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AtariAge Store Last Chance Sale!


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Still waiting for mine also. 
389 days or 12.78 months or 9336ish hours or 55.6 weeks or 560,160ish minutes. Whatever sounds shortest. 
I didn’t post seconds because it definitely doesn’t sound shorter. 


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My order was July 22, 2023 nothing as of yet but @Albert will come through at some point he didn't expect the demand from old members as well as all the new ones to take advantage of this Last Chance Sale Demand was over whelming I do hope to see my order at some point and when things calm i have a bunch more I would like to get but holding off til he is caught up.

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42 minutes ago, HatNJ said:

My order was July 22, 2023 nothing as of yet but @Albert will come through at some point he didn't expect the demand from old members as well as all the new ones to take advantage of this Last Chance Sale Demand was over whelming I do hope to see my order at some point and when things calm i have a bunch more I would like to get but holding off til he is caught up.


Yes, aside from the overwhelming demand, there has been a lot of stuff going on behind the curtains that also took up significant amounts of time.  Think about all the logistics that go into "Air to Finished Product", supply chains, hardware production, blah blah blah.  And that's all on top of dealings with Atari about future products etc.!

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3 minutes ago, CPUWIZ said:


Yes, aside from the overwhelming demand, there has been a lot of stuff going on behind the curtains that also took up significant amounts of time.  Think about all the logistics that go into "Air to Finished Product", supply chains, hardware production, blah blah blah.  And that's all on top of dealings with Atari about future products etc.!

Yep took all that into consideration as well I know once all is caught up future orders will be faster.

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9 hours ago, -Joe- said:

It’s been really quiet here… Did everyone receive their last chance orders ? I know he just sent out like 900+ orders…


I am still waiting patiently on my orders ( a bunch )….I feel like I’ve been skipped.


The reason I say this is because I have asked @Albert …but keep getting the same reply that he is busy moving, etc. ( which I understand ). What flustered me though is he said he’s working on the pre order games that were released…after…the last chance sale. 


 Please forgive me if I’m in the wrong. Just would love to play and enjoy 

I am still waiting on my order.

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9 hours ago, -Joe- said:

It’s been really quiet here… Did everyone receive their last chance orders ? I know he just sent out like 900+ orders…

No, not everyone has received their Last Chance orders.  I continue working on them.  And I didn't quite send 900+ orders in the last batch, it was about 160 orders comprising over 900 games.  I wish I could get 900 orders out all in one go, that would have represented the bulk of the Last Chance orders.  :)

9 hours ago, -Joe- said:

I am still waiting patiently on my orders ( a bunch )….I feel like I’ve been skipped.

You haven't been skipped, everyone will get their orders.  I haven't been working on them in exactly linear fashion, though -- I'm batching them in such fashion that allows me to more efficiently build batches of games for orders. 

9 hours ago, -Joe- said:

The reason I say this is because I have asked @Albert …but keep getting the same reply that he is busy moving, etc. ( which I understand ). What flustered me though is he said he’s working on the pre order games that were released…after…the last chance sale. 

I am probably not going to be moving until after PRGE, as I can't take the hit right now that's the crazy process of moving. But, yes, I am not just working on Last Chance orders, I continue to work on regular orders in the store, plus I am working on getting all the pre-order games out as well.  It would not have been realistic for me to take down the AtariAge Store after the Last Chance sale to focus exclusively on those orders.  I looked at some numbers a few days ago, and the amount of games ordered in four weeks through the Last Chance sale represents TWO YEARS of order volume in the store.  I've already sent out over a year's worth of "Last Chance" orders in terms of numbers of games, while continuing to ship regular orders as well.  When I'm not eating, sleeping, drinking, most of my time is involved in game production.  


I finally got a break last month and the beginning of this month after pretty much no time off since about this time last year (which was just a single week off then).  I even worked through the entire Christmas / New Year holiday break this past holiday season making games.  

9 hours ago, -Joe- said:

 Please forgive me if I’m in the wrong. Just would love to play and enjoy 

I know everyone is eager to receive and enjoy their games, and I don't fault anyone for that.  I will get through all these orders, and, as I've described previously, by early next year I should have streamlined physical production considerably, with a goal of getting most orders shipped within a week.  And I'll be able to continue making improvements next year, ultimately hiring someone who can do much of the physical production work I'm doing now.



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While I appreciate the gesture, I'm not going to push anyone's order(s) to the back of the queue. :)


Anyone who does have an updated shipping address, though, please send that to me and I will update it right away. 



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17 minutes ago, Albert said:

While I appreciate the gesture, I'm not going to push anyone's order(s) to the back of the queue. :)


Anyone who does have an updated shipping address, though, please send that to me and I will update it right away. 



I don't know Albert, I think you should listen to the customers.  @bent_pin, @jgkspsx, and @Defender_2600 all seem willing to sacrifice, and I am willing to take their spot in the queue.  Sounds like a win-win.

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6 hours ago, Albert said:

I will get through all these orders, and, as I've described previously, by early next year I should have streamlined physical production considerably, with a goal of getting most orders shipped within a week.


I managed to skip a line while reading on my phone, and did a double take when I thought I read this:


"I will get through all these orders, as I've described previously, by early next year."

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Thank You @Albert for the update 👍


Believe me, I know you’re busy. You deserve a break like everyone else. I will continue to be patient 

Please know how much I do appreciate what you do and how much I appreciate the games also ! 

Every game cart , game manual , and game box are all protected with clear covers to show / display how awesome all of your hard work is 👍



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Full 100% confidence and trust in Al, most have been very patient.  Please continue to do so, AtariAge community!  It is appreciated!


To emphasize, I don't just preach, but practice it. 


Two last chance orders from 7/15 last year still pending...



...yet I placed a pre-order sale order on 2/22 this year, and spent more than double the amount already pending when doing so:



Again, 100% trust and confidence in Al, then and now.  For over 25 years he has been running this show between the late 1990's-2000, Atari 2600 Nexus days, and since 2001 with AtariAge.


From experience, all I did once was ship a batch of ~100 cartridge (It was Bob's Collection manufactured by @CPUWIZ and his superb high quality work).   Holy crap, I cannot tell you how much work was involved, and the amount of time it took just to perform that one task in the manufacturing and distribution process.


Like CPUWIZ, Al is a pillar of the classic gaming community, stand-up guy, has done, is doing, and I know will continue to do, an incredible amount of work.  I have nothing by the utmost respect and praise for him.   I'm glad he will finally receive some assistance down the road both logistically and physically.  I am still floored, have a hard time wrapping my head around him being human, to accomplish and fulfill all he has done through the years.  


Until all order are shipped, thank you everyone for your continued patience.  I too am eager to play all the new cartridges that will head my way, and when my turn comes, it will reaffirmed what I already know... the wait is well worth it!

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On 7/17/2024 at 12:29 PM, jeremiahjt said:

I don't know Albert, I think you should listen to the customers.  @bent_pin, @jgkspsx, and @Defender_2600 all seem willing to sacrifice, and I am willing to take their spot in the queue.  Sounds like a win-win.

I've been in this situation before with outstanding orders and people willing to wait longer than others (non video game related if anyone was curious) I can't speak for Al but for me personally it was more work trying to rearrange the shipment order, change my system, etc than it was to just keep doing what I was doing and (eventually) get it done. 


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5 minutes ago, Crazy Climber said:

I've been in this situation before with outstanding orders and people willing to wait longer than others (non video game related if anyone was curious) I can't speak for Al but for me personally it was more work trying to rearrange the shipment order, change my system, etc than it was to just keep doing what I was doing and (eventually) get it done. 


Yeah, that's certainly part of it, it's already complicated enough. :D



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