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! FlashROM 99 & FinalGROM 99 - Repository

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You guys, it's great to be enthusiastic about converting files for the system, but try to actually convert them fully, not just a quick run-through-the-tool-and-call-it-done. Super Space Acer has three disk support files (two are just the title page, which it will pass if you press fire, but the third is all the sprite definitions) and uses 24k of code. It's not going to fit in 32k as-is. If you'd asked for help I'd have created a version for you that works. ;) That Scudbuster's another example, it was loaded with startup code for non-existent hardware and doesn't include the instructions, although there is plenty of space in the ROM for them. Slow down a bit, ask for help with the tough ones. :)

Tursi .. Thanks, yes please help with Super Space Acer :) ok i always try them on real Ti99 before uploading , this time it went to fast :) :) .....thanks Richard

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mantadoc, on 11 Aug 2016 - 5:04 PM, said:mantadoc, on 11 Aug 2016 - 5:04 PM, said:

Tursi .. Thanks, yes please help with Super Space Acer :) ok i always try them on real Ti99 before uploading , this time it went to fast :) :) .....thanks Richard


This took some effort... there was not only the picture and the sprite data file, but I'd forgotten that the ending was a separate program and it needed the E/A utilities to run. ;) So there was a total of just under 45k of data. I used my VGM packer to get it down enough to fit (because it's much faster to unpack than zip). To deal with the data files, I traced to find out the addresses that loaded each file, and wrote a replacement for DSRLNK that instead unpacked the data from ROM... then injected that into the binary.


Anyway, I have played through the entire game several times, should all be working.




(edit: just updated to the naming convention in use here)


Edited by Tursi
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This took some effort... there was not only the picture and the sprite data file, but I'd forgotten that the ending was a separate program and it needed the E/A utilities to run. ;) So there was a total of just under 45k of data. I used my VGM packer to get it down enough to fit (because it's much faster to unpack than zip). To deal with the data files, I traced to find out the addresses that loaded each file, and wrote a replacement for DSRLNK that instead unpacked the data from ROM... then injected that into the binary.


Anyway, I have played through the entire game several times, should all be working.




(edit: just updated to the naming convention in use here)



Cool. Great job. :thumbsup:


I wish I could pack Sabre Wulf, Road Hunter or Titanium down to 32K, but knowing how tight the memory is packed already I think that would be impossible.

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Cool. Great job. :thumbsup:


I wish I could pack Sabre Wulf, Road Hunter or Titanium down to 32K, but knowing how tight the memory is packed already I think that would be impossible.



Both you and Tursi never cease to amaze and impress. You never know whats impossible though. << CLICK HERE >> to see what Tursi wrote about what it took, you never know, it might give you a new idea or angle to try.


I don't even pretend to fully understand what you guys do, but I am always suitably impressed.

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Both you and Tursi never cease to amaze and impress. You never know whats impossible though. << CLICK HERE >> to see what Tursi wrote about what it took, you never know, it might give you a new idea or angle to try.


I don't even pretend to fully understand what you guys do, but I am always suitably impressed.

Agreed, I just convert what i can find using a program that someone else made, you guys that can modify code and make things work are really incredible.

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Agreed, I just convert what i can find using a program that someone else made, you guys that can modify code and make things work are really incredible.

Hell bro, guys that take the time to use someone else proggie to support the community still beat the lazy SOB's like me, who just sit back and say ...


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Cool. Great job. :thumbsup:


I wish I could pack Sabre Wulf, Road Hunter or Titanium down to 32K, but knowing how tight the memory is packed already I think that would be impossible.


I don't have Road Hunter handy, but a quick test with ZIP (my usual quick test) shows that Titanium is 42k zipped, so too large. Sabrewulf goes down to 26k though, might be able to make it squeeze.

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tried Super Space Acer, and noticed that pressing any key besides those deifned corrupts the screen and crashes. Then I noticed that my disc based copy does the same, (as well as the cartridge built into Classic99.


Is this a bug that exists in the original code?


Also, is there any way to toggle/replace the music with sound effects?....I really do love the graphics & gameplay, but I prefer the sounds of pings, pows and explosions over playing to a musical soundtrack . (of course I can always just hit mute and make my own sound effects a la Chris Rock)

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Sorry, support for Super Space Acer is only available to the one person who ever paid for it. ;)


Interesting though... do you mean on the title page? I was able to reproduce that here, just now. But it hasn't crashed, KSCAN just reverted the VDP registers to turn off bitmap mode. If you press Fire, the game will still begin. :)


Anything's possible, but I'm not going to make that change to this version. I've been working on a remake (though the ColecoVision gets it first), and it has better music and should have some sound effects. I'll try to remember a music toggle as well. A preview is here:




It won't fit in 32k though. ;)

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Can any of you get this game into a 32kb flashrom file. Found it on TI99/4A Gameshelf. Name : Mission Destruct


This program requires the E/A cartiridge. It looks like it is copying the E/A utilities it needs directly from the cartridge GROM. This program would need to have that copy loop disabled and the necessary utilities copied to low RAM before conversion will work.



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Sorry, support for Super Space Acer is only available to the one person who ever paid for it. ;)


Interesting though... do you mean on the title page? I was able to reproduce that here, just now. But it hasn't crashed, KSCAN just reverted the VDP registers to turn off bitmap mode. If you press Fire, the game will still begin. :)


Anything's possible, but I'm not going to make that change to this version. I've been working on a remake (though the ColecoVision gets it first), and it has better music and should have some sound effects. I'll try to remember a music toggle as well. A preview is here:




It won't fit in 32k though. ;)


Ya, it's on the title screen only (sorry), and I assumed it crashed until I found last night that, as you point out, the game does run after the corrupt screen.


I actually watched that you tube video earlier this week, and have to say the ColecoVision version is looking great (cool new ship too!)...considerably faster, and yes the music is a big improvement. I've noticed that when I mute the sound on the 4A version the game seems faster...it's an illusion of course, since my monitor's mute can't possibly a game's speed (unless all those hallucinogens in college had longer lasting effects than I thought).


If we ARE to be blessed with a remake though, mark me down as a paying customer...even if it only ever gets released as an e/a 32k file version,


I'm happy to put my money where my mouth is for a good vertical scrolling space shooter, a category on our machine that is sadly lacking. War Zone II gave us a kick-a$$ Xevious'ish clone (if anyone knows how to reach Quinton Tormanen nowadays, I'd like to send him some $ too), and we've got side scrollers covered, but good (and smooth) vertical shooters are rare on the TI, so an updated Space Acer would be very welcome (and yes please, music toggle and sounds effects would rock!)


So come on folks, let's get some monetary commitments hap'nin here as a post ColecoVision project incentive!!!

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SSA was one of the first "all-in" games I attempted on the TI (as I considered it back in the day). Before it I'd done simple character-based versions of Berzerk and Centipede, which are sadly lost, and Waterville Rescue. So when I started porting it to the ColecoVision, it was a really interesting experience for me to see how my coding habits have changed over the last 25 years. That /was/ the original c99 code, although I don't expect much of it is left anymore. I chronicled some of my adventures in this thread:



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I'm happy to put my money where my mouth is for a good vertical scrolling space shooter, a category on our machine that is sadly lacking. War Zone II gave us a kick-a$$ Xevious'ish clone (if anyone knows how to reach Quinton Tormanen nowadays, I'd like to send him some $ too), and we've got side scrollers covered, but good (and smooth) vertical shooters are rare on the TI, so an updated Space Acer would be very welcome (and yes please, music toggle and sounds effects would rock!)



The game "engine" from Bouncy could be used to make a nice,smooth vertical shooter.

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... (if anyone knows how to reach Quinton Tormanen nowadays...



That would be cool. If he's reached the point in his life where nostalgia for his first computer system has bitten, he would make a great addition to all the other great people here. Hey Rich, do you know how to get a hold of him?

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Yes Bouncy routines (or Road Hunter) would provide some mighty smooth scrolling to a 1941 or Caverns of Mars clone.


Funny. When I was trying to think about what vertical scrollers we had, I thought of Road Hunter but I didn't think of Bouncy...probably because my mind associates scrollers with driving or shmups and bouncy...well it bounces to it's own beat.

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