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Looking for American to join Defender of the Crown Project

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Seriously, let's quit with the 'bacon' nonsense, and the bickering nonsense.....


I have to actually work right now, so I can't go over the numbers, but they do make sense.....


Regarding Ms. Pac Man........ if someone makes it, I'll buy it, but I want nothing to do with creating it.


We have Cmart to thanks for this "BACON" mess.....I called for public flogging but he would rather have it in private.


I guess bacon is a new way of putting your fingers in your ears and chanting "lalalalalalalalalalalala" :grin:

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Dave, who said that Keith wouldn't work with me?


If you pay Carl royalties up front, I am sure that he would write Ms. Pac Man for you. I do suggest that you keep a low profile if you do, but I will support you and purchase a copy or two.


You seem a bit confused by my numbers, so let's go over them again.


My printer will not print fewer than 500 boxes....so, even if we only have 300 backers who purchase a physical game tier, we still have to print 500 boxes...


Printing overlays for 300 copies....manuals for 300 copies......stickers....for 300 copies......


So, without going too deeply into my individual costs which I do not want to publically disclose, (500 boxes + 300 manuals + 600 overlays + 300 cart stickers + 300 shells + 300 circuit boards + 1200 screws ) = $8,400 ......which works out to 28 dollars a copy.. (I admitted I made a small error in an earlier thread)


The programming we have decided is $12,500


The labour to assemble boxes, put the game together and shrinkwrap is free......as well as the labour required to write the manual, prepare custom roms etc for tier rewards.


Since the shipping of rewards for backers is not charged to the backers to get their reward to them, the cost of shipping and handling has to be considered part of the tier....


Since we are enlisting the help of an American (the whole point of this thread), the American will assemble product into pre-built boxes, shrinkwrap and mail to the backer. An average of $10 a copy would be required to ship....Americans could probably have their game shipped for approximately 5 dollars, and outside of the country a little more.


Based on 300 copies, the shipping/handling would come to about $3000 .....Kickstarter fees are 10 percent......



300 Copies of Defender of the Crown ..................$8,400

Programming of Defender of the Crown................$12,500

Shipping and Handling...........................................$3,000



Cost per unit based on 300...............................$23,900 / 300 = $80 per unit shipped to backer


So, we require a $24,000 Kickstarter PLUS the 10 % Kickstarter fee.......Our Goal.....$26,400 to produce 300 copies.


These numbers are almost identical to the slightly flawed numbers posted earlier. The final result is the same.


If we get more backers than required, we can easily print more boxes, manuals and overlays to fulfill demand.


If we get more backers than required, we can pour extra money into providing clear shells for BACKER copies ONLY.....and if we can get JLP 5 finished before the game ships, LED lights in each shell.......but these numbers do not include the money for clear shells or LED lights at this time......


Note that none of these numbers include a profit margin, nor payment for assembly or time spent preparing product for shipping.......these numbers are a bare minimum and don't include the shipping costs to get the materials to the American based shipper/handler.....


So, no one is 'lining their pockets' on this title.....

Edited by Games For Your Intellivision
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I really don't think David is serious. He seems pretty determined to derail this Kickstarter, and this is no doubt one of his tactics.

Of course, if he's willing to deposit that money in my PayPal account, I will do it. However, I have promised Willy that I would finish Defender of the Crown if it is successfully funded, so it would have to be AFTER.

I have to add that I think it would be difficult for David to get the materials made anyway. There are plenty of people who would be opposed to doing a title that we have little chance of obtaining an official license for.



Really? Me serious? Who did you go to when you wanted to get paid for DK? I paid you even when I did not have a way to produce it. Everyone is aware that I do what I say I am going to do.


I am not derailing DotC. This is a win-win for you Carl. DotC is a complicated game. Ms. Pac Man would be easy for you to bust out. While Willy is working on the Kickstarter for DotC, you work on Ms. Pac Man.


I hope you do not forget that I released all the 2011/12 titles on my own. I am not worried about getting materials.


Many people were opposed to Donkey Kong Arcade but it got released that way and people were happy with it.


Carl, I am serious.

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We are awaiting official art from Cinemaware......we will run our tiers past them..... Valter is in contact with them.......


I will start writing the 'pitch'....i plan to use the video Voltron did....plus the video of the demo rom, to show what is possible and what has been done....do a background on Valter and Elektronite.......do a background on Arnauld and how far he took the game, and do a bit of a background on Carl and his past programming feats.....Cinemaware is excited about working with Elektronite.......I'm determined to find a way to get this game done.......after the kickstarter is successful....if there is further demand for the game, depending on how much, I will reap some rewards, and plan to give Arnauld some royalties for further copies sold.....but right now, i just want to see if we can raise close to 30 grand to do a licensed Intellivision game.....I think that this kickstarter will gain a fair bit of attention outside the Intellivision fan community. It is going to be interesting......almost as interesting as this thread ;-)


I think that Cinemaware will run the Kickstarter, or offered to do it......I think having it run under their banner would be wise.


We will do the new box with the official art.......and yes, it will probably be pink.....trust me, it will look sharp...... We use an Aqueous coating on our boxes that make them glossy.....


I am hoping to have the kickstarter launch sometime in February 2013...

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So, we require a $24,000 Kickstarter PLUS the 10 % Kickstarter fee.......Our Goal.....$26,400 to produce 300 copies.


Your maths doesn't work out. 10% of $26,400 is $2640 which would leave a final value of $23,760 after fees which is a shortfall of $240. You'll actually need $24,000/0.9=$26,666.67

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Yes, you are correct. I was changing the numbers around and messed up. Regardless....a 260 dollar deficit will not derail the kickstarter. I doubt that my printing and shipping estimates will be 100 percent correct either.....probably rounding up to 27,000 dollars is the proper thing to do considering that i did not factor in shipping the product to the distributor.


We are hoping for a number of digital copy supporters which will not cost anything to provide.

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A kickstarter for Defender of the Crown? Why was one not done for Donkey Kong/DK which is a much more popular title? It is not like Defender of the Crown is even a well known title. Why not do a kickstarter for Ms. Pac Man or Donkey Kong Junior. At least the work on these have all been done by Carl and you will have a larger group of people that would pay for a full time programmer to do this. I am sure Valter can get the license for them.



DK was a deeply developed title.. Defender of C needs long work..

Ms Pac Man and DK Jr have been already discussed with owners but I received a denial for the licence for several complex reasons. Cinemaware instead is really collaborative.


How come Match 5, Paddle Party, and your other releases do not require a kickstarter? Do the programmers not want to get paid? Maybe one of them can do the work on Defender of the Crown.

Valter, maybe you can get the license for Burgertime? We can then do a kickstarter for B2T Arcade! At least this is a popular Inty title.


the developer of match5 did not accepted to work on defender of crown

Burgertime was a data east product (defunct) and this is not so clear to me at the moment who own the copyrights (midway? the latest official release has been done by monkeypawgames..)

Edited by vprette
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Burgertime was a data east product (defunct) and this is not so clear to me at the moment who own the copyrights (midway? the latest official release has been done by monkeypawgames..)


Not sure how accurate it is but according to wikipedia BurgerTime is owned by G-Mode.


"When Data East went bankrupt in 2003, G-Mode bought most of Data East's intellectual properties, including BurgerTime, BurgerTime Deluxe, Super BurgerTime, and Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory."

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