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About this blog

Talking about the game characters from Atari Jaguar games *.   Names such as Rayman, Bubsy, Zool, Dizzy, and Kid Kleet immediately come to mind.   Also includes the characters from the Atari Kart/Merlin Racing * franchise, and other characters.   If you have a Jaguar game character you want featured or have material to share, contact "doctorclu".


See also the Bubsy Bobcat Fan Blog...



*Some related Nuon material will be thrown in as well.


Entries in this blog

Atari Karts VidPro Card sighting

In previous times the Atari Jaguar VidPro cards have appeared on eBay.  Quite a few have been featured   In addition to those previously featured, we have now see an Atari Karts VidPro card, and it can be yours for $699 !       https://www.ebay.com/itm/156170448325?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m43.l3160&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=59e50bfc084d4674a7bc60b00ce6d8c7&bu=43186172296&ut=RU&osub=-1~1&crd=20240417053511&segname

Bentley Bear : The Unspoken Atari Mascot

https://www.atarilegend.com/games/bentley-bears-magical-anagramsIt has been asked over the years, if you have Sonic for Sega, and Mario for Nintendo, who is the mascot for Atari?   And while this has been debated, and other mascots concepts were made, one has managed to sneakily remain just out of the lime light, but just in sight.  A cute friendly looking bear that just likes to collect gems.  Why?   Who knows!?  Because... gems!    But he has a cool unlimited bag to hold the gems. 

Soccer Kid / Kid Kleets

A yummy Golden Grahams breakfast, which Kid Kleets (Soccer Kid) always has to kick off the day!   --------------   Tune in tomorrow when Zool Redimensioned is launched for the Playstation 4 and 5 !     (Original post here for images if you are reading on RSS feed) https://forums.atariage.com/blogs/entry/18541-soccer-kid-kid-kleets/  


doctorclu in Soccer Kid

On Jag 64 (Facebook) Atari Mascot Karts talk

Some fun Atari Mascot Kart talk, this time by C Austin Cox   Come check it out!     https://www.facebook.com/groups/jag64/posts/1224707498253041/?__cft__[0]=AZUxoIsNMjiuZAV0qOGm0jRFmi6kbql5A3cfTs_rRveRIrosl36N72g_ZU97pXKcZIZERpFmSyIlszOlP1XDBCnV0ZK_l1UtW96zQ1uYO0UFEKFuI8sjqXjPjxAY2yz8HNDtNqGSrfmBxT6zcgxlRgF7c1VK8r5bY6-8PGyBeJzAMrPUZbPWOWqWZ0iy-D5vkNU&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R    


doctorclu in Atari karts

Skullcrusher from Ultra Vortek

Over in the Jag 64: The Atari Jaguar 64-Bit Group there is C Austin Cox who is apparently a big fan of Ultra Vortek and had at least one figure concept made for Skullcrusher.     When asked about the figure, it's on display, virtually.    "Just CGI. I mean, I could technically convert the 3D models to STL format, then 3d print and assemble the figures (with some painting). But these are just computer generated images (CGI) from my demented mind..."    Cool stuff t


doctorclu in Skullcrusher

Soccer Kid/Kid Kleet - Plushie

Good morning, this is a quick shout out for those that like Soccer Kid and plushies, there is one available on ebay currently...     They usually come like this.  Bundled with a Telegames release of Soccer Kid for the Gameboy Advance.  A good version too as far as I'm concerned.   Size wise as a plush, actually smaller than the Bubsy plush,     which is actually quite small shown here in comparison to a Sega Genesis cart, and various buttons.

Zool: Alien Ninja from the Nth Dimension Plush

Picked this up from Sew 8-bit   https://www.facebook.com/Sew8Bit/ https://twitter.com/Sew8Bit   Pictured here with another Atari Jaguar, Bubsy from Fractured Furry Tales         https://atariage.com/forums/profile/4709-doctorclu/?status=90770&type=status    



Rayman: Lost track from Rayman 2

Found this on the Rayman Discord: https://discord.com/channels/751563945768255609/757684646892011682         I love this lite jazz feel to this personally and probably on my regular playlist now.   Reminds me of something Acoustic Alchemy would do and I'm a big fan of their work.   Enjoy!     Rayman Junior - Video Game OST - Mix Music composed and mixed by Daniel Masson. Programming and guitars: Daniel Masson



Zool: Redimensioned - A Good Review

Zool : Redimensioned is now out for steam.  Overall it sounds like the kind of game I wanted, which was the camera pulled back a bit and Zool given a few more moves.   They did the same with Bubsy with Woolies Strike Back and Paws on Fire.   I look forward to trying this game, though granted I am not a PC gamer, and have a Mac.   Really really wish this game had been released for PS4.   Anyway, when I decide to get a PC (which will not be any time soon) the following review h



Re-Loaded Zool Game Being Released on Steam!!

Found out through my local Amiga User Group that Zool is being re-released on the Steam platform.  Apparently this game has 28 levels?   Looks like it could be a mix of the original Zool and all the variant levels that were found on the various platforms (SNES, Genesis, Gameboy, Amiga, ST, etc) back in the day?   Hard to tell.  But good to see the Alien Ninja in the Nth Dimension making a re-appearance.  Why?   Well, first, here is the article..   https://www.pcgamer.com/90s-



Zool - Jaguar-Exclusive track Metal Blockage on YouTube

This was originally posted on the Zool 2 Discussion board here on Atariage.com     That is a cool tune.   This blog was unofficially started for the character Zool so this is just amazing.     One thing I enjoy and hope to learn more about are the differences between all the Zool games.   Thanks KidGameR186496!   -Doctor Clu



All the Mascots - Jaguar VidPro Cards

Good morning, a great day for fans of Jaguar Game Mascots as a Lot of 22 VidPro Card for Atari Jaguar games has been spotted on eBay!   What are VidPro Cards?   Well we first talked about this on the AtariAge Jaguar forum where JagMod confirmed the Jaguar VidPro cards did exist.   Also on the Bubsy Bobcat Fan Blog I talk a little about VidPro Cards.   So that said, I'm going to repost the pictures of the VidPro cards here:     Right off the bat we notice there are



Baldies - Interesting material on Atariage

When I started this blog I had honestly forgotten about Baldies.   It was a great with cute cut scenes but never got much into it.   Maybe if I tried it now, and found my copy, I would like it better?   But the pictures of the clay figure got me interested again.   So here is an interview I found on Atari about the creator of Baldies for starters....     These pictures were sent to me from our very own Mr. Atari!         Mr. Atar



Mascot pins - Zool/Bubsy - January 2021

So collecting everything Bubsy got me started on collecting the E3 and video game promotion enamel and metal pins.     Then while see what Zool had out there (having found about all I could for Bubsy) I found the Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension pin!           (Update hours later...)   There is a Rayman pin. looks like bigger in scale than the ones above.  That one is on the way.     And so far no Kid Kleets /Socc



Zool - Fan Wiki has begun! - January 2021

Started a thread is for Zool fans on the English Amiga Board and we would like to hear from you on anything related to Zool.  Pictures, merchandise, collections, etc!   https://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?p=1450940#post1450940     And inviting all to check out and add articles to the Zool fan wiki...   https://zool-the-alien-ninja-from-the-nth-dimension.fandom.com/wiki/Zool:_The_Alien_Ninja_from_the_Nth_Dimension_Wiki   More on Zool and other masc



Welcome to Atari Jaguar Game Mascots - October 2020

Want to welcome you to the Atari Jaguar Game Mascots blog.  I am repurposing my "Gadgets with Buttons" blog since apparently technology is moving forward with touch screens and not going back to tactile buttons.   I did see on twitter following my usual Bubsy searches that not only was there a Bubsy mascot costume, but a Zool (and Zooz) mascot costume for game promotions!     And I was thinking how I always wanted to do a blog about Zool.  But Zool has effectively one game. 




Adding to the tactile experience, here is where you can have a device to connect to Android phones. This borrows the screen to play the Gameboy and Gameboy Color games. No Advance games yet that I'm aware of. Still pretty cool.



Adding a Keyboard (and Screen Magnification in a low tech way)

Our story today starts with me using a phone without buttons. Yes, it drives me nuts. What happened was naturally I needed a phone with a good data plan and my phone carrier at the time was all like "no, we don't have a better data plan, sit down, keep using our outdated service and keep sending us money." So I moved networks. And many other people probably did too because they updated their networks after I left. Now you know how this works. I've been through three phone carriers



The Ultimate File Explorer (2009)

So today I was going to write an article for this blog about generally the tactile feel you simply don't get from a tablet or touch device, and when I pulled up my blog here was this article I started to write. Wow. Yeh the was a phone I really enjoyed there for a bit. Suffice to say I had to move on, but you will see how I did that in the next article. The phone age of java devices was a fun one. I played with a variety of games, a text editor, a bible program, a app that turned yo



Phones with Buttons - Introduction

This blog is about what I like in a portable device. Small, functional, full of buttons for quick access to what I need. And this blog explains how I got to where I am today after trying other form factors and concepts. I have not yet found myself in the current situation where I bought a tablet for a phone. Yes I know that phones can be made of gorilla glass but all too often people have cracked screens. Fragile nature aside the phones tend to be what you carry with you, most of the



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