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Entries in this blog

The Stupidity of Shameless (Showtime)

The big sister on Shameless cries over her demeaning jobs and acts like the weight of the world is on her shoulders. She seems to think that stealing is perfectly fine, but someone freely giving her money is below contempt. "Don't you dare give me money, but I'll steal it from you when you're not looking" seems to be a way of thinking that some people actually have. What kind of messed up, backward brain do you need to have to think that receiving a gift is bad but theft is good?   I know that

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Plastic wrap was better in the 1970s

According to Wikipedia, there's a good reason why most plastic wrap is completely useless now:   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic_wrap   It was the magical properties of unhealthy PVC that made plastic wrap stick to everything. Plastic wrap was so good back in the 1970s that you could probably rip off a long piece, wrap one end around a tree limb, yank down your pants and slap the other end on your naked butt, then swing back and forth like Superman with a pendulum stuck up his ass.  

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I fell on the ice and got temporary amnesia

I've only seen characters with amnesia on fictional TV shows and movies, but today I got to experience it for real. It took about 30 minutes to start remembering what happened, then I remembered even more within the next hour or two. Below is what happened to me this afternoon. (By the time I got around to finishing this, it was almost 1 in the morning Eastern time, so it actually happened yesterday.)   The street at the end of our driveway was still covered in ice today because trees across t

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The TV show V lost a viewer

I missed the first episode of the second season, but I figured it would be on the ABC on-demand channel or on the Internet. Wrong. Doesn't seem to be anywhere. Now the second episode is going to be on, but I'm not watching it before I see the first episode, so screw 'em.   I guess I'll watch the second season on DVD from Netflix in a couple years when I get Netflix again.       Random Terrain _

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Goodbye batari Basic

"Goodbye batari Basic" is what I seem to say too many times because of distractions, procrastination, and various other things. This time I got pulled away from the game I was working on by a free download of Fable 2 for the Xbox 360, then I had a tooth pulled almost a week ago (25th of October) and the antibiotics are making me hungry, sleepy, and too tired to do much of anything. Good news is that the antibiotics will be gone in about 4 days, then maybe I can get back to working on my batari B

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Probably Losing Internet for a Couple of Months (Time-Warner Won't Make a Deal)

Everything got behind because of the car needing to be fixed. Time-Warner wants $273 by the 26th of October and they won't take half now and half on November 1st. They say it's their 'policy' to turn everything off if they don't have what they're asking for by the 26th. Unless something magical happens, I probably won't have phone, TV, or Internet for a couple of months since it will cost too much to have it all turned back on. My family has been paying Time-Warner for 24 years, and they can't w

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Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files (Can't Tell a Spider Web from a Ghost)

The main guy on Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files is supposedly a former FBI agent. If we can use this episode as an example of his powers of observation, I think we might know why he's a former FBI agent. They showed a clip of someone walking in the dark near some trees and they walk past a spider web with a spider in the center. It should be clear to anyone who has been outside that it was a spider in a web, but none of the people on the show could see that. They went to the location and tried v

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Change your vibration, change your life (The Law of Attraction)

I keep hearing how The Secret is just rehashed self-help garbage. Same old stuff that only puts money in the pockets of charlatans instead of improving your life or making you rich. Well, if you live in a country like the USA, there's a good chance that you already are rich. Watch this:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDej3riTOS4&rel=0&fmt=18&showinfo=0     I haven't read or watched all of The Secret and it might be full of the same old stuff we've heard before, but it does

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Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade

Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade was on one of the Showtime channels the other day, so I recorded it with my DVR and finally got around to watching it. Parts of it reminded me of something you'd see on Saturday Night Live. It's hard to believe that people could really say and do some of those things with a straight face.   I never heard of Twin Galaxies until I started visiting AtariAge, never knew that the top video game nerds in the country posed for a picture in Life magazine or that any o

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My Favorite Firefox Add-ons (2010)

I have tried various Firefox add-ons over the years, but the only ones I have kept are these:   NoScript Only allows scripts to run on web sites that you trust. It also ends up working like an ad blocker most of the time, so Adblock Plus usually isn't needed.     Tab Mix Plus Gives you more control over tabs. You tell the browser how you want to use tabs instead of letting the browser tell you what to do.     Download Statusbar Shows info about downloads in the statusbar and will auto

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Getting excited about Dave & Buster's

I've never been to Dave & Buster's and I might end up hating it, but it looks like I might have some fun there:   http://www.daveandbusters.com/     From where I live, the closest amusement park is Carowinds. I've been there 3 or 4 times over the years and I always feel like I wasted my money, especially since they don't have a Tilt-A-Whirl.   I hope I can take a trip to Dave & Buster's and play Skeeball and other fun games and not have a drop of guilt or disappointment. I might a

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The Evil of Outside

The evil of outside isn't as bad now, so although I cough a little when I go out, I won't cough up a lung or rip a gaping hole in my throat that might attract werewolves.   I'm starting to feel like I have more energy, so now maybe I can get back to working on the batari Basic page and getting some work done on my stupid games.       Random Terrain _

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Me and My Shadow (Peter Pan Records)

I had this record when I was 3 or 4 years old. The record below sounds a little warped or something, but it's still nice that someone posted this old memory at YouTube:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd6S1a1Q5Ik&fmt=18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd6S1a1Q5Ik&rel=0&fmt=18&showinfo=0         Random Terrain _

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Shadow Complex

Shadow Complex   After turning all of the question marks on the map to dots, I still didn't have everything. It became clear that I was either gullible for trusting a game map or the people who made the game were cheaters. Why have any question marks on the map if you're not going to have all of them?   Having a map that is incorrectly marked might suck, but I'm pretty sure that I got 15 bucks of enjoyment out of the game (and that's how much it costs). If you haven't played Shadow Complex y

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1600 Microsoft Points!

1600 Microsoft Points!   I got a 1600 Microsoft Points card as a semi-late birthday present tonight. Now I'll be able to get Shadow Complex or something else that might be good.     Update:   I did buy Shadow Complex. I also bought Miner Dig Deep.   For being a toilet paper game, Shadow Complex is better than most games I've played on the Xbox 360 so far. I also think it's the best toilet paper platform game I've ever played on any console.       Random Terrain _

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Allergy Attack of 2010

Allergy Attack of 2010     On March 22, I was moving furniture and other items around and I started coughing from the dust, then the pollen from some evil plant outside soon started bothering me on top of that, so I coughed up green and brown stuff for over a week. I couldn't take the coughing anymore so I bought a store brand version of Sudafed the next time I had money and it cleared up my lungs and stopped most of the coughing.   I don't know if it's the medicine or if I'm just tired fro

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Scrolling Game is Rolling Along (Part 5)

Scrolling Game is Rolling Along (Part 5) I loaded an old version of the program to help guide me, but since variable names changed and how I did things changed, it was twice as hard to convert nybble variables back to regular ones, but I got it done and everything seems to be working. Now that I'm using regular variables again, it will be easier for me to study the code and see if even more variable are unnecessary. I already have 7 free variables, but I might be able to free up a few more.

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Scrolling Game is Rolling Along (Part 4)

Scrolling Game is Rolling Along (Part 4) I've been trying to get rid of every unnecessary variable so I'll have the room to split up the Nybble me this, Batman! variables. I need to go back to regular variables so I can understand my code better. When batari Basic finally gets built-in nybble variables, I'll use them, but until then, I'm sticking with regular variables and bit operations. Related Gyvolver Links: atariage.com/forums/blog/120/entry-6896-scrolling-game-is-rolling-along-part

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Scrolling Game is Rolling Along (Part 3)

Scrolling Game is Rolling Along (Part 3) At the risk of killing it, I forced a name to the surface: Gyvolver (the gy is pronounced the same as the gy in gyroscope) Here's the story for the game so far: Before Gyvolver can advance to a higher level of existence, a test must be passed. Gyvolver needs to get through a course filled with energy-draining barriers to qualify. The Prodvocate follows and if Gyvolver slows down for too long, the Prodvocate moves up and extracts a little energy fr

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Scrolling Game is Rolling Along (Part 2)

Scrolling Game is Rolling Along (Part 2) I now have two sound effects working using data. I thought it might use up too much space since code has to be repeated for each sound, but it's not using up that much. Looks like I'll be able to do all sound effects using data. I wish I knew what this game is about. It reminds me of a backwards version of this quote: I know it's there, but I can't see it. Something wants to be born and I can chisel away at the 'marble' until it's revealed, but

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Scrolling Game is Rolling Along (Part 1)

Scrolling Game is Rolling Along (Part 1) I posted the beginnings of an Unnamed Scrolling Game in June of 2008. After trying the Nybble me this, Batman! tip to save variables, some of the code became too hard for me to understand and use, so I gave up on it for a while. I'd go back, do a little bit of work, give up, go back, give up, go back, give up and now it's 2010 and it's about time I figure out what this mess is and turn it into a game. I recently converted a major chunk of code that ne

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Looking for photos of a 'haunted house' near the Georgetown, Illinois area

Looking for photos of a 'haunted house' near the Georgetown, Illinois area     Between 1973 and 1974, when I lived in Georgetown, Illinois, family friends drove us out to a place kind of out in the middle of nowhere. We parked near the road and walked up a long driveway (or possibly a crappy little ancient road) to an abandoned 'haunted house' on the right side. It looked like homeless people or future prison inmate teens or them thar dirty hippies messed up the place. It was kind of nasty in

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Another goofy MJ fan

Another goofy MJ fan     There are nutty people in the world who want to silence you if they don't like your opinion. They hate free speech with a passion, unless they agree with your speech. Here's an example:   http://twitter.com/truth_777       Random Terrain _

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Shigeru Miyamoto and Forced Time Travel

Shigeru Miyamoto and Forced Time Travel     Take a look at this article:   deserthat.wordpress.com/2009/11/26/game-design-the-miyamoto-way-flow-and-difficulty/     Here are a few excerpts from that article with my comments below each one:     Going back to the beginning of a level, or 5 levels back, or all the way back to the beginning is what ruined the fun in so many games. Knowing that I have a limited number of lives is intense enough. Playing through an easier part that I've alr

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