter - Summer 1983
OSS Newsletter - January 1984
OSS Newsletter - Spring 1984
OSS Newsletter - October 1984
OSS Newsletter - Fall 1986
OSS Newsletter - Winter 1987


missing are all different from above


- Kyan Pascal version 1.2
- Programming Utility Toolkit for Kyan Pascal version 1.x
- Advanced Graphics Toolkit for Kyan Pascal version 1.x
- Kyan Pascal version 2.00 and 2.03
- Code Optimizer Toolkit for Kyan Pascal version 2.x ; includes the source code for the Runtime Library


•) Success with Math - CBS Software - Decimals - Addition and Subtraction

•) Success with Math - CBS Software - Subtracting Mixed Fractions


Graphics Utilities Library and Shape Editor for ACTION!



•) Synapse Software: SynMail; was finished according to Steve Hales, but after SynCalc und SynFile+ never sold to the public. So, somewhere out there, it may exists

•) Synapse Software: SynText; was finished according to Steve Hales, but after SynCalc und SynFile+ never sold to the public. So, somewhere out there, it may exists

•) Visicorporation: VisiDex; An information organization and retrieval program which lets the user file and recall any type of information. It prints out lists, notes, and memos; and keeps track of a daily calendar, alerting the user to upcoming events. According to 'The Atari User's Encyclopedia from The Book Company, page 232, this software exists. So, somewhere out there, it may exists...

•) Visicorporation: VisiFile; A comprehensive electronic filing system that makes it simple to organize, maintain, and effectively use all the information a business needs. It will accurately store, search, sort, retrieve, display, calculate, and print reports, lists, and mailing lists. According to 'The Atari User's Encyclopedia from The Book Company, page 232, this software exists. So, somewhere out there, it may exists...


maybe someone else who reads this, has something of the above?


Thank you all in advance very much. :-)))

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12 minutes ago, luckybuck said:

Yes, thank you, but this is for fractions, not decimals...

I only mentioned Subtracting Mixed Fractions not existing as a CBS Software title, that's it.


The eBay auction you pointed to is for this game:



Otherwise, yes, Success with Math - Decimals - Addition and Subtraction is the last one missing entirely, we can fully agree on that :)

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Sorry, don't intend that this is going this way, just searching for the missing title. SoulBuster has many things, my hope always dies last... ;-)


Just the marked one below ist still missing to make the program complete...

Addition and Subtraction
Decimals - Addition and Subtraction
Decimals - Multiplication and Division
Fractions - Addition and Subtraction
Fractions - Multiplication and Division
Linear Equations
Multiplication and Division S# 23016 -> Bill Lange?
Quadratic Equations

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@SoulBuster because you are big in Antic, do you have:


The complete Antic Deep BlueC:
Deep Blue C-Compiler-AP114-A
Deep Blue C-Compiler-AP114-B-Documentation
Deep Blue C-Secrets-APO115-A
Deep Blue C-Secrets-APO115-B-Documentation
Mathlib for C-AP0132-A
Mathlib for C-AP0132-B-Documentation


We have all, just AP0132 is unsure...

Further, the ANTIC Floating Point Package for MAC/65...

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On 1/19/2023 at 9:38 AM, SoulBuster said:

Issue #24

FYI - The two diskette listing images for ANALOG Computing #24 both indicate they are for #23.  The contents are different from the 'real' #23 so I assume this is just a typo when making the disk menu for #24 ??  You may want to correct this if you can to avoid confusion down the line.  Thanks!!



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7 hours ago, 800_Rocks said:

FYI - The two diskette listing images for ANALOG Computing #24 both indicate they are for #23.  The contents are different from the 'real' #23 so I assume this is just a typo when making the disk menu for #24 ??  You may want to correct this if you can to avoid confusion down the line.  Thanks!!



I am not sure how that happened, but it is corrected.  Anyone that has already downloaded #24 should get it again.



7 hours ago, 800_Rocks said:

FYI - you did not add the link to Post#1 for ANALOG Computing Issue #29

That can happens, but usually gets updated on the next disk.

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Issue #30

  1. PLDEFMOD.BAS modifies the object code for Planetary Defense from Issue #17.  Allows for Touch Tablet or Joystick.
  2. PALLMOD.LST is entered into PALETTE.BAS from issue #26.  Mod for XL computers.
  3. Basic Burger has a CAS (CLOAD + RUN) and an ATR made independent of each other. I did not find BASM on the internet (cursory search) so the MHD Assembly listing was not tested.
  4. ZPLOTTER.BAS was corrupt on every copy (3) of the source disks I could find. I typed in a new one.
  5. BOMBERS.BAS creates a file or a cassette version of the game Boulder Bombers.  The CAS and an ATR from that CAS are included. BOMBERS.M65 compiles into a complete and working game.

Analog Computing #30 (1985-05)(Analog Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC].zip



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FYI - I have been creating a .odt (open document created with LibreOffice Writer) where I scrape any/all details @SoulBuster includes with each ANALOG Computing issue/diskette post along with the .JPGs of the directory listings.  Then I just drag/drop the .odt document into his original .zip file.  I have done this so far for issues #01 thru #29 and will continue to do this for each new issue posted.  I will make one big .zip file that has all of these at some point.  The notes and pictures that @SoulBuster is providing with each ANALOG issue is extremely valuable.  ANALOG Magazine was my jam back in the 1980s.  I hope by pairing this 'metadata' about each diskette .zip it will make the information more readily available and better preserved.


If like me you are grabbing all the new content in this thread... you may want to hold off on the ANALOG Computing issues/diskettes... wait for my mega .zip file that contains them all plus the captured metadata for each.  I will add it to this thread in the future.


Question/Poll:   Is .odt a good format or should I be saving as .rtf or other?  LibreOffice Writer unfortunately does not have a 'save to PDF' option.

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