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How has this not been posted yet? Retro VGS


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Sorry, on my phone and messed up quoting the above post.


Live would be better, yes, but with the time constraints I was under I was unable to offer that option to them. There is hesitation in the interview from them on many answers so the possibility of a live interview may have been turned down.


I have to edit it because there were connection problems that required repeating of both questions and answers. Also, my pups got loud during some it and that needs to be removed before release.


They did not refuse to answer any of my questions. I told them up front that this won't be a mud slinging situation but the gloves are off.


There are definitely some questions that you will hear were not something they wanted to discuss. There is a bit of agitation from most of the guests at different points in the interview, some disagreement between team members and other minutiae that may be interesting for some listeners. I am not interested in causing trouble, just getting the truth out.


We covered the situation with Kevin, the prototype location, and other tidbits that I have not heard official comment on yet.


There is some stuff that is just not required to be in the interview and will be removed. This is mainly chit chat about unrelated things in the answers.


I conducted this interview along the same lines of my articles. It is not fluff. I am honestly surprised they let me interview them. Probably won't happen again so I had one chance at this and I went for broke with the questions.

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Hopefully it's a good interview and nothing was lost in the conversion to "mp3". What with the segues back and forth between idle chatter and hard questions cut out - that peripheral information is valuable to an investigator.


Either way I look forward to listening.


Don't be a jerk.

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In other searching around to see what's being said elsewhere, neo-geo.com saw this post detailing Kennedy's previous crowd funded project Retro Magazine. Reading that and looking at the Retro Magazine year 2 kickstarter page, it might be a blessing in disguise that RVGS isn't happening for the backers and the team alike. It looks like they began shipping out backer rewards a few weeks ago - 9 and a half months after the campaign ended - and only days before the RVGS was supposed to hit kickstarter itself? That wouldn't have looked good with a new campaign running, to have all that outstanding. It seems like in the 10 months or so they've shipped 3 of the 6 issues of the magazine and one free one (the missing one from the previous campaign?). If the comments section is anything to go by, struggling to manage 1200 backers and their magazines, badges and other trinkets is so difficult to accommodate, well, the neo-geo.com poster puts it best:



They had issues when rolling from year 1 to year 2, and initially people from year 1 didn't get issue #6, but I believe for nearly all it was rectified. That was back in April. Since then, the comments are not that numerous will issues, given 1200 subscriptions. I don't know what the deal is with the swag. It's a nice magazine, and I really enjoy it, and the columnists who write in it.

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Well, I have decided to jump in feet first and develop my first game for this platform:


California Games:Surf Dogs?!




For those who don't know the inspiration for this, go to the show notes page for RGR #79 and jump to 3:40:25 in the podcast mp3 for the ten minutes of flaming spiral glory.



Now, full disclosure, I haven't written any games for about thirty years, and those were some pretty basic text adventures on the Coco, but I do have the game idea and the label art and that is half the battle. I will need to get the rights to use the California Games tag and get up to speed on exactly what an FPGA is and whether there will be one or not, but those are the least of my problems.


I welcome any constructive criticism on this game, like what color the cartridge should be.

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For those who don't know the inspiration for this, go to the show notes page for RGR #79 and jump to 3:40:25 in the podcast mp3 for the ten minutes of flaming spiral glory.

I've never heard that show before (I gather that it's Mike's podcast), so I jumped to 3:40:25 as suggested. But after listening for about five interminable minutes, I believe that this show is in violation of the Geneva Conventions. (EDIT: Okay, that's a bit harsh. It just doesn't sound like my style of humor, so far.)

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Well, I have decided to jump in feet first and develop my first game for this platform:


California Games:Surf Dogs?!


attachicon.gifSurf Dogs.jpg


For those who don't know the inspiration for this, go to the show notes page for RGR #79 and jump to 3:40:25 in the podcast mp3 for the ten minutes of flaming spiral glory.



Now, full disclosure, I haven't written any games for about thirty years, and those were some pretty basic text adventures on the Coco, but I do have the game idea and the label art and that is half the battle. I will need to get the rights to use the California Games tag and get up to speed on exactly what an FPGA is and whether there will be one or not, but those are the least of my problems.


I welcome any constructive criticism on this game, like what color the cartridge should be.



Hi Chuck,


I would like to go ahead and offer my services on this one. I have never made a video game in my life, but I have been collecting games for almost 20 years, have a growing YouTube Channel, and am pretty well-known on the classic gaming forum scene. You could call me a "captain of industry" if by "industry" you mean hanging out on video game forums chatting about games and talking smack.


I would be happy to quit my job and devote myself to SURF DOGS!? full-time for an $80k annual salary, plus full medical benefits, pension, and a 401k (no matching required). I am also going to need you to rent me out some office space here in my home town.


Looking forward to working with you closely on SURF DOGS!? which I think we can agree is going to be the next big thing on the next big thing - the RETRO VGS!





Edited by Jibbajaba
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Chris, this is an interesting offer. I am already being courted by a few of the crowdfunding sites and was thinking of doing a campaign to raise tuition money to learn programming. However, I think it would be wayyy easier if I was just the idea guy and could come up with all the cartridge colors and be in charge of the scope creep. You know, coming back to you every few days with new super ideas to include in the game. I do think we are being way too transparent, though. We should take it to PM so no one has a clue what we are talking about that we have no clue about.

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Yes, Mike was one third of the RGR team up to that moment.


Mike?? ... OOoohhh! You must be talkin' about that cool-cat known as "SoCal"



I was on their YouTube page and they even uploaded a Cinemassacre video and retitled it "MAGFest 2012 AVGN Meets RGR" even though they appear nowhere in the video. What a bunch of fucking hacks.

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Stop Drop and Correct yourself. I am a long time contributor to Magfest and MANY of the arcade games you see in that video are mine from my collection, not to mention starting at about 2:33 in where you see me explaining Computer Space in detail to James, as well as Pong. And you will notice our posters and banners next to our display of quite a few special early Atari games. Not in the video was a ton of footage where we had the backs open to my Pong and Computer Space and he was asking all about the detials of how they worked. Then he went out in the hallway and did his schtick where he got not one fact right though, go figure. I give up about a week of my life trucking in that stuff, then back home and maintenance after use etc. pretty far from hacks.


-Scott Co-Host RetroGaming Roundup

Edited by Pipercub
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Go to 2:33 in and that guy you see with a staff badge and a goatee, that is me, of RGR, speaking with James who is the AVGN which we did for about a half hour, and his crew was very nice as well. Or re-read the post above the part where I explain the same thing. After which I asked, hey man you mind if we share that vid when it goes up and his producer/camera guy replied "you bet".

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You're one to talk? You've been nothing but negative and snide throughout this entire thread, even before there was any real news.


Yes, sorry, I should've been more positive about people asking for $2,000,000 when all they have to show for it are Jaguar cases, an OEM controller and 3D videos. I should be more positive like all the people who are putting them within inches of their IGG goal. I'm such an idiot, thank you for showing me the error of my ways. I'll now go donate $1,000 to the campaign because you've made me realize that positive thoughts can make the RVGS come true.

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Scott's the real deal. He's helped me with so many electronics questions over the past eight years that I probably owe him a damn arcade machine. RGR's responsible for a LOT of firsts in the podcasting world, and if you're used to their sense of humor, you can see such video titles as simply some mild, smart-ass levity. (Also, Scott builds spaceships for a living, and he knows how to kill someone with a wet napkin. I'm not sure how that relates to the topic, but, y'know...it's cool.)

Edited by Chris++
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