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HSC10 Round 6: Catch-Up & Improve Scores + Kaz Kompo

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Ok folks If you're new or you missed a round or two or like me fancy another two weeks playing Qix :-o well here you go!!! It's the first "Catch-Up and Improve Scores Round" of the season and bring back the hyphen that's what I say :D


so far we've played the folowing games and [bonus games]:

round 5: Hard Hat Mack [Hard Hat Willy]

round 4: Caverns of Mars [Caverns of Mars II]

round 3: Qix [Alternity]

round 2: Pac-Man [Pac-man Arcade] [sir Pacman]

round 1: Jet Boot Jack

1pt for beating your previous score (if you had one), plus points for places improved etc.


We'll also play some games from the Kaz Kompo 2012


I've picked the excellent Asteroids Emulator and Sea Quest for regular HSC points and as a bonus play up to *5* other KK games for just 1pt each. So if you don't want to play much just take Asteroids and Sea Quest OK! and no point bagging in Asteroids, just play to complete each screen!!


Results of the contest are here; and screenshots of all the games are here, use the Translation button for English text. There is a ZIP file here with ALL the XEX/ATRs. Info on Amaurote+ & Plan B on Post #25 The Tables are on Post #42


An opportunity for everyone to get into the HSC record books and to show support the people dedicating their time to creating new programs for the A8 :thumbsup: I'm sure any objective feedback would be appreciated here ;)

We have 3 weeks to play this round so JOIN IN!

Round now closes Mon 29th April 10am BST

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A few quick rounds to get on the board before lunch:



13260 on Asteroids and 47510 on Seaquest. These are two absolutely stellar conversions, many thanks to the coders!



This is my first season in the HSC (except the GACCRR round last year to draw me in) so I hope this isn't a stupid question... Do the catch-up round plays of previous games count for points or is it simply for personal best / bragging rights? I'm hoping to improve at the Hard Hats and I still need to beat the Warrior level of Caverns of Mars. Probably give Qix another go as well... I'm glad this is a 3-week round! :-D

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...This is my first season in the HSC (except the GACCRR round last year to draw me in) so I hope this isn't a stupid question... Do the catch-up round plays of previous games count for points or is it simply for personal best / bragging rights? I'm hoping to improve at the Hard Hats and I still need to beat the Warrior level of Caverns of Mars. Probably give Qix another go as well... I'm glad this is a 3-week round! :-D

You'll earn 1pt for beating your score (if you had one) and 1pt for each place improved / plus bonuses for records smashed etc :)

I'm not understanding why my screenshots are so squished. I'm using the latest version of Altirra. Anyone?

It's the cut backs; hopefully they will effect your scores too :P

Ooh, I best get my Qix score in quick



Here we go :-o :-o :thumbsup: So it's three weeks of Qix then :D

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Asteroids Emulator, that's the name of the game? Strange, but cool game much better than Atari's Asteroids 8 bit game.


and Seaquest on the 8 bit?? Damn, a awesome port of one of the top 5 2600 games IMO. :)



On the subject of Asteroids, there's a cool Van Halen Asteroids flash game.


A short game play video below and there's a thread here on AA that has the link to the game and how to type it in your browser.




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Yes the Kaz Kompo part (games from 2012) has a bonus of up to 5 others of your chosing; Line Runner is on my list as is Amaurote+ :love: See post #1 for the details


Now If you're thinking I'm not posting here as much as usual then you are right! I have a vaid excuse, the only excuse for not playing Atari is... yes working on an Atari project ;) I'm busy with my 130XE and MAC/65 Cart programming my new game for this years abbuc software contest... tons to do but it's going reasonalby well (well apart from it now locks up on the title screen ARGH - but at least I saw the title screen), after so many years of BASIC programming it's kinda strange not having the ready prompt but the code is pouring out and the RAM is getting filled :D



Had a couple of goes of Asteriods Emu 12,590 and played Sea Quest 237,930


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