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Matters, Musings and Mysteries. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I get commissions for purchases made through certain links.)

Entries in this blog

How to Get Rid of the "Use Your Real Name" YouTube Popup

Sometimes that irritating popup has a link that will let you close it, but most of the time it's not there. If you're sick of that thing popping up almost every time you go to watch a video, all you need is the Firefox add-on Adblock Plus and the filter below. If you don't already have Adblock Plus, add it to Firefox, then add this custom filter:   ||s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/www-linkgplusdialog*   Once you add that filter, the "Use Your Real Name" YouTube Popup should be gone (at least until Yo

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Finished Wave 100 on Iron Brigade - Survival: Settlement (Solo)

Update: As of February 28, 2020, I'm still playing this game on my Xbox 360 (or my sister's Xbox One). The main thing I don't like about Iron Brigade is that it only has three survival missions where you can play for 100 waves. I wish the makers of the game would let us play any of the missions in survival mode. I would especially like the Village (in the Pacific) and Mars Landing to have survival modes. Those are my two favorite normal missions, but they are too short. If I could play 100 waves

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Finished Wave 100 on Iron Brigade - Survival: Swamp (Solo)

Update: As of February 28, 2020, I'm still playing this game on my Xbox 360 (or my sister's Xbox One). The main thing I don't like about Iron Brigade is that it only has three survival missions where you can play for 100 waves. I wish the makers of the game would let us play any of the missions in survival mode. I would especially like the Village (in the Pacific) and Mars Landing to have survival modes. Those are my two favorite normal missions, but they are too short. If I could play 100 waves

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Jay Leno Makes Me Sick

Remember when Jay Leno ruined NBC's prime-time lineup and Conan O'Brien's shot at the Tonight Show with the crappy Jay Leno Show at 10 p.m.? Jay Leno screwed Conan O'Brien and wrecked the schedule, screwing various other shows, including the Law and Order franchise. I heard that Jay Leno has been recently taking shots at NBC executives and NBC's ratings because of the rumors about the unfunny, obsequious Jimmy Fallon replacing him, but Jay Leno is responsible for ruining NBC's prime-time lineup.

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Finished Wave 100 on Iron Brigade - Survival: Hospital (Solo)

Update: As of February 28, 2020, I'm still playing this game on my Xbox 360 (or my sister's Xbox One). The main thing I don't like about Iron Brigade is that it only has three survival missions where you can play for 100 waves. I wish the makers of the game would let us play any of the missions in survival mode. I would especially like the Village (in the Pacific) and Mars Landing to have survival modes. Those are my two favorite normal missions, but they are too short. If I could play 100 waves

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

It Was Too Big

Moving RT's Favorite Quotes to one page seemed like a good idea, but it was just too big. I had to put everything back the way it was:   www.randomterrain.com/favorite-quotes.html         Random Terrain __

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Facebook Is Killing My Web Site

Seems like hardly anyone has their own web sites anymore. They just plop their asses on Facebook. The problem with that is every link to your web site from Facebook doesn't seem to count according to Google. Here's an example:   www.randomterrain.com/personal-lakeside-amusement-park.html   There are 74 links to that page from Facebook, but it only has a PageRank of 1 (a 10 is the best). If I would have gotten 74 links from people's actual web sites, the PageRank would probably be at least a

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Goodbye Quotation Pages

I killed more pages at my web site today. I put all of the favorite quotations on one page and deleted the individual pages, so now there is only one page to deal with instead of around 40. Let's see what Google does with that.       Random Terrain __

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

I am a Murderer (of Web Pages)

I murdered many pages at my web site yesterday. Their Google PageRank was very low and that dropped the PageRank of the rest of the pages, so I killed them in the hopes that my other pages will rise back up and I'll get more visitors. I might bring back the Atari 2600 game release date pages in the future when I have more time to work on them, but the rest are probably never going to rise from the dead.   My Lakeside Lament page only has a Google PageRank of 1, but it's one of the pages that I

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Flashing Screen on Plants vs. Zombies

I finally got around to playing Plants vs. Zombies on the Xbox 360. It was on the disc with Peggle and Zuma that I got many months ago (probably around February of 2012). I thought it was pretty fun until I got to the part where they decided to rape my eyeballs by flashing the screen. TV Tropes mentions it:   tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/PlantsVsZombies   It's been about an hour since trying to play that level and my eyes are still hurting. I hope whoever was responsible for tha

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Random Terrain

The Adventures of Siltchy Stilch

When I started to fall asleep yesterday, the name Siltchy Stilch popped into my head. I thought it might be a good name for a character in a book or a video game. Since I don't write books, I'll see if I can use the name in a future batari Basic game for the Atari 2600.       Random Terrain __

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Goodbye 2012

I didn't get much done in 2012, thanks to Cymbalta. It did a great job eliminating the neuropathy pain in my feet, but it made me tired all of the time and it also caused me to yawn a lot. After taking it most of the year, I decided to stop. It took about 2 months for the withdrawal symptoms to fade away. Lucky, I only had "brain zaps" and dizziness (disequilibrium) that required the use of a cane. That's better than what some people have experienced:   www.livestrong.com/article/208252-cymbal

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Random Terrain

Spy Gnats

Have you noticed that it seems like everyone is complaining about gnats this year, no matter where they live? What if the United States government finally perfected self-replicating spy gnats? What if these spy gnats send back sound and video to a supercomputer that became sentient decades ago and now it knows everything we do and say? What if the sentient supercomputer cooperates with the government, but it has a sinister plan of its own?   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Y73sPHKxw    

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

I have news that everyone should know. Buy my book and find out what it is!

There are a lot of people out there who claim that they have earth-shattering humanitarian news that everyone needs to know, but instead of posting it for free on the Internet or uploading the full educational video to YouTube, they tell you to buy their book or DVD.   Don't act like you care about saving the people of the world from the evil plans of elite bankers or whatever it is, then try to trade your 'hidden knowledge' for cash. If you really had knowledge that could benefit the world, y

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Goodbye Google AdSense Ads

Seems like hardly anyone has been clicking on the Google AdSense ads on my web site for the last 3 months, no matter where I put them or what I try. I'm getting tired of fiddling with the ads, so I removed them from my pages. My web site is now ad-free (except for the site search and any ads that might be inside of embedded games). I'm no longer semi-poor, so the ads have become more trouble than they are worth.   People who hate it when web site owners try to make their web sites pay for them

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Finally done with a major web site update

It felt like I was never going to finish, but thanks to Dreamweaver CS6, I finally got it done. I had to copy and paste the content from my pages to new pages and do a bunch of other things, including combining two style sheets and eliminating old CSS classes that I no longer use.   I've been looking over some of the pages to see if I missed anything and I already found a few things that needed to be fixed. It will probably take a few more days to go through the rest of the pages, but the upda

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Bought Dreamweaver CS6

Thought I'd have to wait a month or two and pay cash, but thanks to a Best Buy card, I got Dreamweaver CS6 a couple of days ago. It's basically like using Namo WebEditor 2006 with a few improvements and some un-improvements. For example, you can copy and paste chunks of code with Dreamweaver instead of one line of code with Namo WebEditor, but Dreamweaver does not have a format copy and paste, so you can't copy and paste CSS styles and other things.   Dreamweaver loads pages much faster tha

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

The Return of Futuristic Inventions and Cool Stuff

The old Futuristic Inventions and Cool Stuff section of my web site used to have 19 pages. It became too much to handle, so I deleted most of the pages a couple of years ago.   I had an idea last week and spent a few days upgrading some of the old pages and combining others, so now that section is back with 11 pages instead of 19:   www.randomterrain.com/futuristic-inventions-cool-stuff.html   Having fewer pages will make that section easier to deal with. I'm still checking links and hunti

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Taste Madea's Rainbow

Below is an inappropriate moment from Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection.   Kid: "You're so huge, like a giant bag of Skittles."   Madea: "You better get the hell up or when I come back up in here, you know what's gonna happen? You're gonna ."  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4ga4mtA39g     If Madea looks like a huge bag of Skittles and she's going to make the boy taste the rainbow if he doesn't get up, I'm pretty sure he'd rather get a spanking.         Visit my web s

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Real Fake Zombies

There are a lot of wimpy, meek people out there who think they have nothing to lose and nothing to live for. There are also idiots who will follow any trend. I predict that thousands or maybe even millions of people will put on zombie makeup, then take bath salts with the intention of eating human flesh. We already have goth nerd vampire wannabes who drink human blood and they aren't even taking bath salts. They'll probably dress up and take the drug too. We'll have fake vampires and fake zombie

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Atari 2600 News is Back

I took the news off for a while, but I missed it, so now it's back. This time it's near the top of the Atari 2600 Memories page instead of being farther down on the right side:   www.randomterrain.com/atari-2600-memories.html   Be sure to visit the page often and if you see a useful news item, you can try to be the first to tell Albert about it at AtariAge.         Random Terrain __

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Batman versus The Rolling Stones

Sometime in the first week of May (2012), I got to go to Putt-Putt and play some games. They had two pinball games (Batman and the Rolling Stones). I played each one once.     Batman seemed designed to make the ball go down between the flippers more than any pinball game I have ever played. The Rolling Stones was more fun and I won an extra game, so I technically played that one twice.   After playing real pinball again, it became obvious that recreations by companies like FarSight Studio

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Google Analytics - Active Visitors on Site

In case you didn't know, if you have Google Analytics tracking code on your Web pages, you can now watch your visitors come and go in real time. I've been wanting something like this for years. It makes your web site seem more alive when you can see visitors coming and going as it happens. It's more fun than looking at a cold, lifeless log file.   The real-time overview shows how many visitors are looking at your web site right now, how many seconds/minutes they are staying, how many pages the

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

Mini Product Reviews

I finally added some mini product reviews to my web site:   www.randomterrain.com/futuristic-inventions-cool-stuff.html#product_reviews   I hope the mini reviews will be helpful and will also bring in more traffic that might click on the Google AdSense ads on that page.       Random Terrain __

Random Terrain

Random Terrain

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