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Cruiz'in eBay - The Bubsy iron on T-Shirt transfer - December 2023



Here we are the day before leaving 2023, and things in the Bubsy-verse have been quite interesting.  Chatter continues on the Bubsy Officious Discord Server and new Atari continues to hint at further Bubsy games after buying the Accolade titles.   At the very least the execs seem to remember Bubsy well.




In all this we lost our good friend Michael Berlyn, creator of Bubsy, back in April.  His humor and comments are missed.  Ultimately I feel among his many projects, we the fans helped show him how much his creation of Bubsy as a character is appreciated.

ScreenShot2023-12-31at4_11_47PM.png.91fdc1eab58e4c4e4072e3128e7690b6.png(by Sponge Fox)

Earlier this year we witnessed Bubsy Fractured Furry tales as the game was explored with mapping and more short cuts found.  And we also saw hacks of the game maps, and replacement of the music.  And on the "Bubsy Opinions" thread we even got some input from Andrew Seed, the programmer of Bubsy: Fractured Furry Tales.  If you look on that thread there is a version of the game that opened up a hack to the lost room on the sixth level.


Earlier this year in April there was an interview with Bubsy Fractured Furry Tales producer, Faran Thomason.   We see Faran on some of the Atari forum on Facebook and other places.


In the Bubsy merchandise we caught a sighting of a long sleeve version the Bubsy 1 shirt.  And we caught a few more examples of the ever rare Bubsy plush!  And here at the end of the year one of the iron on T-shirt Transfers showed up on ebay:




What are iron on T-Shirt transfers?  Well growing up in the 70s and 80s and into the early 90s there was a promotional item for whatever was being promoted.  I honestly don't remember what my first shirt was to sport a iron on decal.  I did recently find another iron on from a Cheerios cereal box promotion:




You would place this on your T-shirt decal side down, and the heat from the iron when pressed against the wax paper surface would do one of two things: 1) activate the adhesive so the decal would stick to the T-Shirt and 2) release the decal from the wax paper even so that you could peel away the wax paper once the iron on transfer/decal was applied.


When it came to the Cheerio's promotion for the T-shirt image for "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" which you see above from 1978, I honestly can't remember if it came in the cereal box, or if you sent off for the iron on transfer by sending in a certain amount of box tops to a certain address and the cereal company would send a iron on transfer.  Honestly the latter would be a better way to go as not everyone would want a iron on transfer of a movie.  Some might just want to eat their Cheerios in peace.  :P


That brings us to the Bubsy iron on transfer, which I believe came from around 1993 and around the Bubsy: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind game:


So far the Bubsy Fan Blog and friends have not found out how this iron on transfer was distributed.   Currently asking the person this transfer was bought from, so we'll see if they can shed some more light on this.


(and they responded on January 2nd)

"I used to be a store manager at a game stop and it was offered as a pre Purchase promo item if I remember correctly"


Well there we go!



Party on Bubsy fans! See you in 2024!!


-The Bubsy Bobcat Fan Blog!



Originally posted at:




(By Spongefox)




Edited by doctorclu
Added more pictures from Spongefox!

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Here ya go!


It's yours truly performing with Monastat 7 in 1994 and look carefully,  I'm wearing a Bubsy Iron on Shirt!



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Posted (edited)

9 hours ago, GoldLeader said:

Here ya go!


It's yours truly performing with Monastat 7 in 1994 and look carefully,  I'm wearing a Bubsy Iron on Shirt!



Oh that is so cool!!   Do you remember sending off for the iron on transfer?  What do you remember of putting that shirt together?


Also, need the video link!

Edited by doctorclu
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Thanks man!   TBH,  I don't remember any of it!  Short of the fact I had a Bubsy shirt (and maybe ironing it on,  that part sounds right)...The video is a bit embarrassing taken out of context,  Then again we were a goofy grindcore band (Crazy or nonsensical antics, but very strange heavy music with weird parts)...The Japanese Elmer Fudd voice used only in this song intro BTW was going out over the airwaves in  Cincinnati, OH,...We were playing on the radio for this;  I'd been a bit annoyed earlier as they had no effects available for vocals, which sound horrible sometimes straight off the board with no idea of the room ambience and natural reverb which made the "live" sound better,  but we had no time/resources to deal with it so accepted our fate...They didn't go for, or couldn't do my idea which was to at least set one mic in back of the room to mix in a little room ambience...



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