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The two previous ROMs worked fine on real TI gear. I'm at a loss to explain why this one doesn't. I guess I can download the file again and start from the beginning - a bad download? Although the backwrds file works fine in Classic99 but maybe the other one was corrupted during the download.

The two previous ROMs worked fine on real TI gear. I'm at a loss to explain why this one doesn't. I guess I can download the file again and start from the beginning - a bad download? Although the backwrds file works fine in Classic99 but maybe the other one was corrupted during the download.


Just a FYI. I make the file for burning to Rom first, just because it makes more sense to create it in order from beginning to end. The 'backwards' file is PAINSTAKINGLY created from it by cutting and pasting 8k blocks one at a time - 64 times. So if it's done correctly and it works in Classic99, the original file must be correct.



Does anyone know of an easy way to invert a 512k Rom file in 8k chunks?


There should be a way to make a batch file to accomplish the task instead of having to do it manually, which is a major PITA.



Sent ya a PM on at least one way to skin this proverbial 'cat'...

Sent ya a PM on at least one way to skin this proverbial 'cat'...


So I have to write ANOTHER program? ;)


Thanks. :)


Meanwhile, back at the farm...


* Fixed BLASTO, which didn't run apparently from a bad dump, so I used a different version.

* Fixed the Copyright definition, character >0A, which is used in some games.

* Changed the key unit to zero, which the TI INTERN tells me is what is set when a cartridge is selected. Am I correct on this, or should it be something else?





[deleted attachment=340107:Gamecart.zip]

Edited by Gazoo

As near as I can tell, there is some unresolved conflict between my system and the PLCC. It is to the point that some of the menu items load and run fine while other present a blank cyan screen. If the ROM works on other systems, then there is something about mine that it doesn't like.


That depends what else you find in your PM mailbox....



Thank you!


Once the file is built, it's fairly easy to make changes. You just have to remember to make them in both files.


Another bug fixed. GAMES didn't come up on the menu after playing MS PACMAN. Now it does.




[deleted attachment=340119:Gamecart.zip]

Edited by Gazoo

Acadiel had a similar problem for a while with programming the PLCCs. I'm pretty sure he solved it by using a high-quality PLCC socket on his EPROMMER--the $8 to $10 ones from eBay weren't cutting it. Sometimes the load took--and sometimes it didn't. Once it was successfully loaded, he didn't have any further issues. Have you tried one of the other PLCCs I sent as spares? It is also possible you got one with some bad memory cells.

Edited by Ksarul

A check of the Classic99 version produced the following results: All of the games on the menu appear to load (I didn't go beyond getting the title screen or first game screen) EXCEPT WORMATTACK which produces the cyan blank screen and a rather annoying constant loud beep.

A check of the Classic99 version produced the following results: All of the games on the menu appear to load (I didn't go beyond getting the title screen or first game screen) EXCEPT WORMATTACK which produces the cyan blank screen and a rather annoying constant loud beep.


Didn't I just fix that? :-D ;)



Acadiel had a similar problem for a while with programming the PLCCs. I'm pretty sure he solved it by using a high-quality PLCC socket on his EPROMMER--the $8 to $10 ones from eBay weren't cutting it. Sometimes the load took--and sometimes it didn't. Once it was successfully loaded, he didn't have any further issues. Have you tried one of the other PLCCs I sent as spares? It is also possible you got one with some bad memory cells.


Yep. I had to get rid of those cheap Chinese $10 deals and actually spend like $35 for one. I can simply push it in the socket, and the socket around it elevates. When done, push the socket around the chip down, and the chip pops out. Works TONS better. The sockets themselves on the boards, though... I have had flakiness with those periodically as well, but not near as often as the programmer DIP adapter.


Something like this... but mine was a "name brand" one; I just can't find one on eBay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/YAMAICHI-PLCC32-PLCC-32-Pin-To-DIP32-MCU-Adapter-SP32-/280758952140?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item415e89a0cc

Several bugs fixed.


* Parsec has been replaced with a better version from Marc Hull. No more messed up ground graphics. Thanks, Marc!


* Odd characters in Moon Mine fixed.




[deleted attachment=340236:Gamecart.zip]

Edited by Gazoo
  • Like 1

Several bugs fixed.


* Parsec has been replaced with a better version from Marc Hull. No more messed up ground graphics. Thanks, Marc!


* Odd characters in Moon Mine fixed.






Thank Bill, that's where it came from but glad i Could help.

Edited by marc.hull

Another bug fix.


Dig Dug apparently writes to >6002, so the 2nd Rom bank is selected and there was no menu there. Placed a header in bank 2 to throw us back into bank 1 and run the Menu program after quitting Dig Dug. Paddleball data was moved forward >20 bytes to make room for the header and loader adjustments were made for relocated data.


This change should resolve any conflicts with any other bank switched Games with remnants of code that writes to the 2nd bank (>6002).




[deleted attachment=340419:Gamecart.zip]

Edited by Gazoo

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