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Experimental 2600+ Firmware and Dumper


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53 minutes ago, infinite.pies said:

There is an “ignore user” function in account settings.


It’s not obvious - I’ve personally only discovered it recently after poking around in the forum settings for a while. I was about to leave this forum after getting annoyed at the infantile trolling by one particular user who froths at the mouth every time someone dares to suggest that they don’t use Windows, but now it’s suddenly usable again.

And I am using this quite frequently. Over the years my ignore list has grown quite long. Though most ignored people have long left AtariAge alone. Ignoring certain people really helps to concentrate on what is relevant. The only problem is, that their input still appears when they are quoted.


IMO this thread revolves over the same topic way too long already. Especially because the discussion will not change anything.

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1 hour ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

And I am using this quite frequently. Over the years my ignore list has grown quite long. Though most ignored people have long left AtariAge alone. Ignoring certain people really helps to concentrate on what is relevant. The only problem is, that their input still appears when they are quoted.


IMO this thread revolves over the same topic way too long already. Especially because the discussion will not change anything.

Eventually the final update will come and then we can have a new thread full of ranting about that 😁👍

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5 hours ago, Sean_1970 said:

Pretty simple: the game compatibility list wasn’t accurate and included Star Raiders. This wasn’t just my fave game as a teenager, but basically my “killer app” for the 2600+. I was jazzed to find an unopened, mint condition copy on eBay prior to receiving the 2600+ and massively disappointed that I couldn’t play it because apparently the only testing done was connect joystick and load cart.


Now this might just be “one game”, but it was one of Atari’s biggest games just before the crash to the point of featuring strongly in their advertising for 8-bit computers after they ported it. I think there’s a fair case to be made for it being one of the Crown Jewels of the 2600 and I genuinely cannot understand how you could test this game and not verify the keypad controller wasn’t working. Hell I can’t understand how you could put this system out without ensuring as many Atari-released peripherals for it worked as possible. The impression I’m left with is people who designed the 2600+ knew about the original pack-in peripherals and that’s it. Seems fair, since not that many games used others, but Star Raiders is a special case: it’s why the keypad controller exists at all, though educational titles were also made for it. I’ve enjoyed building a collection for the 2600+, but I’m not receptive to excuses for an oversight like this. It might come off as slightly OTT, but it’s not like I’ve slated the machine for running an emulator or not having six switches on the front 😂


Just to be clear since I’m having my bona fides challenged by Usenet rejects: I’ve been a massive supporter of the 2600+ since release. I have pre-ordered everything that was released at launch and will be later this month. I built a library of dozens of games prior to release, added more since and have recorded hours of Let’s Play videos of it. My initial point before sparring with the biggest troll in this forum was simply that the folk who have issues with the current level of complexity and method of performing the update have legitimate concerns (admittedly not stated like that). If this forum gave us the ability to mute other users a lot of this could be avoided!

I use Windows for work - why on earth would I want to spend my free time with it?

Dude straight up insults giant swaths of users on this board, then expects to be treated with respect and special handling.


You're a Troll. You came here to troll. Your entire posting history is a series of escalating troll posts, and your very first post on this forum is a complaint about Star Raiders.

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10 minutes ago, John Stamos Mullet said:

Dude straight up insults giant swaths of users on this board, then expects to be treated with respect and special handling.


You're a Troll. You came here to troll. Your entire posting history is a series of escalating troll posts, and your very first post on this forum is a complaint about Star Raiders.

Could you please stop quoting him? This undermines my ignore. ;) 

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, CPUWIZ said:


That's because Windows servers suck, the only merits that Windows has is a large homebrew community and specialty tools for hardware programming that are often far too complicated for regular users under Linux, or they simply don't exist.  Albert has a few device programmers that do not work without Windows, he just runs Windows on a Mac to use them.  Similarly, I have several hardware programmers that the companies just don't write software for other platforms for, even though they cost about 10 times what a little pissant dual MCU 2600+ board costs. 

I love the idea that because some of us are supportive of using Windows to update the 2600+ makes us shameless defenders of Windows or Windows fanboys.


I use everything. We deploy and administer both Windows and Linux in my corporate environment. Windows in general and specifically as a server platform is a pain in the ass to support. You'll get no argument from me about that. That's not really the issue here. Linux servers are nice because once you get it working how you want, it's fairly "set and forget it" compared to Windows.


I also use Macs, and Linux and Windows at home. They all have their good and bad points. Windows, for all it's faults and inscrutably stupid design flaws, simply works with everything. Linux is fun to tinker with and is useful for coding and compiling code, but I would never trust it as my daily driver OS for home use. Macs are nice, and easy to use, sure. They look pretty, and the OS is cutesy. But it doesn't do shit. There isn't shit for software available for it, and unless you're a *nix coder building your own apps for it, it's really limited. For some people, that limit is fine. Not for me.


But the whole brand loyalty/inflexibility about using Windows is just smug, arrogant wankery. It's like being a computer Vegan. All I ever picture is Meg and Hamilton Swan from the movie Best in Show when I hear someone rail on about how bad Windows is or how great Macs are.





Edited by John Stamos Mullet
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I get that as Atari console fans, we aren’t necessarily modern gamers. However, PC gaming is just about exclusively run on Windows OS.

There really aren’t any AAA titles available for Mac and I honestly haven’t looked at gaming under Linux in a while but I would assume it’s still hobbled by running as emulation through Wine. 

Ultimately, gaming is still centered around Microsoft and so it doesn’t surprise me in the least bit that the update path for a gaming system would need to go through the OS running in the most homes and the one most associated with gaming. 

I will continue to say ‘to each their own’. There is no requirement to own a windows system. But in this case, the compromise you’ll need to make is living with FW 1.0. 

Full disclosure, I’m a Windows Systems Admin and DevOps Developer. For all its faults, I still prefer Windows server in many cases. 

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Posted (edited)

I don't get all this ripping on Sean_1970. I get that updates only work on Windows, but a Mac solution should be on the to-do list. Better yet come up with a solution for applying updates on future hardware. I got sold on the 2600+ as being a no internet device that accepts 40-year-old cartridges. It's an emulation device that is a gimped console to pretend it is something it is not. I was fooled to think an update would even be necessary.


That being said I am very appreciative of the work Ben is doing! He is going beyond the support I feel Atari should be providing their products. I pray they continue to fix unsupported legacy carts and improve paddle functionality, along with the homebrews they sell. I have bought one homebrew at Atari Age, and ran the update to play it. I am holding out to see how this all goes with an official release.

I will buy more if they do it right. I'm not sure they even acknowledge this work is being done outside of these forums?


Still loving the 2600+. Looking forward to what the next 6 months bring.

Edited by swiller
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On 5/4/2024 at 7:34 PM, MikeM_ said:

There really aren’t any AAA titles available for Mac and I honestly haven’t looked at gaming under Linux

As I finish playing Baldur's Gate 3 on my Macbook and pick up a steam deck. 😂 

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1 hour ago, swiller said:

As I finish playing Baldur's Gate 3 on my Macbook and pick up a steam deck. 😂 


A lot of idiots believe the Steam Deck is Windows.

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43 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

IMO it was less about his request but more about how he asked and reacted to suggestions meant to help him out.


Vielleicht sind die so in Schottland?  Gibt doch einfach solche Leute, weiss nicht, Ich finde viele Französischen völlig Snobbisch zum Beispiel. :?

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46 minutes ago, CPUWIZ said:

Vielleicht sind die so in Schottland?  Gibt doch einfach solche Leute, weiss nicht, Ich finde viele Französischen völlig Snobbisch zum Beispiel. :?

Als ich in Schottland Radfahren war, waren die alle total nett. Ganz anders als wir Deutschen.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, swiller said:

I don't get all this ripping on Sean_1970.

It's self-inflicted. His asking for a Mac update solution for the 2600+ really has nothing to do with it, there have been dozens of other users here asking for the same, just not in the way he asked for it.



I get that updates only work on Windows, but a Mac solution should be on the to-do list. Better yet come up with a solution for applying updates on future hardware.

It is. This has been stated multiple times already by the development team. Continuing to ask for it when the question has already been answered is part of why Sean gets the reactions he does.



I got sold on the 2600+ as being a no internet device that accepts 40-year-old cartridges.

That's exactly what it is.



I was fooled to think an update would even be necessary.

Not sure who sold you that but it wasn't anyone here on this forum, and there really isn't anything in Atari's official marketing of this product that would have given you this false impression.


It's an emulation device that is a gimped console to pretend it is something it is not.

If you've been paying attention to why people like Sean get a negative reaction here, part if it is because of commentary like this ^^. This is an Atari discussion forum. It's not a Yelp! review site where you're encouraged to trash the product for internet points. Most people here don't take kindly to brand new users showing up with an aggressively negative take on Atari products, since these forums are supposed to be for discussion of Atari between Atari fans.

Edited by John Stamos Mullet
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27 minutes ago, John Stamos Mullet said:

...since these forums are supposed to be for discussion of Atari between Atari fans.

Yes, but for some there is a difference between Atari and Atari. I am only fan of Atari. :) 

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3 hours ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

IMO it was less about his request but more about how he asked and reacted to suggestions meant to help him out.

Fair enough. I have not gone through all 28 pages of this thread, just the piling up on him on the last few. As the Atari Network guy says, "Let's keep it classy Atarians". 

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, swiller said:

Fair enough. I have not gone through all 28 pages of this thread, just the piling up on him on the last few. As the Atari Network guy says, "Let's keep it classy Atarians". 

Just ignore it, it's all nonsense from terminally online, "holier than thou" luminaries on this forum. I guess some people have gotten so big their britches have bust. 


There's a reason the ignore lists are really long lol 

Edited by tradyblix
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, John Stamos Mullet said:

It's self-inflicted. His asking for a Mac update solution for the 2600+ really has nothing to do with it, there have been dozens of other users here asking for the same, just not in the way he asked for it.


It is. This has been stated multiple times already by the development team. Continuing to ask for it when the question has already been answered is part of why Sean gets the reactions he does.


That's exactly what it is.


Not sure who sold you that but it wasn't anyone here on this forum, and there really isn't anything in Atari's official marketing of this product that would have given you this false impression.

If you've been paying attention to why people like Sean get a negative reaction here, part if it is because of commentary like this ^^. This is an Atari discussion forum. It's not a Yelp! review site where you're encouraged to trash the product for internet points. Most people here don't take kindly to brand new users showing up with an aggressively negative take on Atari products, since these forums are supposed to be for discussion of Atari between Atari fans.

Good to hear. I have a PC but I am sure there are Mac users who do not.


I did not see anything on the official Atari site saying an update is on the way or if it is a feature of the 2600+. Only the passionate and curious can find the info here. 


I am just thankful an update is being worked on to support my paddle and paddle game investments, the ability to play my Pitfall 2 cart, and  get access to all the great homebrews out there.

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8 minutes ago, swiller said:

Good to hear. I have a windows 10 through bootcamp but I am sure there are Mac users who do not.


I did not see anything on the official Atari site saying an update is on the way or if it is a feature of the 2600+. Only the passionate and curious can find the info here. 


I am just thankful an update is being worked on to support my paddle and paddle game investments, the ability to play my Pitfall 2 cart, and  get access to all the great homebrews out there.


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19 hours ago, Ben from Plaion said:

Yes, there was a final build shared internally last week but there were a few regressions and they are being fixed and then released to public.

That's awesome. Any progress on getting games with the DPC+ chip working on the 2600+ yet?

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