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Atari projects, Mac mini DVR, and other things

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jEdit files for batari BASIC

Here's my mode file for jEdit for batari BASIC: batari_BASIC.xml.zip     To use the syntax highlighting, put the batari BASIC.xml file in the MODES directory of jEdit. Then edit the catalog file in the same directory and add the following. <MODE NAME="batari BASIC" FILE="batari BASIC.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.bas" />     I disable the vbscript mode file as it also uses *.bas for the file extension. I disabled it by ch


SpiceWare in jEdit

Updated MODE file

When I was having to code on my Thinkpad I downloaded my mode file for jEdit from here and realized it wasn't my lastest version as some of the syntax highlighting wasn't the same as on my iMac. I got my iMac back, so here's the current version.   To use the syntax highlighting, put the assembly-6502.xml file in the MODES directory of jEdit. Then edit the catalog file in the same directory and add the following. <MODE NAME="assembly-6502" FILE="assembly-6502.xml"


SpiceWare in jEdit

Edit Mode rev 2

I made some more changes to the Edit Mode file and am pretty happy with how it works. All the 6502 opcodes1 mnemonics highlight as keyword1, DASM commands as keyword2 and the constants for all the Atari specific variabels as keyword 3. Numbers correctly highlight for hex using $ format and binary with %. I included octal rules, though I don't know if DASM supports octal or not. Numbers starting with 0 are traditionally considered octal so 012 = $0A = 10.This will probably be it on jEdit for a wh


Guest in jEdit

jEdit for IDE?

I started messing around with jEdit to see how it well it would work for coding an Atari game. I've begun writing the syntax highlighting rules(the attached xml file) that currently highlight as shown in the screen capture. To use the syntax highlighting, put the assembly-6502.xml file in the MODES directory of jEdit. Then edit the catalog file in the same directory and add the following. <MODE NAME="assembly-6502" FILE="assembly-6502.xml"    FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.asm">  


Guest in jEdit

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