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Matters, Musings and Mysteries. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I get commissions for purchases made through certain links.)

Entries in this blog

Handling Death

If you believe what you see with your eyes is all there is, then death is a good thing. The person is gone forever. No more pain. No more daily hassles and frustrations.   If you believe there is more to us than what you can experience with your very limited 5 senses and you understand that the organic computers we call bodies are powered by something that exists before and after death, then death is still a good thing. Again, the pain of this world is gone. The dead are in a better place.  

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Smash a Car, Replace it

I used to watch a lot of those TV judge shows before I got sick of them and I repeatedly saw that if you have an old car that is in good condition and some careless idiot smashes it all to hell, they don't owe you a new or used car in the same working order, they owe you whatever some stupid book says it's worth. If it's $200, that's what you get. It doesn't matter that you can't buy a used car that is in the same condition your car was in with that small amount of money. It doesn't matter if yo

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Are Mockingbirds the Bird Police?

Since around 1995, I started to notice that the Northern Mockingbird may not be the territorial monster that attacks everything and everyone as some people say, at least where I live. I spent many years watching birds and the Mockingbirds in my area only seemed to attack 'bad' birds such as Crows, Grackles, Cowbirds, and Blue Jays. Mockingbirds often act like the 'bird police' and even seemed to protect other good birds when they were at our feeders.   A couple of times over the years, a huge

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Sister in New York

While my sister was on vacation in New York, she stopped in front of the TGI Friday's Times Square EarthCam for a few seconds on Sunday, September 5, 2004. As she talked to me on the phone, I captured images from the EarthCam so I could put together the animations you see here. I got permission to use the images, so remember that all you can do is view them. You do not have permission to put them on other web sites.   Images provided by EarthCam, Inc. Copyright 2004.       Images provi

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A better dektop calculator (Moffsoft FreeCalc)

Holy crap-a-doodle-do! Have you seen FreeCalc, the freeware desktop calculator? It's waaaaaay better than the Microsoft calculator on my PC. It's adjustable, so you can have huge buttons if you want. It uses x for multiply and ÷ for divide instead of * and /. You can use default colors or select from a small list of color schemes. It also has a very useful simulated paper history tape. Take a look:   http://www.moffsoft.com/freecalc.htm     Random Terrain _

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Matt Roloff and Living Your Own Life

I saw that Netflix had the first season of Little People, Big World to instantly watch online, so I started watching/listening while working on my web site. In one episode, Matt Roloff, his boys, and friends took a couple of expensive Kawasaki Mule utility vehicles up a mountain.   Matt Roloff said the following: Since when does thriving mean you have to become a perpetual tourist? That's not thriving, that's falling for the hype in tourist brochures. It's kind of similar to believing beer c

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Negative Images

Whenever I make negative images for the fun of it, the results are usually ugly, but look at this one:     I like it.     Random Terrain _

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The TV show Lost and waste

I hate ABC, but people have made such a big deal about Lost, that I decided to watch it on DVD by way of Netflix. I believe that I'm more than half way through the second season. Do not read further you haven't seen it yet and you want to avoid possible spoilers. And don't spoil anything for me by mentioning anything beyond the halfway point in season 2.   In one episode, they shot a large plastic container full of ranch dressing. If that was real life, that's a waste of ranch dressing and a p

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E.T. Cake

Here's a cake my mother made in 1983:   http://www.randomterrain.com/atari-2600-me...es-et-cake.html     Random Terrain _

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Supplement Test

I'm doing an experiment with my supplements for a month or two. I'm dropping most of my supplements and changing back to my old chlorella that worked better and taking more of it. So here's what I'll be taking: 9 Nature's Balance Chlorella VegiCaps a day. _ 2 Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil soft gels a day. _ 2 or 3 Jarro-Dophilus capsules a day. _ 2 Vinetra capsules a day when I can afford to buy some.   Update February 2, 2009: I started this on Saturday, January 31, 2009 (t

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Serious Breakfast (Denny's commercial)

I saw this Denny's commercial tonight before I could grab the remote to fast forward and thought it was kind of funny:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHvefZ9Yv_Y   (I don't eat at Denny's and I don't plan to. I just like the commercial.)     Random Terrain _

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Stupid Netflix users

If you go to just about any bonus features disc page at Netflix, there will be a few comments by dimwits who give it a one star rating because they were disappointed to see that it was just the bonus features and not the movie. They are not rating the disc, they are rating their own stupidity. It says Bonus Material in the title in big letters. If they can't read that, they need to drop Netflix and get something like HBO where no reading is necessary. Just turn on the boob tube and watch whateve

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I'm no longer a sound effect virgin

I've read tips and messed with the sound in other people's programs, but I hadn't gotten to the point where I needed to add sound to any of my own games that I've been working on until now. My maze game is at the point where it's time to start adding sound effects, so I made my first sound effect last night. Here's the sound effect by itself. Press the fire button to hear it:   my_first_sound_2009y_01m_20d_0955t.bin   I knew Tone Toy 2008 would end up helping me sooner or later. I used it to

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Penultimate doesn't mean last

When some people use big words to seem smarter than they really are, they'll often say penultimate when they mean last. Penultimate doesn't mean last, it means next to the last. If you'd like to try to impress people wit dem big fancy words like penultimate, you might want to look them up in a dictionary first.       Random Terrain _

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I finally know what 'sky squiggles' are!

I have been wondering since I was a kid about the hundreds or thousands of semi-invisible 'sky sperm' or 'sky tadpoles' or 'sky squiggles' that you see swimming around in front of your eyes if you stare at a bright blue sky. Some people will try to tell you that you are simply seeing floaters (what some might call 'sky amoebas' or 'sky worms') and that it couldn't possibly be anything else, but thanks to the Internet, I found out that it's called blue field entoptic phenomenon where you're seein

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Quote goes at the top. Posts are not E-mails.

There seems to be a growing number of people who stuff the quote of the person they are replying to at the bottom of their posts. A post is not an E-mail. It's irritating to have to look down at who they are talking to, then have to go back up and read the reply. We're supposed to scroll down, scroll back up, scroll down, scroll back up, scroll down, scroll back up, and on and on. It's stupid. The quote is already at the top when you go to reply, so just leave it there. How in the hell are peopl

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Hellboy 2, Hancock, Iron Man, & the Matrix movies

I got Hellboy II: The Golden Army from Netflix the other day and the first thing I thought was that they were trying to make Prince Nuada look kind of like Tom Cruise from Interview with the Vampire. The second thing I thought was that the face of 'The Chamberlain' has a slightly similar look to Wak from the movie Explorers (1985).   I didn't completely love or hate Hellboy II: The Golden Army. Same for Hancock, another recent DVD I got from Netflix. Nice to have something new to watch, but mo

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Police Squad DVD Commentary Stinks

Don't bother with the Police Squad! The Complete Series DVD if you like commentaries. It seems with one commentary, they set up only one microphone in the front of the room and one guy is louder than God and everyone else sounds muffled, far away, and about the same volume as the episode or lower. I saw that one commentary was with Robert Wuhl all by himself, so I assumed at least that would be worth a listen. Not with this DVD! Although it was only one guy in a room, they managed to screw up th

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YouTube users make me cry and wet myself

Too many YouTube users leap to unnecessary name calling instead of explaining their point of view or pointing out why they think others are wrong. Being judgmental, cursing, and name calling are tools of the lazy and uneducated and we all know those people are F-ing A-holes. Oops. Damn! Never mind.     Random Terrain _

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How to skip the ads on a DVD

In case you don't already know, the crap at the beginning of a DVD is easy to skip. Instead of trying to use the skip or fast forward buttons to get past all of the ads, just press the stop button when the ads start to play. Once the DVD has stopped, hit the menu button and boom, you're at the main menu (ready to play the movie and the special features).   That may not work for every DVD out there, but it works with the ones I have tried.     Random Terrain _

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Ghost Hunters must not believe in ghosts

Pretty much everyone on the Sci-Fi channel Ghost Hunters show act like they are surprised and about to crap their pants when a 'ghost' does what they ask. They claim to believe it's possible that ghosts or some kind of invisible intelligent beings can communicate with us, but they must not really believe it's possible because they almost always act surprised.   Phrases like "what was that?!!" are often heard on the show soon after they ask a ghost to do something. What was that? What in the he

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Block Text Replacer for HTML or text files!

I use Namo WebEditor and it has a global find and replace that allows me to make changes to all of my web pages, but it can only change one line of code. That's fine for some things, but useless if you want to replace or add chunks of code. I have a lot of changes to make to many web pages and it's going to take too long if I have to do it all by hand. I went Googling to see if anyone has created a program yet that can automatically replace chunks of code and someone has:   Block Text Replacer

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Morgan Fairchild and top quality plastic surgery

I saw Morgan Fairchild on Chuck (the NBC TV show, not a guy named Chuck) and she still looks human. She doesn't have odd, hacked up facial features or those huge gummy worm lips that so many rich and famous women get. These scary-looking clueless women need to find out where Morgan Fairchild gets her plastic surgery done so they'll no longer look like Frankenstein experiments gone wrong.     Random Terrain _

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Thribelty pop and thrump the splister

I was very young when the original Star Trek series was on. It took many years for me to extract the words from live long and prosper. I thought it was just a saying that was as meaningless as a lot of other sayings that I heard up to that point. So many things sounded like thribelty pop and thrump the splister back then. Just crap people would say and if you'd ask about certain sayings, they usually wouldn't know what they meant. If lick the rim and suck the jelly was an ancient greeting, a lot

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Windows Vista Sound Fix For CamStudio

I have a Windows Vista computer and the sound that the freeware program called CamStudio 2.5 records has a ton of static in it. I went Googling and found out that you could plug a cable into line-out/line-in and record that way, but it was a pain because if I left it plugged in, my computer wouldn't restart half of the time. Well, I tried the following tip and I can now record sound without using the line-out/line-in trick:   Windows Vista Sound Fix For CamStudio   http://camstudio.org/blog/

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