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How has this not been posted yet? Retro VGS


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I would think more here would like the idea of a new console, I guess if it fails many here will be happy so I guess thats good i guess :| ... Just remember I predict the next Nintendo will have no CD drive, it will kill off Nintendo as a hard ware company and yet Sony and Xbox will do the same and succeed, making the cheapest system at the highest price let to be seen. If this happens, I demand you buy me the next round of beers or coffee soda.


Nintendo's next system, the NX, will almost certainly still support media of some type for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the needs of retailers still demanding some type of physical product. By the time the successors to the PS4 and Xbox One hit, one or the other may very well try to do away with the optical drive, and it may very well be time by then. A lot will depend if the Blu-ray video market continues to underperform. Either way, both companies are well positioned for an all digital future (as are PC and mobile). Nintendo is most of the way there as well, they just need to figure out how to change ownership from a user name+system basis to just a user name basis.


For all its perceived flaws (and we won't know what the REAL flaws are until a final product is out there), the Retro VGS does have a fairly noble mission, and that's to continue the legacy of physical ownership. They could very well be the vinyl of the videogame world, i.e., a niche, but a sustainable niche with strong enthusiast appeal. While I personally don't see a great deal to be optimistic about, I don't fault the core mission.

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I'm sure there would be people interested in that.


I'm also sure they have absolutely no reason whatsoever to provide that to customers so they can make no money.

I think a lot of people would buy it for no other reason than flash cartridge support so it could increase system sales. That "could" make them money, especially if those people that purchase it for flash support end up buying some software down the line, which they very well may if they deliver some decent games (some games may not warrant a system purchase but if you already have the system then why not).

I know the main gripe I hear about the retron 5 (well, except for stolen emulators) is that it does not support flash carts and it's a damn good gripe as I feel it's something they could have done. Just saying

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To deliver the amount of fluff and filler material generated in today's market-driven ecosystems, an all "digital" delivery system is required. Back in the day there was less nonsense material. Material worth putting down on cartridge format. And the amount of older games really never overwhelmed the completest collector or hoarder. Today you'd need a small warehouse or multiple storage sheds to collect it all.


Retailers (and business in general) seem to want the impossible - the benefits of physical goods without the responsibility of handling them. At the same time, console makers want to make a console "go obsolete" at will, whenever their balance sheet says so. And what better way to do this than by "digital" content delivery.


And nobody buys physical videogame stuff today, aside from the classic stuff, with the intent of collecting. It's nigh impossible to collect smartphone games and tablet games. Either the download will stop working, or the tablet will break taking it all with it. And you can't easily transfer games from one tablet to the next. There's complex signing, or lack of transport medium. And it's all geared toward individual consumption.


The consumer has spoken, and they want their technology monetized into a service. Sigh..

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What would the point be? I get the engineering goal of making an FPGA Jag, but what would the point of having the RVGS support a Jag core be? So you can play Jag games that are on carts that have Jag shells, but not Jaguar internals on a console that has a Jag shell but different internals? If one wants to play Jag games, why not play them today on the actual Jaguar?


To rid the hardware bugs? but it wouldn't serve any purpose for games that already exist AFAIK....


I would be more interested in the Jaguar 2 remainders being FPGA'd up and then toyed with to see what you can do with it all... though I'm unsure who would even bother programming the thing and since a lot of the more recent Jaguar releases are extremely homebrew, the tougher question is who would be capable of actually pushing it if such a thing were to materialize.

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Nintendo's next system, the NX, will almost certainly still support media of some type for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the needs of retailers still demanding some type of physical product.


Sorry but no, I hope I'm wrong but no. They have a very small retail space when compare Sony and Microsoft, even PC has more game space now. Think of it like this Nintendo space is like the PS Vita, its getting smaller. If you research the way Nintendo dose business you will learn that they want to own the type of physical media there games are on just like the strict rules they imposed on video game companies in the 80's and 90's. From what happened to the Wii U and its poor sales, I don't know if you know but Nintendo is finally letting some games released for mobile games, but for them to do this it was like pulling teeth and still they could not just do this even with Wii U sales bad but they also in there mind had to acquire 10 percent of DeNA’s stock (own part of them with option to buy more if successful). This is a company that is very much hardware but if they feel the trend moving to download media and have more control over it they will stop media support in store. Just look at there comments what they had said when they first released the last cartridge for n64 and small shape Gamecube discs, do you really think they will do a 180 and use bluray, they don't even like CD.

Edited by Draikar
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Sorry my post comes across as snobby and rude, I been reading all day and i'm not the kind of person that can "chew gum and walk" at the same time. Don't know why but Atari jaguar forums seem to bring to worst out of people no matter what topic it is.

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Sorry my post comes across as snobby and rude, I been reading all day and i'm not the kind of person that can "chew gum and walk" at the same time. Don't know why but Atari jaguar forums seem to bring to worst out of people no matter what topic it is.


I'm well aware of what's going on with Nintendo. It doesn't mean they're dropping physical media for the NX, though. Regardless, we'll all know come E3 2016, or possibly sooner, what the deal is.

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Sorry but no, I hope I'm wrong but no. They have a very small retail space when compare Sony and Microsoft, even PC has more game space now. Think of it like this Nintendo space is like the PS Vita, its getting smaller. If you research the way Nintendo dose business you will learn that they want to own the type of physical media there games are on just like the strict rules they imposed on video game companies in the 80's and 90's. From what happened to the Wii U and its poor sales, I don't know if you know but Nintendo is finally letting some games released for mobile games, but for them to do this it was like pulling teeth and still they could not just do this even with Wii U sales bad but they also in there mind had to acquire 10 percent of DeNA’s stock (own part of them with option to buy more if successful). This is a company that is very much hardware but if they feel the trend moving to download media and have more control over it they will stop media support in store. Just look at there comments what they had said when they first released the last cartridge for n64 and small shape Gamecube discs, do you really think they will do a 180 and use bluray, they don't even like CD.


Sorry my post comes across as snobby and rude, I been reading all day and i'm not the kind of person that can "chew gum and walk" at the same time. Don't know why but Atari jaguar forums seem to bring to worst out of people no matter what topic it is.

Not snobby or rude at all. I have my reservations though. Like it or not, physical media is going out the door. The NX will not be backwards compatible with Wii-U because PowerPC architecture is dead practically. Cart based storage / flash is getting cheap enough now that you can easily fit a DVDs worth of info on a 3DS game card.


My prediction is the NX will run on ARM because it will be a fusion of handheld and console gaming. Nintendo could easily make it backwards compatible with the 2DS. If they make it backwards compatible, I could see them using the DS/3DS card slot for physical release of select titles. Add an extra notch to the other side of the game card to make NX-exclusive games incompatible with the 3DS slot. I envision a redesigned slimmer version of the gamepad for tablet-like mobile gaming with buttons. Place it on a dock that charges it and plug in the HDTV for high definition graphics and local multiplayer using Pro controllers. There could be an xL version for 'round the house/console gaming and a lite version for on the go. Sync your save data between units!


This will obviously alienate AAA 3rd party developers designing games for the x86-64 based PS4/Xbone and successors, but there is no way an x86 system will function as a handheld. However, the ARM architecture will make them more attractive to indie studios so all is not lost. Laptops are bulky as hell because power hungry processors and batteries. ARM is almost on par with mobile x86 chipsets and could easily surpass them in terms of power over the next couple years while simultaneously running cooler.


Regardless what anyone says, all current consoles support retail downloads over discs, so I imagine disc drives will begin to be phased out during the 9th generation of video games. I could see them being used for legacy support and special collectors editions of games, then removed in some later cost-cutting hardware revision. Removal of the disc drive will instantly take $50 or more off the cost of the hardware while making it slimmer and lighter. Physical media will be dead with online infrastructure and it will only be a matter of time before the consoles eschewing physical media will become bricks, with customers being unable to "collect" for it once the servers go offline.


:sad: :sad: :sad:

Edited by stardust4ever
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Don't know if this was posted but a news site http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2015/07/24/nintendo-just-filed-a-patent-for-a-bizzare-new-device/ says they have some info. I keep looking in the news for the Retro VGS but there is not much in the news search.


Forbes contributor - nothing more than a blogger basically. Forbes used to be a news site, now it's just a medium through which people share their stuff. There are a few proper journalist who put things out through there and get paid for it, but nothing really gets edited or checked until it starts getting serious hits, then a Forbes producer can tackle it if required.


Basically, if it's on Forbes, it's not "this news agency says..." it's just "sum guy sez".

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Atlantis, I hope to play the neo geo, back in the day they cost about the same as a new JAG and CD. I loved the reviews but few store had them and the price was way more them I could have paid. Sad that they still have high price tags, this Retro system may too be too high, don't ask what some say it may cost, its about the same as a neo geo / jag CD system on ebay. I hope I am wrong on the price..

Lived in my country's capital, so the games were able to track down if you put some effort into it. Got my neo geo console in year 2000 when they were sold at good prices in second hand, and from a guy I bought seven good games for 300 usd. In London I bought two games (one being a mint Windjammers, UK edition, which is a rare item today) and when i got my job in 2010 i bought like 20 games from ebay during two years when the prices hadn't gone up as they have today. I'm done with it, owning 36 games. The prices today is silly, even to me.


Jaguar may has a silly price image to most of yuo guys, but to me moving from Neo they're close to ok, with some few exceptions. Depending on the price on this Retro system, and if there are games more toward the 32-bitness (since I can't stand the 16-bit platformers), I might toss some $$$ at them, we'll see.

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Sorry my post comes across as snobby and rude, I been reading all day and i'm not the kind of person that can "chew gum and walk" at the same time. Don't know why but Atari jaguar forums seem to bring to worst out of people no matter what topic it is.

Fumes + all the masochists whipping their own backs, screaming in pleasure here.

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Just to double-foot my way in here in truly obnoxious fashion, but, this Nintendo NX?


Is this Nintendo, again, delivering a piece of home-console hardware that will not facilitate the interests of 3rd party developers (like the massively missed opportunity with the WiiU vs what every gamer and Nintendo fan on the planet had high hopes for (i.e. a PS4/XBO 'equivalent' that can facilitate both great 3rd Party games and Nintendo's own 1st party masterpieces) and will, once again, be some sort of side-step necessitated by Nintendo's penchant for filling a 'much-needed' gap in the gaming industry, whilst the Nintendo apologists cry "Nintendo doesn't need to/can't afford to compete with Sony & MS" etc...?


Certainly not the tune Nintendo were singing, right up to, and including, the Gamecube, just over a decade ago. It was only when Nintendo self-realised they were outdated, as a company, and went with the motion control gimmick > raw power, that the non-competitive argument vs innovation was put forward. Had the Wii failed horribly, as it most probably should have, saved by pop-culture must-have gadget-of-the-mass-market-moment mentalities, shared the world over (similarly, 'everyone' said that the iPad would fail badly too), I wonder if Nintendo would have 'come back' in proper fashion, or still thrown something like a WiiU out into the market, with a different name, had the Wii not been pseudo-successful (i.e. successful as an in house entertainment device as opposed to a failed gaming console)?


Just for the record, I've always been a Nintendo fan, including the Wii (initially skeptical, but some quality 1st & 3rd party titles won me over), but the WiiU and the 3DS (and I mean the "3D"...S) were just lamentable imo, regardless of how they salvaged the 3DS later as a next gen DS, not 100% reliant on the 3D technology, which is WHY it was called the 3DS in the first place.


Apologies for the rant and... looking at the thread topic, very off-topic! Bah!!

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That looks like something for a bed side, anyway, and not a game console. It reads (to me) like the author just mentioned the NX for some clicks and suggested they're applying a game-like features to their sleep aid.

Could be QOL, could be NX related. But Nintendo as well as other companies have been well known to patent all sorts of ridiculous stuff. Judging by the photo, it looks like an iPod dock.

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WTF, now they are talking about using mini disks??




Great to see all the (mostly) positive discussions about RVGS over here. I wanted to address the cartridge options, of 100 Year Flash vs. Mini Disk. Our problem is for the very large games - pretty much anything over 48MB get's real expensive on 100-Year flash. The larger the game the more of these need to be mounted in the cart - up to 6 of them potentially - http://www.digikey.com/product-detai...FTV-ND/4860124

The mini-disks we are looking at have very long retention time and could store a massive game for low cost. That is why we are considering them. And masked roms at the low volumes we will most certainly start out at are just way out of our price range.

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