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Matters, Musings and Mysteries. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I get commissions for purchases made through certain links.)

Entries in this blog

The place for Conan O'Brien is the Ed Sullivan Theater

The place for Conan O'Brien is the Ed Sullivan Theater   I liked Conan O'Brien where he was. After a horrible start, he eventually became the king of late night. He looked like he was confident and in control on Late Night with Conan O'Brien. When he went to the Tonight Show, it was like watching a 9 year old wearing his father's suit. It just doesn't fit. He no longer looked like the king of late night.   I liked Jimmy Fallon on SNL, but he sucks as a talk show host. And although I hardly e

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Xbox 360 Demos Played

Xbox 360 Demos Played     This is a growing list of Xbox 360 demos I have played so I will remember which games I might want to buy when they hit the bargain bins.     Ace Combat 6 - Fly around and shoot stuff. Nothing special. Might be worth 5 bucks.     Batman: Arkham Asylum - :) Short demo, but the tiny bit I played was pretty fun.     Beautiful Katamari - No thanks. Didn't think I would like it and I was right.     Bladestorm - Doesn't seem like my kind of game.    

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Brand New Day and I Was Made To Love Her

While playing harmonica on Brand New Day, I wonder if Stevie Wonder realized how similar the song was to his own I Was Made To Love Her?     I Was Made To Love Her   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pYux5-d1Es&rel=0&fmt=18       Brand New Day (only embeddable version I could find that wasn't from a crappy live performance)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOsQCyGt2u0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOsQCyGt2u0       Making of Brand New Day   http://www.youtube.com/wat

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Sick of tone-deaf idiots at YouTube

Sometimes I go looking for music videos at YouTube and there is a 90 percent chance that if I click on a live version of a song, it's going to suck. The lead singer mangles it or the whole band is off, but many people will post messages about how great it is. Is it stupidity? Fan 'blindness'? Brain gremlins?       Random Terrain _

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WARNING: Don't use link checkers with your blog

WARNING: Don't use link checkers with your blog   I used Link Evaluator, a Firefox add-on to check the old links in one of my blog entries. But Link Evaluator did more than that. It deleted every blog entry going back to July. There is no safety backup of your blog entries and nothing similar to a CAPTCHA test to make sure a human is doing the deleting. Once the blog entry is deleted, it's gone and so are any replies. There will be copies of your blog entries here, but who wants to repost mont

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In the Name of the King

In the Name of the King   Just watched this horrible movie and some people say at the IMDb that it was bad on purpose. I've seen movies that were bad on purpose, but the director, editor, and cast always make it clear that they know it's bad too. But In the Name of the King doesn't look like that type of fun, bad movie. It just looks like a plain old crappy movie with bad casting, acting, directing, and all the rest. There are little bits here that aren't that bad and those must have been the

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Got to see Fireworks on July 3rd

Got to see Fireworks on July 3rd   After around 4 or 5 years, I finally got to see some fireworks. I also got to record them with my Kodak EasyShare Z612 camera at a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels (30 fps with sound).     Random Terrain _

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Control the Volume of Your DVR

Control the Volume of Your DVR   It might also work with other DVR remote controls, but specifically if you have a Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300 DVR remote control (1056B01) from your cable company and you want to control the volume using the DVR, not your TV or any other device, here's how to do it.   First, open your general settings (usually by pressing the Settings button twice on your remote) and move down the list to Audio: Volume Ctrl. Change it to Variable (if it's already set to

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Bruce Springsteen and His Lumpy Testicles?

Bruce Springsteen and His Lumpy Testicles?   I had a dream today that was probably fed by all of the recent celebrity deaths. In the dream, my mother told me that Bruce Springsteen died. She said the news reported that he had a lump (I think she said in his testicles) that he didn't tell anyone about or hardly anyone knew about and he didn't see a doctor about it either. It seems he tried to ignore it and hoped it would go away, but it ended up killing him.     Random Terrain _

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Goodbye Cable DVR (Hello Cable DVR)

Goodbye Cable DVR (Hello Cable DVR)   I loved having a DVR so I could record more than one show at a time and pause/rewind live TV, but now that hardly anything is on anymore and Jay Leno is going to kill a lot of what was left, it's stupid to pay extra for a DVR. So now I have basic cable (channel 3 to 77). Anything I want to record will have to be done with my DVD recorder once I get some RW discs. It will be hard to get used to TV without a DVR. Pausing and rewinding live TV was a nice abil

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Nature Lover Relocates Black Widow Spider

Take a look at this:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu-f5ddJwrI&rel=0&fmt=18&fs=1   Nature is great until a bear is clawing you to pieces. You won't be saying in a loving tone "If only more humans would understand you and all the creatures of nature. Enjoy my delicious man flesh, my furry friend." You'll be screaming "Screw nature! Somebody get a gun! Kill it! Kill it!"     Random Terrain _

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Trying a new Daily Multiple.

I'm trying Nature's Life iron and Iodine free One Daily Multiple Vegetarian Capsules. It was 2 dollars cheaper than Ultra-One Daily Caps by Nature's Plus and Chromium Picolinate is part of the mix which is supposed to help lower blood sugar.       Update (2009y_10m_09d_0721t)   Since taking this, my blood sugar has been lower. Might be a coincidence, but it would probably be stupid to quit taking it.     Random Terrain _

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Watched Slumdog Millionaire on DVD

Just watched Slumdog Millionaire on DVD. Don't see why people made such a big deal about it. It's another flashback movie where you never spend enough time with the characters in any situation to give a crap about them. It hops from one thing to the next like a thin thrown rock skipping across the surface of the water.   The 'special features' on the DVD I got from Netflix were movie trailers, so that sucked.     Random Terrain _

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Stevia is sweeter than sugar?

Stevia is supposed to be sweeter than sugar and have none of the harmful problems that sugar has. I went to the health food store the other day and tried packets of Stevia from a few different companies. Sweeter than sugar? Holy cow! Stevia is bitter! It tastes nasty! I can't believe anyone would say that it's sweeter than sugar! I was expecting super-sweet, not super-bitter. Horrible stuff.   You might have read about the FDA Stevia/Aspartame controversy, but although the government is corrup

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Shaky Cam

Does your script suck? Do your actors have the personality of stale toast? No problem! Now there's Shaky Cam! By simply shaking the camera and pointing it at odd things for no good reason as if an insane asylum inmate with Parkinson's disease is holding the camera, you'll rake in the cash! It's a scientific fact that 80 percent of the audience isn't that bright, so they won't know that Shaky Cam is just a cheap gimmick that makes them think something exciting is going on. If you are a director w

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Got a new computer chair

Got a new computer chair and a $30 donation for my birthday this year.     My old computer chair kind of blew up on me and I couldn't adjust it any more, so it will be nice that I won't able to stick my tongue out and lick my knees anymore.   I also got to go out to Golden Corral, stopped in at theater and got some movie popcorn, and got some birthday doughnuts at Krispy Kreme (chocolate Iced Glazed).     Random Terrain _

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Sunburn Warning Device

Hey, look at this. It turns red when you're getting too much sun:   http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_8...000/8020015.stm     Random Terrain _

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Simon Pegg

It seems some people hate Simon Pegg. I don't understand why. He's been pretty good in everything I've seen him in so far. He was good in Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. He wasn't horrible in Run Fatboy Run and How to Lose Friends & Alienate People, even if you hate those movies. I watched the UK TV show Spaced through Netflix and he was pretty good in that too.   If you want to hate somebody, how about choosing Ricky Gervais? I'd rather watch Simon Pegg eat a bowl of cereal than watch a m

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No Space After Punctuation is an Insanity Symptom?

I wonder if no space after punctuation marks is a sign that a person has a disturbed mind? Some people can manage to put a space between words, but somehow they can't tap the giant space bar after things like commas and periods.   Example with normal spacing: Gernoopal snerf dittle. Blorp zerfloof nipalipluc tekamucker, camdipple, strumpopple, and zipdoopie. I rax tipal dimdoodle.     Example with disturbed mind spacing: Gernoopal snerf dittle.Blorp zerfloof nipalipluc tekamucker,camdippl

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Bill Burr: Why Do I Do This (2008)

I watched Bill Burr: Why Do I Do This (2008) instantly online from Netflix (finally with Firefox instead of needing to use Internet Explorer) and unlike other Stand-Up, I didn't sit there waiting for laughs that never came. Maybe it was just because I was in a good mood, but I laughed more than a few times throughout the show.   If you are a Netflix member and you haven't seen it yet, you might want to check it out. It's nice that we can watch stuff like this without waiting for a DVD to come

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Message Board Mobs: Honorable Evil

I think it's best to consult a lawyer before you post anything. You never know how someone is going to interpret what you say. Every sentence needs to be expanded into at least 5 paragraphs so your meaning will be obvious to even the most dense.   A mob can form quickly and you can be labeled an a-hole or a troll before you've had a chance to respond. Your attempts to explain what you thought was obvious in the first place and your call for people to look back at what you said can be seen as "

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Google is an evil, insane, fickle bitch with PMS

Sometimes it seems like Google has morphed into a big bully or possibly an evil, insane, fickle monster that is trying to turn us all into nervous wrecks who are constantly walking on eggshells. If the content on a page hasn't changed for a long time, Google will punish you, but if it changes too much, Google will punish you. Google wants every web site to be about one subject, so if you have a page about butterflies and another page about tigers, Google will cough and sputter and think you're u

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Movies and TV Shows Do Influence Us

Many people who work in film and television claim that watching violence has no affect on viewers. They say that their product doesn't have that kind of power. It doesn't cause violence or influence people in any way, it's only entertainment. OK, If movies and TV shows don't influence others, what about product placement and advertising? If the entertainment industry really believed their own lies, there would be no advertising.   Since they claim to believe that their products don't influence

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