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Tower Toppler???


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I've been recommended Tower Toppler for my new 7800, I had a look at the screenshots in AA, and ...what??

That aint Tower Toppler! That's Nebulus by UK developers Hewson. I had it on the C64. What's with the name change? Was it Tower Toppler on US C-64 also?? Whats wrong with Nebulus? Perfectly good name!

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It's the same game. I believe it was named based on where it was released -- Tower Toppler in North America and Nebulous in Europe. Or perhaps that's the other way around. Either way, it's pretty common to name something differently based on where it's being released. I've never quite understood it, but evidently some regions of the globe respond differently to different names. (Understandable for Japanese games -- I don't think Pac Man would have done as well over here if it were named Paku-Paku -- but I never really understood it between similar cultures like North America and the UK)


Anyway, it's a cool game. The cylindrical scrolling was quite impressive for its time -- a great visual effect.


Oh ... try typing "iamjmp" at the title screen... I think this works in both versions of the game.

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I think the distribution outside of Europe was done by U.S. Gold, who changed the name on many of the titles they brought to the USA. Maybe it was so that US customers wouldn't notice that they were just getting old Euro titles.


They also changed "Barbarian" to "Deathsword" or "Thing on a Spring" to "Coil Cop". These games were distributed in the US by EPYX, which is where I think Atari got the 7800 rights for Nebulus/Tower Toppler and Jinks from. And this is also why the 7800 versions of these games were programmed by U.S. Gold in the UK.



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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Originally posted by Eckhard Stolberg:

I think the distribution outside of Europe was done by U.S. Gold, who changed the name on many of the titles they brought to the USA. Maybe it was so that US customers wouldn't notice that they were just getting old Euro titles.



And Atari 8-bit "International Karate" was reased in US as "World Championship Karate" (with a title/loading screen that the Euro version didn't have)



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This also happens sometimes to avoid infringing someone's trademark in that country. While I can't think any off the top of my head (because my head is sleepy as it's 4am), I know of instances in the past where this has occured with games. I doubt that's what happened in this case, though, but you never know.



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Nebulus was called Tower Toppler in the US. The name was kept when the 7800 version was released in the UK. Epyx distributed the game in the US for computers, as I have that version also for C64 (besides the "original" Hewson version).


There are LOTS of name changes, some of which I have documented on my site here: http://www.geocities.com/MayhemNaboo/c64names.htm

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Originally posted by Albert:

This also happens sometimes to avoid infringing someone's trademark in that country. While I can't think any off the top of my head (because my head is sleepy as it's 4am), I know of instances in the past where this has occured with games. I doubt that's what happened in this case, though, but you never know.




Jet Grind Radio

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Jet Force Gemini => Star Twins

Starfox 64 => Lylat Wars

Expendable => Millenium Soldier: Expendable

Mario Story => Paper Mario

Donkey Kong Country => Super Donkey Kong

Biohazard => Resident Evil

Samurai Spirits => Samurai Shodown

Power Smash => Virtua Tennis

Power Smash 2 => Tennis 2K2

Pocket Monsters => Pokemon

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone => Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone

No one can really tell the story. Mistakes are made. 

But there is no mistaking the thoughts in a man's mind.


[ 02-04-2002: Message edited by: Rhindle The Red ]

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I always thought 'TowerToppler' was a sucko name too, Liveinabin, I remember first seeing it at a local games' dealer on the Atari ST and it was called 'Nebulous'(a very cool name). I think we had this discussion before actually...here at AtariAge a few months back...

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Hey, Lylat Wars wasn't a different name for Starfox, it was the sequel.

The original game DID have a name change Starfox-Starwing. There was already a game called Starfox (c64?)


Where was Jet Force Gemini called Star Kids?

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Originally posted by liveinabin:

Hey, Lylat Wars wasn't a different name for Starfox, it was the sequel.

The original game DID have a name change Starfox-Starwing. There was already a game called Starfox (c64?)


Where was Jet Force Gemini called Star Kids?


My bad. (I meant Starfox 64.)


Also Star Twins (not "Star Kids") is the name that Jet Force Gemini goes by in Japan.

I wonder what I would do in a case like that, if I were in the mental turmoil that person went through. 

Or if I suddenly realised that something was mentally wrong with you.

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There are two stories about Starfox in the UK so I've heard. The one that sounds more plausible is that Ariolasoft released a game called Starfox for C64 back in 1987 (which I have), hence they changed the name as copyright was still in force.


And I'm not a new forum member here actually heh. Just you have to register now to be able to post. Been a "guest" before

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