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Strips, Reference Cards, Manuals, Labels and more! (HQ)


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I believe I can provide a couple of these... I will check in a few minutes.


I am actually fairly disappointed with my manual selections. I swear that I had more AtariSoft than what I have, and none of the Parker Brothers? Yikes!


Anyway, I do have Micro-Tennis. It is a single folded piece of construction-type paper so it will be easy to scan and hopefully OCR. I will post it in a little bit.

Edited by OLD CS1
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I corrected as much of the OCR as I could. I do not know how to change text which Acrobat thinks is fine; maybe someone else can nit-pick it. It is scanned at 600 dpi, color, and does not include the blank back page.


EXCELLENT JOB! It printed up quite nicely!

The original message was modified to reflect your gift.

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I think I have most of these manuals--along with most of the rest of the DataBioTics manuals. . .though not all are good enough to OCR. DBT sometimes shipped really poor copies of the manuals on regular paper when they ran out of the card stock ones. My original copy of Black Hole came with a paper cover page that was blank on the inside. . .I've gotten a better one in the intervening years (I bought the first one from Tenex back in the late 1980s).

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Hey guys, as promised in my other thread I scanned a bunch of the loose registration/reference/addenda/misc material I had. I know some of this has been done already but I didn't have time to look through the whole thread. figured a few more decent scans wouldn't hurt. I even tried to preserve the color of the yellow-y paper.


Filenames should be self-explanetory. Feel free to grab these and repost them up wherever. If you want the jpg images I compiled these pdfs from or the original 300 dpi pngs of anything, just ask!


Hopefully I've done some small amount of good for the community. :)





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Thanks xjas!


Can you imagine what some secretary at Texas Instruments would think if they started getting registration cards from around the world right after Christmas...for the TI-99/4A? It might be a neat joke. ;) At one or two they would probably just just say. "Yeah right.", and throw them away.. but with 30-50 rolling in they might just say, "What the hell?" and news would get around the office.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks xjas!


Can you imagine what some secretary at Texas Instruments would think if they started getting registration cards from around the world right after Christmas...for the TI-99/4A? It might be a neat joke. ;) At one or two they would probably just just say. "Yeah right.", and throw them away.. but with 30-50 rolling in they might just say, "What the hell?" and news would get around the office.


Funny, I was looking at various registration cards I have and was thinking the exact same thing. Maybe even calling the TI-cares line for technical help with a P-code card.


Or contacting TEXNET (now a Paypal-like service) to ask for help in getting my accoustic coupler working to connect to their Information Services.

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Here's a really nice reconstruction of the Myarc XB II Label. I've also been mulling over trying to get some new keyboard strips printed up using the same vinyl we've been using for cartridge labels. I've completely redone several of them to get rid of uneven lines/weird pixelation. Just a thought-let me know if there is any interest.


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I ordered a single sheet of about six different strips last night just to see how they come out. I'll apply some to some blank TI strips to see how they look once I get them (that will allow me to test them for fit and strength as well). They probably won't slide into the keyboard slot very well, as the vinyl has a lot higher friction coefficient than the original strip surface does--and those slots can be pretty tight even with the regular strips.


I started with the P-Code strip you had up, Ciro. The original JPEG scan was nice, but a bit muddy-looking when I blew it up (an artifact of the file type used, not of the work you did (and my thanks to you for putting them up in the first place)). I converted it to a Bitmap, cleaned up all of the color muddiness and straightened the edges of the lines to make them super-crisp (same for the text) and then saved it as a PNG file to minimize compression losses. These look very different from what I started with--it took something very good and made it a little better (I hope). I'll know for sure when I get the strips in at the end of the month. Part of the modifications done added to the margins so that they were wide enough to meet the edge requirements of the sticker-making process--and that was my original reason for looking so closely at them. I'll get the PNG files up here once I've got the results of my tests done--this and the Myarc label I posted (also widened for label printing based on the feedback from Gazoo/OLD CS1 and their initial label-making experiments) were my initial forays into graphic restorations and enhancements. So far, it looks like the proper strip size is 8.750 inches by 0.500 inches on an oval label to round the corners slightly. The length can actually go as high as 8.781, but that leaves no room for placement error on the strip--and the 31/1000 difference should make it easier to make sure neither end goes over the end of the strip (especially as these can stretch a little if you're not careful).


I also (finally) have the labels for Sabre Wulf on order too--this week I finally had enough of my label modifications done to make the combined order.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my most recent order of labels in today. I did a page of the Myarc XB-II labels in vinyl. For those with the disintegrating originals, an identical vinyl replacement is a good option--and it won't deteriorate like the originals did. I plan to put one onto one of my XB-II carts this weekend (the original label fell off when the glue dried out--I still have it, but I wanted to see what these will look like on a cartridge). I also did some for Neverlander, Arcturus, and Acadiel's 512K compilation cartridge that doesn't need 32K to work. I'll try and get some pictures up later this weekend. I also have a few individual labels for Road Hunter, TI Scramble, and Titanium now, as I wanted to make myself a complete set of Rasmus' cartridges as separate modules.


The keyboard strips came out nice--but they have a bright white background, almost too bright. I'm going to have to try some color adjustment there before I make more of them. I finished a modification of the P-Code strip to make it into a Beige Strip too (not on this machine, so I can't put it up yet). That actually came out very nicely. The strips themselves fit perfectly on the original TI Blank strips, but due to the label-making process, the edges of the label need to be trimmed off to eliminate overhang--and the extra width was necessary to ensure the label was wide enough that the black lines made it to the edge of the keyboard strip. Once trimmed, they fit beautifully.

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