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Medieval Mayhem - 2600

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The marching knight is very cool!


A couple of suggestions though...


During a game, it's kind of annoying to have to wait for the little guy to march all the way over and back. Perhaps for winning a round he could just march one way?


Or: be able to cancel his march with the fire button, and move on to the next round (but only the winner should be able to canel him)


And for the game winning animation - can he be color-cycled or some similar effect to give the gold a more shimmering appearance, rather than flat yellow?


Finally, the black area now masking the dragon's entrance seems more obtrusive than just having the dragon appear at the edge of the screen. Perhaps it was because he was moving faster before when he came in.

During a game, it's kind of annoying to have to wait for the little guy to march all the way over and back. Perhaps for winning a round he could just march one way?


Or: be able to cancel his march with the fire button, and move on to the next round (but only the winner should be able to canel him)

I played a few rounds last night and decided the same thing. I'm going to change it to be just 1 pass for Won Round. I may add an abort option too, though I need to take into concideration that the winning player might already have the firebutton down(was holding a fireball when the last opponent died). Possibly have winner's firebutton control double-time instead?


And for the game winning animation - can he be color-cycled or some similar effect to give the gold a more shimmering appearance, rather than flat yellow?
Hmm - cycle the 8 yellows similiar to the Medieval Mayhem color cycling on the main menu?


Finally, the black area now masking the dragon's entrance seems more obtrusive than just having the dragon appear at the edge of the screen. Perhaps it was because he was moving faster before when he came in.
The current sequence is a test sequence. I'll make a note to have the dragon enter faster on the final one.

I may add an abort option too, though I need to take into concideration that the winning player might already have the firebutton down(was holding a fireball when the last opponent died). Possibly have winner's firebutton control double-time instead?

Or have there be a check in place where it won't cancel until the fire button is released, first. Maybe have a time delay so you can't cancel until the knight is halfway across the screen.


Hmm - cycle the 8 yellows similiar to the Medieval Mayhem color cycling on the main menu?

That, or if you can do a line-by-line color change for that metallic effect some games have used.







It would have been nice to have the line by line color cycling knight. But oh well.

Agreed - it looks much nicer.


I haven't found any new bug with the last version. I haven't tried on the actual 2600 console yet.

Thanks for checking :)

A joy to watch this game evolve :lust:

(- the animated knight deserves a game of his own :cool: )

Medieval Mayhem is definetely on the best way to join Lady Bug and CoM as another essential must-have for the VCS...


I was wondering - would it be possible to keep the trophy in addition to the blinking golden knight in the game-win sequence?

It could scroll in from the top and stay in the upper third of the screen, with the knight parading below it.

That would provide the player with an extra well deserved treat for winning the whole game...

Finally, the black area now masking the dragon's entrance seems more obtrusive than just having the dragon appear at the edge of the screen. Perhaps it was because he was moving faster before when he came in.


Why not use the color registers and just have him fade in and out from black?

Figured out a way to make it work :)

That's neato! I was thinking... perhaps the emblem on the sheild and flag should be given the gold treatment as well. I can update the knght frames to color them in if you need that.

I think that'd be overkill. Plus, having them in black makes it a "3 color image" instead of 2.

BTW, you do realize when the knight makes his victory march, there HAS to be some music, even if it's just a reprise of a portion of the title music.


Also, I noticed that when a castle gets blown away, the AI appears to still try to attack it rather than focusing on the castles that remain. I guess the AI can't be that smart but maybe you can at least constrain the angle they move when all the bricks of each castle is gone (unless defending). That way when it gets down to just two it can be more of a slugfest and be over quicker.

BTW, you do realize when the knight makes his victory march, there HAS to be some music, even if it's just a reprise of a portion of the title music.

Hmm - good point. I'll have to see what I can do.


Also, I noticed that when a castle gets blown away, the AI appears to still try to attack it rather than focusing on the castles that remain. I guess the AI can't be that smart but maybe you can at least constrain the angle they move when all the bricks of each castle is gone (unless defending). That way when it gets down to just two it can be more of a slugfest and be over quicker.

The AI doesn't plan any attack - it just randomly releases fireballs. Hmm - a quicker check for contraint would be if the opposite player is dead - I'll take a look at that tomorrow. :ponder:

I took a look at it tonight :D


NTSC ROM: mmAItest.bin


It's only been changed for the AI for player 1(purple) - so play another corner to test it.


I also noticed that there's an additional scanline every once in a while, probably related to the changes for the new shimmering knight routines. I really am going to bed now, so I'll figure it out tomorrow.

I had thought about using the playfield, but then fireballs would also be hidden.


If you could scrounge a few more cycles and if the dragon always enters/leaves to/from the same side (e.g. the left) you could zero GRPx just before the right edge of the screen. You'd need a different dragon routine if you had to show the dragon near/touching the right edge of the screen, but it wouldn't be necessary to mask off any of the screen (though managing HMOVE-bar-less rightward movements while managing three fireballs would probably be too much to ask from non-horribly-bloated code).



Excellent idea, but the 2 trophy images were removed to make room for the 4 images that comprise the knight animation.

Fair enough, the golden knight distinguishes itself well enough from the silver knight, after all.


One suggestion though - I feel that he should parade on screen until all players push their buttons.

IMO it is somewhat anticlimatic to switch back to the title screen right after the knight walks off.

That works perfectly for the rounds, but the end-game sequence should last longer.

This would give enough space for the expectable human interaction (winner teasing the losers, etc.) after an intense game.


As for an accompanying victory tune - how would the title tune played an octave higher sound?

Not really sure about that, but may be worth the try in case memory and time constraints don't allow for a fancier solution...

  • Modified the knight sequence, Gold Knight now makes 2 passes.
  • Music plays while the knights are on screen.
  • Fixed a bug with the King Death Screen Flash sequence.
  • Changed DEMO message to pulse instead of flash.

Unless a bug is found, these are most likely the last changes to be made as I have to add all the different dragon animation sequences over the next 2 days.



Hi Darrell,


Sorry for taking so long to respond. When I described using the PF for masking, I meant something like this, only the PF would be black instead of white, and would have priority over of the sprite.


I'm not sure if it's feasible to actually code this. If it's not, I'd say that no mask is better than a mask on the same side that Scarlett comes from.

No problem - I understood. My concern is if the PF has priority over the sprite, then it also has priority over the missiles used to draw the fireballs. Also there's not enough time during the dragon section to have the PF drawn on one side but not the other.


The mask that's happening now is cause by the HMOVE bars.

Edited by SpiceWare

I think the transition to the knight coming out to indicate the winner of the round is too abrupt. I think you have to maybe extend the flash/soundfx of the last king's death or maybe play a very short fanfare (like in Basic Math when you get the right answer) before the knight starts his victory march. I can't tell if it does this already, but I would also try to make his walkcycle match the rhythm of the title music. I think that would be most effective.

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